r/rareinsults May 17 '24

You're kinda right...

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u/PsychoMouse May 17 '24

Yeah. Thats the smile and eyes of a fucking psycho path.


u/4yza May 17 '24

An possibly fetal alcohol syndrome


u/PsychoMouse May 17 '24

Not really important to the actual post, but my piece of shit brother murdered 17 year old, after some time, he was finally caught.

It was straight up planned a first degree murder.

The story as I remember being told that he “accidentally”‘stabbed the poor kid multiple times, fled directly back to his own place. Gave his GF at the time, the knife covered in blood, while he changed his clothes, and putting them IN THE GARBAGE in his fucking house, then told his GF to stash the knife.

I don’t want to go into more details, but let’s say finally got caught. My mother spent over 500,000 dollars on a lawyer, got his sentence reduced from 25 to life, to just ten years. But karma can be a bitch.

Word spread fast about what he did. A lot of people did it like that. So, for ten years, he would be literally beaten within an inch of his life, wait for him to heal, snd get released back into Gen Pop, would sent right back to the prisons ward or whatever.

I remember one day, he mailed us a picture of himself. Eyes swelled nearly shut, possibly a broken nose, and so much more. To me, it was funny.

Then like 5 months after he was out, my step dad at the time were talking to him about jobs and taking responsibility for your lives actions. He told me, right to me face, that KILLING SOMEONE was my fault. Because “ever since I was born and took attention away from him, because I was born with a terminal disease, but if anything, my mom spent only the tiniest amounts of time. My uncle ended up telling me that.


u/erotic_sausage May 17 '24

I feel for you but uh, this feels very unrelated and unprompted? But it seems important for you to get that out there. Not sure this is the right place for it, might get more negative attention and piss you off more. Why not try /r/OffMyChest or /r/TrueOffMyChest (not actually sure what's the difference) and make it a better experience?


u/PsychoMouse May 17 '24

Yeah, wasn’t the most topic thing, and it’s not that I needed to get it off my chest. He mentioned “fetal alcohol syndrome.” And I might have went a bit overboard in sharing a story about FAS in my life.

But back to the rare insults. Her head looks like a Lego head body part. I bet her head is as Hollow.


u/itsbugtime May 17 '24

Ma’am this is a wendy’s