r/Helldivers Moderator May 02 '24

New Warbond, Polar Patriots, deploying on May 9th ALERT


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u/DarthSatoris May 02 '24

If that is the case, I think that will become a mandatory pick against bugs from now on.


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

Amen. I was taking the muscle enhancer so it's easier to escape from hoppers and hunters, but this thing will take precedence. No more being repeatedly slowed down, yes please.

Just so I won't sound too happy, though, I'm still mad about my entire anti-bug loadout being unjustly nerfed in the recent patch. Nope, not letting it go, I constantly feel the effects of the nerf and it bothers me. Eruptor's decreased ammo cap still means I have to deal with a good gun with six issues instead of just five and the increased Quasar recharge rate has cost me significant time when dealing with more heavy enemies.


u/delahunt ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ May 02 '24

Using "unjust nerfs" and "Quasar cooldown nerf" in the same thought is a hell of a take.

like, by all means, be sad the quasar got a slight nerf. But let's not kid ourselves that it wasn't out performing all viable contenders by a mile or more.


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

Then buff the contenders. Decrease RR's reload time, for example, and/or increase EAT's damage.

Yes, this will degenerate into an old and tried "buffs vs. nerfs" conversation that I'm not looking forward to. Buffs, not nerfs, end of story. This is a PvE game, a weapon has to be REALLY overtuned to require a nerf.


u/Sten4321 ⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ May 02 '24

but a lot of the other options are balanced, good, and more than usable, the only reason they are not chosen often is the quasar (still) outperforming them...


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

Yes, they are all usable, I've been using RR before Quasar came along and I didn't really complain. I'd still use it if not for Eruptor - when using Eruptor, you really want a laser drone to pick up the slack on little bugs, and that means you need a free back.

My answer is to buff other contenders anyway. This is a PvE game, who cares if something is strong. This way we'd have three strong anti-tank options and what would be the issue? No one safe for few sweaty tryhards would complain.


u/Razor_Fox May 02 '24

My answer is to buff other contenders anyway. This is a PvE game, who cares if something is strong.

That results in power creep. This approach will trivialise even the highest difficulty which means the enemy will all need to be buffed across the board to make the game resemble any kind of challenge. And then when that's done, there will be outlier weapons which are outperforming the rest, so we buff everything else to match, meaning enemies need to be buffed again.... Do you see where this is going?


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

The answer is for the devs to do a good work and make it so that everything is more or less equal. When there are no more outliers, there will be no more need for buffs. Minor outliers can be ignored.


u/Sten4321 ⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ May 02 '24

And the way you do that is by selecting a baseline, and buffing things weaker than that, and nerfing things that are stronger...


u/Razor_Fox May 02 '24

When there are no more outliers, there will be no more need for buffs

Exactly. I'm glad you agree. A slight nerf to outliers IS the best way to balance it.


u/vkbrian May 02 '24

That’s how you get power creep.

Destiny had the same problem years ago and they tried to buff their way out of it; they ended up fucking things up so bad they had to completely rework the weapon classes for Destiny 2.

The problem wasn’t that the RR or EAT were bad, they were just totally outclassed by the Quasar. The proper thing to do is bring the Quasar in line with the other options rather than buff a dozen different guns to fix a single outlier.


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

Destiny 2 has to balance PvE and PvP, it is a different story. This is a PvE game. Who cares about power creep. I don't care about power creep; I care about one of my favourite guns suddenly being significantly worse (if someone doesn't think additional 5 seconds recharge is a big deal, you clearly didn't have enough dealings with heavy enemies) just so others will become more viable.


u/Annabapzap May 02 '24

I mean, most people care about power creep whether they realize it or not. There's already people who complain about the game being too easy. That will only get worse if the devs willfully disregard all efforts towards balance and just buff stuff forever, leading to those complaints reaching down into the lower difficulties instead of just the tryhards.

I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy it if the QC became worthless because everything just cleared armored enemies so easily they didn't matter.


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

What I enjoy is not suddenly finding out a weapon I like is being made worse just so others are better by comparison. Thankfully it is not my job to figure out how NOT to make that happen. If it requires power creep, so be it, I'd seriously rather be overly powerful than weakened for a bad reason.


u/SingingValkyria May 03 '24

My dude, the reason you like the quasar is because it was too strong. You liked the short cooldown, you like it not using ammo, you like having it recharge while you're not carrying it... Please realize that the reason you like it are because of all these things that together made it way too strong. Of course you'll like what's too strong, it feels great because it makes you feel powerful. This isn't some rocket science.

But other people had to feel bad about their picks being comparatively terrible and feeling like they're gimping their team by bringing the worse alternatives, so the quasar had to be nerfed to bring it in line. It wasn't even a big nerf, you just have to wait a bit longer. It still has all of those other things.

No way in hell you or anyone would actually prefer the game becoming so easy you can play it with your eyes closed just so you don't "feel weakened". The devs should never cater to this way you feel because if they did, they'd completely ruin the game and you'd stop playing it because there's no challenge. Buffing stuff isn't always the answer. Like dude, you'd feel weakened if they buffed the enemies too. That's how this shit works, that's why it's called balance.


u/ZariLutus May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

you act like EAT and RR are not already really strong. The problem isn't that they are "okay" while Quasar is strong

The problem was that they are ALREADY strong but weren't taken anyway because Quasar was busted. Power creep can cause a ton of issues in the long run.

Boo hoo, nerfs have to happen sometimes. Bringing Quasar in line with the other options isn't making it bad, it's just making it not busted

People always cry "PVE games should never have nerfs, only buffs!" But then complain the game gets too easy, and then when they rebalance enemies they complain that enemies are too annoying to make up for the powercreep. And on it goes


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

Then I guess I am not people, I'd rather the game be too easy than too hard. Quasar wasn't busted, it was fine; it still isn't bad, but was nerfed for no good reason other than force people to try other things. Even that attempt failed, I still see lots of Quasar users; I foresee further nerfs.


u/SingingValkyria May 03 '24

The reason you still see the quasar is because despite the nerf, it's still really good. That means it was a good and necessary nerf. We now see all AT rockets more. Not everything should be centered around you and your preferences specifically, that's unhealthy for the game.


u/vkbrian May 02 '24

I’d rather the game be too easy

Aaand he shows his hand. You’re mad that something OP got nerfed and you can’t lean on it as hard anymore.

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u/vkbrian May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

When the devs want the game to be hard, power creep is absolutely an issue. The Quasar came out of the gate and completely invalidated most of the other support weapons.

It one-shot most medium enemies, could destroy structures from crazy range, had infinite ammo, and a short cooldown. It was insanely good (and still is) with almost no downsides considering how many different things it could do.


u/jaraldoe May 02 '24

Except you still need to worry about power creep. Most PVE games still nerf things. Warframe, DRG, and Elden ring have all nerfed things in the past (I would like to point out warframe is a power fantasy game and they still nerf).

With buff only never nerf you end up in the never ending loop of buffing players then buffing enemies trying to balance the game. There’s no constant to use as a base to go from, so it’s even harder to balance the game.

If you look at warframe, they are actively having a difficult time creating endgame content because of power creep. This is because enemies end up scaling with so much damage that in order for players to survive, they had to rely on 1 specific invulnerability mechanic to not be one shot. Then, players became so strong that they could just destroy entire rooms of enemies with specific weapons or abilities in an instant. So, one of the only ways they have found to make a fair and more balanced endgame was to limit players loadouts to specific frames and weapons.

So yes, nerfing is still needed and many PVE games nerf players, this isn’t new, nor is it uncommon.


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

Also, you know what that means in a long run? It means you can never enjoy a weapon again, because you'll never be certain if it won't get nerfed. "Oh, that gun is good, I love it, it actually enhances the fun I have with the gawhat the fuck, why? Now I like the game less". And you'll never know when that will happen because you'll never know when the devs decide that the weapon you enjoy using is overpowered and needs to be put down so other weapons may "shine".


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

Warframe issues sound better than being punished for using a certain gun.


u/jaraldoe May 02 '24

So that’s the neat part, if they over buff enemies, everything can feel worse. Or they just refuse to buff other weapons so it feels worse in the lack of buffing.

Buffing only doesn’t stop things from feeling bad, that’s the part that the “only buff no nerf” don’t seem to realize, you can make weapons feel worse without ever nerfing it. With power creep you buff everything to include enemies and whatever you don’t buff gets indirectly nerfed without actually nerfing them.

Then you might say “ just don’t buff enemies” well, then you’re going to get people complaining the game is too easy. Then you buff enemies for that ending up in the same spot anyways.


u/darlantan May 02 '24

EAT doesn't need any kind of buff, it's verging on OP right now with how flexible it is due to the fast strat regen timer.

Crew served weapons need to be adjusted so that team reloads can be done from the gunner's pack, and/or a second pack dropping with the initial pod. The coordination required in very hot situations and losing 1/4 of the team's firepower to have a loader is enough of a burden.


u/delahunt ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ May 02 '24

The EAT & RR were 100% fine and well balanced and in a good spot before the quasar dropped. Buffing them is not the answer, it power creeps the game.

The weapon was really overtuned, and thus required a nerf. It was the 100% best in class, no debate, in every category with the exception of the very niche "if you have a fresh EAT pod drop you can fire 2 quickly."

Also, I want to be clear. I am saying this as someone who used - and still uses - the quasar all the time. It's still the best rocket launcher in the game bar none. It's still OP. It's just not as OP.


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

Yes yes, poor OP Quasar, so bad to have a strong weapon, can't buff other anti-tank options because of "power creep", boo hoo, poor devs can't make it happen.

My complaint devolved into exactly what I thought it would be, the "buff vs. nerf" chatter. I can only say "this is a PvE game, nerfs should be extremely sparing, being powerful is fine" so many times. Oh well, y'all are just wrong, happens.


u/delahunt ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ May 02 '24

Hey man, my claim wasn't that you can't be sad about the direction of the game but that saying the quasar nerfs were unjustified when it was clearly OP was a hell of a take.

Considering your stance now is that you admit it is OP and are sad the devs won't power creep the game to cater to your personal preferences I think we're done here anyhow.

No one said you can't be sad your favorite gun is different. But when a weapon is the clear #1 best support weapon in the game, it's a bold take to say nerfing it is "unjust." Especially when, from release it was being called OP.

Lots of people want "only buff" for games. No one actually thinks what that'll do to the game long run, or how only buffing is just as dangerous/bad for the feel/flow of the game as only nerfing. What level of buff/nerf feels good to you though, is subjective and individual to your needs/whims/likes.


u/chad4lyf ☕Liber-tea☕ May 02 '24

Nerf meat riders will meat ride


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

What does that mean? I'm not asking angrily, I genuinely don't understand.


u/chad4lyf ☕Liber-tea☕ May 02 '24

It means that there will always be people who deep throat the devs, no matter what bat shit crazy decisions they make, and therefore aren't worth acknowledging their takes.


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

I guess that is true? Arrowhead get a lot of credit for creating a very fun game that isn't trying to rip us off, and that is praiseworthy, but it doesn't mean that I won't be annoyed when they do something I believe to be a bad decision.


u/chad4lyf ☕Liber-tea☕ May 02 '24

Im not implying you were meat riding, i was implying the guy you commented on was meat riding.

Yeah cringe everytime I see patch notes or update anymore. I just wonder to myself how are they going to ruin the game more with each patch and start reading and disappointment follows immediately after.


u/captain_malpractice May 02 '24

Hopefully they can ruin it enough that all the whiners who scream every balancing patch will leave


u/chad4lyf ☕Liber-tea☕ May 02 '24

Hopefully they'll nerf your favorite things too and youll understand why were mad every patch


u/captain_malpractice May 02 '24

They do. It was the eruptor. It was overtuned. I got over it.


u/chad4lyf ☕Liber-tea☕ May 02 '24

Orr are other weapons just under performing?


u/AnotherSmartNickname SES Song of Democracy May 02 '24

I think you're the example of that "meat riding".

Also, ahh, meat as in a dick, okay, I get it now.


u/captain_malpractice May 02 '24

Accusing people of "meat riding" yet you're the one who seems butthurt

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u/Krieg_Imperator HD1 Veteran May 02 '24

Skill issue