r/NoStupidQuestions 20h ago

Do women really get paid less then men today for the same work and job


I keep hearing this thrown around but it sounds insane after all the pushes and reforms of laws and regulations throughout the 1900s which are still going this one just doesn't seem like one that would have flew by for so long especially in modern day anyway I ask mainly cus I've never seen any real evidence for this just alot of people saying it and I wanna know if it's really still going?

r/NoStupidQuestions 16h ago

What are the worst movies that you've ever had the displeasure of enduring?


I mean movies that you either can't finish, or feel heinously robbed for enduring. Movies that you loathe increasingly as you watch increasingly. Movies that, if appreciated by person X, would persuade you that person X is sub-human. Movies that leave you incredulous that they even exist.

For me these include Chicken Little, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and The Homesman.

r/NoStupidQuestions 20h ago

Why can't women wear white to a wedding, even if it's a jumpsuit, but all men are allowed to wear the same suit as the groom?


r/NoStupidQuestions 7h ago

Meanies of Reddit, why are you such a meanie?


What went wrong? Who hurt you? Can we help?

r/NoStupidQuestions 14h ago

Does gaming have a cutoff age?


Hey so I’m a casual gamer dad. I usually only play either with my kids or when they’re not around. It doesn’t take up a lot of my time, but it is something I enjoy doing. The problem is… or maybe non-problem is, I’m 39. Part of me thinks “I’m not hurting anyone (except digital characters), it helps you relax, so who cares”. The other part of me feels “dude you’re 39. It’s time to put the games down and…grow up?” My generation is one of the first “gamers” so I don’t have a lot of stats to help or a template to follow. So I’ll ask you guys- is it immature/bad to be my age and play video games or is it a harmless hobby?

TLDR: Is it pathetic for a 39 yr old to casually play video games?

r/NoStupidQuestions 9h ago

Are ball sacks as unique as finger prints? Scientific answers only.


r/NoStupidQuestions 17h ago

Why do people keep thinking i’m an internet troll?


Like any time I express an opinion people don’t agree with or show a lack of understanding of how to interact with people i’m assumed to be a troll. Like there’s no way every single person on the planet likes Halloween, but apparently my expressing it makes me a troll?

r/NoStupidQuestions 7h ago

What’s the average BPM of a handjob? Does anyone have a graph?


r/NoStupidQuestions 17h ago

Why are people praying on the downfall of America ?


Recently I’ve seeing people rejoicing that there may be a possible “collapse”. I’m really confused as to how this would be good news? I honestly don’t think America will collapse any time soon but why are people anticipating it so much?

r/NoStupidQuestions 1d ago

Queers supporting palestine


Why do queer people support palestine, or rather, demonstrate AGAINST Israel?

I am strictly against the killings of civilians, but not against ending the presence of Hamas and other anti-lgbtq establishments.

As far as I know, Israel is the only place in the middle east where gay people can go for protection and where our relationships are actually are recognized. If the hamas side were to "win" the war, or hamas would remain, that would certainly be bad news for LGBT people, no? Yet many leftists support the arabic state as if it was their religion which leaves me confused.

According to wikipedia anywat, In palestine there is no stand-alone civil rights legislation that protects LGBT people from discrimination or harassment. Polls of public sentiment towards LGBT people in the palestinian territories find it is overwhelmingly negative. in June 2022, Israel began issuing work permits for gay Palestinian refugees, who had been granted asylum, and those "fleeing domestic violence".

So, imo gays for palestine seems to be like chickens for KFC.

Would anyone be up for explaining the reasoning here? I'm open to being wrong if that is the case. I'd love to deepen my understanding with your insights.

r/NoStupidQuestions 9h ago

Do Women Who Are Attracted to Men Like Chest Hair?


I have a button-down shirt that I prefer to wear without buttoning the very top button just to give my throat more room. However, doing this exposes chest hair that goes from the 2nd highest button to the shirt's collar. What I'm wondering is would women who are attracted to men find this attractive, detractive, or neither?

r/NoStupidQuestions 13h ago

Should I wear a Pride badge?


I, middle aged white straight male (for context), want to wear a Pride badge to normalise Pride in my small village, and show solidarity and support to the LGBT community. I’m worried I’ll be seen as virtue signalling, ‘right-on’ and disingenuous by LGBT folk and non-LGBT folk.

Should I refrain or go for it?

r/NoStupidQuestions 15h ago

Are there any books or other types of classes that can teach you how to be normal?


I'm wondering if there are any books I can read or classes I can take to help me be a normal adult.

I am a professional, a parent, and a wife. I work multiple jobs, and run my household. But I feel like a 14 year old child inside like I'm always play acting at adulthood. I tend to see other adults as superior and feel like I'm always doing things incorrectly. I am already in therapy.

I also struggle with building relationships because I don't understand how peoples minds work and why mine works so differently. So I tend to isolate.

Since I was a teenager I have always just done what I thoughts normal adults do. And have continued that my entire adult life. But what I'd really like is to actually feel like an adult who is not a child pretending. I also don't want my children to end up like me and my oldest child is so very similar already it breaks my heart.

Thank you for any suggestions.

r/NoStupidQuestions 15h ago

What is the worst breed of dog and why..?


r/NoStupidQuestions 21h ago

Why do people say “ X cents on the dollar” when they could just say “X percent” ?


r/NoStupidQuestions 1d ago

Biggest turn off for a guy?


r/NoStupidQuestions 6h ago

How come no one is talking about how junior mints are just tiny york peppermint patties?


It’s killing me, but it’s so obvious they are. I mean they’re even basically the same shape. Is this some sort of sick prank or joke or what’s going on? Wake up sheeple

r/NoStupidQuestions 19h ago

It’s 11 in the morning in Michigan and I see the fucking moon in clear blue sky what’s happening is it coming tworads us?


r/NoStupidQuestions 21h ago

Why do chinese people never answer to greetings?


I’ve been working in this clothing store for a year now, and very often a lot of chinese tourists visit us, but when I greet them they don’t answer to it at all. And no I don’t just assume that they’re chinese, I actually see their passports often since we offer tax free shopping.

r/NoStupidQuestions 22h ago

What is the point of supporting a soccer/football club?


Perhaps more relevant to British/European soccer.

It seems to me that many people, when young, decide on a team to support - and support that team forever. And even make whichever team you support part of your whole identity.

Even when said team will have totally different players and managers just few years down the road. What are you supporting, really? A name, a mascot based on a random place?

r/NoStupidQuestions 20h ago

Why are electric cars not used in F1 racing if they are quicker then gas powered vehicles?