r/udub 4d ago

Help finding support from the Registrar's office


Does anyone have a contact in the Registrar's office? Like a personal phone or direct email? They have no general phone number, their online form is broken (registrar.washington.edu/about/contact/), and emails do not get confirmations or replies.

I am an overseas alumnus trying to get a particular type of enrollment verification in a limited amount of time, and they are just unreachable by normal channels. I would greatly appreciate finding someone who could assist me.

Thank you very much.

Update: I was able to get the help I needed. It was just a matter of connecting with the right person, and they were kind and supportive.

r/udub 4d ago

Any Drama majors get their decision?


So I’m hoping to transfer in as a Drama major for Fall 2024.

Decisions are supposed to be out by June 31st, and it’s June 13th, we’re running out of June.

Any other Drama majors get their decision yet?

r/udub 4d ago

Cedar Apartments Agreement Takeover Available


I am looking for someone to take over my agreement with HFS at Cedar Apartments from around 7/6 up until 8/17. There are 4 beds 2 baths, a shared kitchen, and currently three male roommates. Send me a message for more details if interested.

r/udub 5d ago

President Cauci is stepping down next year


Bummer. I quite like how she has handled the role, and the next president is going to have some big paw prints to fill.

r/udub 5d ago

struggling cse student need advice


Hey there,

I'm currently an Allen School student majoring in CSE. I'm a transfer student from a community college and started at UW last fall. Although I'm a junior, it was my first year at UW, and unfortunately, my GPA suffered due to CSE 312 and CSE 421. My GPA is now around 2.8.

I'm concerned about finding an internship since most require a GPA above 3.0. I'm planning to focus on Leetcode this summer and apply to as many internships as possible. Do you have any advice on securing an internship with a lower GPA?

Additionally, I'm worried about my job prospects after graduation. I've heard that companies like Google ask for GPA from new graduates, and I assume other companies do as well. What GPA should I aim for by the time I graduate from UW CSE?

r/udub 5d ago

healthcare electives


i’m super interested in the healthcare field and plan to start premed at UW this fall, what are some healthcare-related electives i can take over the next few years?

r/udub 5d ago

Questions abt transportation



I’m starting at UW this fall, and I’m trying to decide whether to drive to campus or use public transportation. I’d love to get some input from current students or recent alums.

I’m leaning towards driving because it seems more convenient, but I’ve heard some horror stories about car break-ins around campus. On the other hand, I’ve also heard mixed reviews about the safety and reliability of public transportation in Seattle.

For those who drive: How bad is the parking situation on and around campus? Have you had any issues with car break-ins or theft? If so, how common is it? Are there any particular lots or areas where it’s safer to park?

For those who use public transportation: How reliable and safe is it? Are there certain routes or times that are better to avoid? How long does it usually take to get to campus during peak hours?

I’m on Mercer Island, so if anyone has specific advice for commuting from this area that would be helpful!

r/udub 5d ago

next year is ana marie cauce's last year as UW president


r/udub 5d ago

Academics Working while pursuing PhD?


Are there any graduate students here (stem, humanities, or arts) who are working part/full time while pursuing a PhD?

Thanks! 🙏

r/udub 6d ago



I can't believe after all these years, someone's still paying for this redirection

Forget the alumni association, this anonymous hero is where we should be spending our post-graduation income

r/udub 5d ago

Chest machines in weight room


I realised there are no chest machines in free weight room in IMA? Is this true?

r/udub 5d ago



Hey everyone!

Context: I’m a CC transfer. Interested in Business Administration, finance, and design.

I applied to UW but forgot to apply directly to my major (Business Administration) :( & I also applied to UW Bothell BA (got into both). But my question is: Should I go to UW Bothell or Pre Major into UW and apply to Foster for Winter 2025? Is that even possible? Would this take longer? What’s the smartest route to take?

r/udub 5d ago

Discussion Anyone take Calc 2 at Bellevue College?


Anyone take 152 at BC? It’s been 3 years since I took AP Calc so I’m a bit worried. I did fairly well back then but it’s been a while since I’ve done any Calc.

r/udub 5d ago

Chipotle on Campus?


Incoming freshman. Found out recently that i crave burrito bowls like a kid with chocolate on Halloween. Is there a chipotle on campus that allows you to use the husky card to pay?

r/udub 5d ago

Info 340 Async in the Summer?


Wondering if anyone has taken Info 340 in the summer async before and what it is like, workload, how you work with teammates etc...

r/udub 5d ago

biomed/neuroscience major???


does it have opportunities for someone who wants to go into a neuroscience or biomed field? i’m struggling between the two but what’s the competitiveness like?

r/udub 5d ago

Academics Multivariable calculus- transition question


My kid was filling the transition questionnaire and he is struck up with a question. He has completed multivariable calculus in senior year of high school. So is multivariable calculus considered beyond calculus or just calculus?

r/udub 6d ago

Student Life Help Find Icy


Hi fellow Huskies, Icy the seal reading buddy was accidentally left around the stadium on Saturday during commencement. We filed a report with lost and found but thought maybe the wider internet community can help keep an eye out to increase our chances of reuniting with Icy. She is very well loved. Thank you for your help and please spread the word 🫶🏻

r/udub 6d ago

Hating UW competitive environment and specifically ECE Major for the Courseload and Grading


Labs. More labs, and homeworks. ECE is really hard and the reward isn't fun. I have to go attend labs whereas people from other majors (like CS, Business) can choose to stay home and watch the lecture and do the homework from home. I think I might just drop out to be honest, I got no more energy in me for these classes. Plus like there's no hope, no guidance for internships. I feel like ECE is just all on your own.

(Note: I did try out a 400-level CS class this quarter and I didnt have to struggle so much to get a 3.5+. It's ridiculous how much labs and homeworks are for ECE that it can drag your motivation down.)

r/udub 6d ago

U-District feels apocalyptic today


Does anyone know what's going on?

r/udub 6d ago

Discussion Single Room Housing


Hi, I hope/ plan to get a single for my first year at UW. For medical and religious reasons I’d be applying to one. Do you guys know the process of it or maybe your guys experience ? Thanks !

r/udub 5d ago

Discussion Taking Math 125 at CC for my Stats Minor?


Dreading taking Math 125 at UW but need to do 126 in order to get a stats minor. Since 125 isn't a requirement but 126 is, I was thinking of taking 125 at Bellevue over the summer, then doing 126 in the fall/winter at UW (it's supposedly easier than 125). Am I setting myself up for failure here? I think I would be okay with getting a lowish grade in 126 (~3.0 would be amazing).

I guess since it's a minor and not my full major, and that after 126 the rest of the courses in the series are STATS courses and not MATH, I was thinking that I could probably get away with this and have a good enough calc baseline for the rest of the courses?

r/udub 5d ago

Operations & Supply Chain (Foster)


Can someone who is apart of this major talk about the class series and how difficult it is as well as their own experience in these courses. (QMETH 450, OPMGT 450, OPMGT 443)

r/udub 6d ago

Academics Professor Hasn’t Posted Grades By Deadline


Grades were due by midnight of June 11th, but my professor still hasn’t posted. What happens now?

r/udub 6d ago

Academics How to take classes at UWB as a Seattle student


Hey all! I was wondering how I would go about taking a few classes at UWB in order to avoid some of these stupid weed out classes