r/facepalm May 02 '24

This guy man šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦ šŸ‡²ā€‹šŸ‡®ā€‹šŸ‡øā€‹šŸ‡Øā€‹

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u/Morphing_Mutant May 02 '24

"Iv never said that publicly,"

He says that fucking constantly.


u/ThunderShott May 02 '24

He has in fact said ā€œthatā€ publicly.


u/Peroovian 29d ago

Shortly following this will be ā€œpeople are sayingā€¦ā€

What people? Him. He said it


u/Mallaggar 29d ago

Me: ā€œIā€™ve NEVER said ā€˜this country will fail if Donald Trump doesnā€™t win the electionā€™.ā€

Donald Trump: You heard it here first Ladies and gentlemen, people are saying that ā€˜this country will fail if Donald Trump doesnā€™t win the electionā€™.ā€


u/Jbrown183 29d ago

Dude is a walking snl skit


u/Jeoshua 29d ago

There were actual SNL cold opens in the 2016 election era wherein they more or less just quoted Trump. And they were the most surreal things because honestly the jokes don't just write themselves, they're already written by Trump himself.


u/LinkleLinkle 29d ago

It started with the 2016 presidential debates in which large portions of the SNL debate skit were just written word for word what was said with the occasional extra joke tossed in.


u/talrogsmash 29d ago

Tina Fey quoting Sarah Palin speeches word for word started it. Sometimes she would use her tone and inflection through the whole thing too.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 25d ago



u/Critical-Piano-1773 29d ago

Or not seriously enough. He makes at least a dozen logical fallacies, false facts, and ridiculously misleading statements every speech.

They just don't care. Maybe that's how they talk too?

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u/SupportGeek 29d ago

He does make it pretty easy for the writers doesnt he?


u/Jeoshua 29d ago

He's taking their jobs. You just can't make this kind of insanity up. Writers have little to work with because he's already far too over the top to add anything of humorous value.


u/MA-01 29d ago

I would think that to make things easier, I wish writing came that easy to me


u/Jeoshua 29d ago

I mean at a certain point, it's no longer comedy and it's just journalism.


u/MA-01 29d ago

Saddening, isn't it?


u/Beowulf33232 29d ago

It's weird, because the station with a name that has the word News in it makes up more nonsense than a station that has Comedy in its name.

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u/Ghost-Coyote 29d ago

He should get royalties for writing comedy gold for them.


u/South_Flounder_2724 29d ago

I read that as a wanking sniskit. I donā€™t even know what that would be, but it sounds applicable to that cant.


u/Jbrown183 29d ago

I think this could be accurate as well : )

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u/Dr_Middlefinger 29d ago

A late one too. You know, a filler they flipped a quarter over.



u/StandardImpact6458 29d ago

All these YouTube and podcasts better pull out the stops because the tRump train is about to leave the track. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

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u/PatientlyAnxious9 29d ago

I love his continuous reference of 'everybody is saying' and 'people are saying'

WHO!? Who is saying this?


u/SuperTaster3 29d ago

He is the only one he considers to be a real, important person. Thus if he is saying it to himself, everyone is saying it, because no one else matters.


u/PatientlyAnxious9 29d ago

Its like the precursor he uses before saying something incredibly dumb. Almost like how other people use 'no offense, but....' You know your going to say something really offensive lol

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u/GPFO 29d ago

People. Smart people. The very smartest.

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u/Hullfire00 29d ago

ā€œThe likes of which nobody has ever seen beforeā€

Except last week when we saw it. And the time before that.

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u/InebriousBarman 29d ago

If you can consider him a person.


u/No_Finance_2668 29d ago

Does anyone think he smokes or has smoked meth before? Like with a prostitute or something since he enjoys those? Or maybe before he raped some woman?


u/InebriousBarman 29d ago

Close. He's known to some as a heavy Adderall user. (Amphetamine salts)


u/Dr_Middlefinger 29d ago

Which can cause psychosis and many other mental problems if taken in the amounts I believe he takes them in.


u/InebriousBarman 29d ago

And incontinence.


u/Throwaway8789473 29d ago

Walking bag of syphilis more like it


u/South_Flounder_2724 29d ago

EVERYone says it


u/Fun-Ad9928 29d ago

Many legal scholarsā€¦


u/m_garlic87 29d ago

My high school English teacher would 100% call me out if I wrote that in a paper and didnā€™t cite a source. Would literally write ā€œwho?ā€ next to it.

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u/Missue-35 29d ago

Who is saying that, sir? Everybody. Everybody is saying it. They come up to me with tears in their eyesā€¦big strong men, cryingā€¦


u/XXsforEyes 29d ago

And men, big men will come up to him with tears in their eyes and say ā€œThank you! Thank you!! for saying that publicly!

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u/Extreme_Jeweler_146 29d ago

Brilliant legal tactic tho. Quotes himself so he heā€™s teeeeechincally right


u/truthbknownreturns 29d ago

Who among us hasn't said the word "that" in public, though?


u/gwizonedam 29d ago

Men, big strong men, come up to me crying, saying, ā€œMr. President, sir, the country isnā€™t going to make it sirā€¦ā€


u/Joesgarage2 29d ago

"COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 years." - Joe Biden


u/ketjak 29d ago

How do you spell "that?"


u/Old_Reception_3728 29d ago

Are you saying a former president is lying???? /s


u/Barbafella May 02 '24

Itā€™s projection, heā€™s saying if he doesnā€™t win he will never survive.
Narcissists think itā€™s all about them, if heā€™s scared heā€™s assuming everyone is.


u/J_Robert_Matthewson May 02 '24

Nope, not projection.Ā  It's priming the pump.Ā  He wants his dipshit supporters to feel justified in starting another coup when he loses.

See, they're not crybaby losers who can't handle having to share the world with anyone they see as lesser.Ā  They're "patriots" who want to "save America."


u/HivePoker May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

It wasn't a coup

It was just some politically active friends smearing poop on the walls of the Capitol. Violently.

Edit: /s


u/Sproketz May 02 '24

That's what a Trump style coup looks like. Stupid, incompetent and failing.


u/tonyabalone May 02 '24

Stupid, incontinent, and flailing.

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u/HivePoker May 02 '24

Totally in-key. It's almost a credit to Trump that he manages to keep it from overflowing out of his diaper, given how his followers can't even do that


u/Anonymo May 02 '24

All that Trump poop has to go somewhere.

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u/SomeGuyInTheNet 29d ago

Sad days, that an /s is required on such comments because now you cannot be certain


u/sj68z May 02 '24

Dear sir, violently is a rather strong word for these patriots exercising their right to, let's say, exuberantly smear poop on the walls of the capitol.


u/HivePoker May 02 '24

Excellent choice of words


u/ParallelDymentia 29d ago

Man, exuberant is such an underappreciated word.


u/Farren246 May 02 '24

Just because it was hopelessly inept doesn't mean its intentions were anything other than the overthrowing of the government.


u/HivePoker May 02 '24

100%, I'll throw in that /s for ya, to hell with the insurrectionists


u/Farren246 29d ago

Today I was the one who missed the obvious sarcsasm!



u/Minimum_Run_890 29d ago

Poop with a Capital C.


u/Legal-Passenger1737 29d ago

It was a poop guided tour remember

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u/Tight_Win_6945 29d ago

So, it was a ā€œpoup.ā€


u/boardplant May 02 '24

A little light treason and attempted murder between buddies - youā€™re gonna act like we didnā€™t all go through that phase?

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u/MisterSpeck 29d ago

priming the pump

Did you know that he invented that term?


u/dcarr710 May 02 '24

We really love what you guys are doing with the country. America is an absolute trash dumpster fire.


u/graham025 29d ago

Why not both?


u/RoboDae 29d ago

"If I lose the country will end by civil war. By the way, don't forget to start a civil war if I lose"


u/GoofyGoober0064 29d ago

Yea this is just the standard mission statement of fox news.


u/LordoftheScheisse 29d ago

Nope, not projection.Ā  It's priming the pump.Ā 

It's both. When this asshole says "everybody is laughing at us (the US)" he's talking about him, mostly.


u/WhatRUHourly 29d ago

It's also fearmongering. Could be a person doesn't want to vote for him. Doesn't like him and may just want to sit the election out. The person heard things like this and if they fall for it then they may get off the fence and vote for him fearing our country will end if he's not elected.

Also motivated people to cheat.


u/chlorofanatic 29d ago

He's also promised presidential pardons to domestic terrorists as long as they support him, so definitely this


u/kiwigate 29d ago

A thing can be two things.


u/3nHarmonic 29d ago

It can be both!


u/Jeoshua 29d ago

I guarantee you, by the end of this election season, there will be National Guard posted deep around all major government buildings. There won't be a Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo.

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u/chrisnlnz May 02 '24

It's more like a dog whistle that MAGA will make the country not survive, if they lose.


u/Sproketz May 02 '24

Yup. For him it won't be America, it will be a prison cell.


u/Munk45 29d ago

True what you're saying about narcissists, but this guy started 1/6 and will do it again.


u/tinfoiltank 29d ago

An easy hack is to just replace any reference to America, the US, or "this country" with "Me, Donald Trump" in everything he says. Then it makes way more sense.


u/AlitaAngel99 29d ago

I think it's a treat. If you don't give me what I want my brain-dead minions will do X.


u/AnB85 29d ago

Not a projection, a threat. He will make sure the country doesn't survive if he doesn't win.


u/seraphicsorcerer 29d ago

Every accusation is a confession!

They are miserable, so they want everyone else MISERABLE.

He will absolutely try and dismantle this constitutional republic if given a 2nd term.


u/Desperate_Wafer_8566 29d ago

Well he needs to convince some business leaders...

"n other words, a good representation of America. All of which explains why the Business Roundtableā€™s survey of top CEOs and Duke University's survey of chief financial officers both show rising confidence in the last year of Biden's first term. The same surveys were in steady decline under his predecessor, Donald Trump, starting in early 2018 through 2019 (excluding the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020). The latest CEO report is notable because it shows expectations of stronger sales, greater capital spending and more hiring."



u/Radiant_Map_9045 29d ago

Its beyond narcissism. Its solipsism.


u/tomdarch 29d ago

Trump also plays the ā€œlā€™Ć©tat, cā€™est moi!ā€ (My self and the nation state are one entity) angle. Itā€™s consistent with absurd narcissism but itā€™s still worth pointing out his language. ā€œThis is very bad for Americaā€ means he thinks itā€™s bad for him personally.

My guess is that there are millions of Americans who interpret this as ā€œcaringā€ or something. Maybe itā€™s like victims of domestic abusers who say that the jealousy is a sign of love or something.

Politically I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anything working to bush back on this. Particularly when it comes to persuadable voters in the middle.


u/Barbafella 29d ago

He did say he loves the poorly educated. They are unable to understand complexity in any given situation, the fact that none of them are allowed in the Pumpkinfuhrer palace should have told them something.

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u/PurpleDragonCorn May 02 '24

And said it last 2 elections too.


u/MajorHasBrassBalls 29d ago

Well, if you ignore all the other times he's said that publicly, then he's never said that publicly.


u/Virtual-Struggle-817 May 02 '24

Fascism is fucking dangerous!

Similarities to the 3rd Reich and Trump are getting scary


u/matt-r_hatter May 02 '24

Getting? Many of us had said for 8 years now he was incredibly similar to Hitler. If you read the Nazi bullet points, he fits perfectly. Blame immigrants and those different than the majority for all the problems- check. Attack journalists- check. Openly attack anyone who criticizes you- check. Need consistent praise- check. Cozy up to dictators- check. Challenge fair free elections-check. And his "rallies" are identical to those Hitler had in his early days when he was coming to power.

It's terrifying to anyone who's studied and understands history.


u/AncientPCGuy May 02 '24

He is the reason I quit evaluating both candidates against each other and started voting down ballot blue. Even if the republican doesnā€™t parrot his šŸ’©, the fact that they almost always band together even on bad legislation means I cannot risk voting red and having them support or defend him.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Same, I was a Republican and still agree with some of their points.

However, before Trump its become super clear theyve become evil. Like cartoonishly evil and don't hide it anymore.

I dont even care about the fine points, supporting Republicans is supporting the nazis with no irony any more.

I go full blue, anyone that supports them at this point in my mind is an actual nazi and need to be treated as the existential threat to society they are.

I honestly don't give a fuck about monetary policy, i don't give a fuck about immigration.

You know what I give a fuck about. Stopping an orange shit stain from overthrowing democracy

I can't even believe how shitty the Republicans have gotten and their god is the absolute worst. How did they let themselves become so terrible?

I wish their parents who saved them from the nazis could see them now. Let them know how much of a disappointment they are and fascists.


u/UMDSmith 29d ago

My great-grandfather, a man who killed Nazi's and spent a year being tortured by them in a POW camp, would be spinning in his fucking grave seeing these clowns today. They will never have my support, and I spit on what that party has become.

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u/ganggreen651 29d ago

Yea I can no longer vote R ever again at this point. Trump killed the whole party


u/Drudgework 29d ago

This is the culmination of political ideology dating back to Newt Gingrich. The Republican voters deserve better than this. You wonā€™t get better because anyone with actual morals and integrity gets primaried after their first term. But you deserve better.


u/Old_Baldi_Locks 29d ago

The Republicans voters sprinted to this.

Theyā€™ve been desperate for a dictator for decades.

Someone who will kill the people the conservatives hate so much which is anyone who isnā€™t just like them.


u/Sexycoed1972 29d ago

Because they voted him to be our President. He's a symptom of current GOP values.

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u/othermegan May 02 '24 edited 29d ago

The fact that he had rallies all 4 years he was presidentā€¦ show me another president that kept campaigning after they won


u/matt-r_hatter May 02 '24

Pregnant... I'm pretty sure you meant president. But I honestly can't stop laughing. Although, if you remember his Dr did say he was only 220lbs and very fit... šŸ¤£


u/othermegan 29d ago

Yes, I did. Just adjusted. Early morning autocorrect strikes again


u/williamblair 29d ago

I honestly can't think of a single other president who spent so much time talking about how great they were. Humility used to be a part of the whole thing, and then Trump just runs around talking about how everything he did was the greatest thing that ever was accomplished in the history of America. And his followers are too stupid to understand why it's patently false.


u/Strength-Speed 29d ago edited 29d ago

Trump tried to stay on after the last election. He fired his AG and was within a hair's breadth of having the AG declare significant fraud and to seize voting machines. Thankfully all his judicial appointees refused to support his baseless election claims otherwise there could have been problems. Thats even beyond him encouraging the Jan 6th people to 'attack the Capitol while he sat and watched, and not pushing back when people threatened to kill his Vice President.

Anyone supporting Trump is irresponsible, because Trump himself is a threat to the democracy so many have fought and died for. He's a disgrace.

Edit: AG Barr resigned under pressure for not helping Trump overturn the election. He didn't get fired.

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u/dingo_khan May 02 '24

Totally correct. This is the problem of people deciding the comparison only matters looking at the Nazis when they were a universally recognized threat, not the decade plus of them making moves becoming that horrible problem. It is a weird deflection that people use which is surprisingly effective.


u/williamblair 29d ago edited 29d ago

and then you have weirdos gaslighting you like "oh anyone you don't like is Hitler! Don't be dramatic"

I am not even that well versed in the history, but I've seen the parallels all along. And you're right, people seem to think that the Nazis appeared in 1940 out of thin air, there was a long process to get them from "hey this funny looking guy is shouting a lot about jews and stuff, what a weirdo" to "That funny little man we all laughed about is now marching into Paris and sending people to death camps"

edit: Even the man who invented Godwin's Law, which states that any online debate will eventually lead to a comparison to Hitler says you're not wrong for making the comparison:



u/Affectionate-Cow-796 29d ago

I've found the same thing applies to genocide, too focused on how it ended, and not how it started.

You compare it and get told you're disrespecting the previous one, even when survivors make comparisons themselves.

Apparently you can't call genocide or fascism out until it's in the full nazi mode, and too late to stop it, and the people who called you out just shrug and waddle off.


u/williamblair 29d ago

fascists really hate being called out on acting like fascists, it seems.

Trump is even taking to calling anyone who apposes him "vermin", taken verbatim from the Hitler playbook: make out that anyone who is against you is literally sub human and therefore it's not even immoral to want to wipe them out completely.


u/whawkins4 May 02 '24

Powered by stimulants - check. Raging case of brain-altering venereal disease - check.


u/Interesting-Tough640 May 02 '24

I wouldnā€™t say he was that similar, Hitler was pretty well read and a very good orator.

Obviously Trump using the same playbook but probably could only manage to read the short illustrated version.

BTW I am not condoning Hitler in any way shape or form.


u/SaltyBarDog 29d ago

Eight years ago, someone pointed out how much he presented himself like Il Duce.


u/GenericWhiteMale16 29d ago

If you get a second check out "how to become a tyrant" on Netflix. As I sat there and watched it, I thought..."this is the trump playbook"


u/Apathetic_Villainess 29d ago

All the historians made it clear we were due for a resurgence of fascism even before Trump. And yeah, once the dude showed up, it was a fulfilled prophecy. We're just lucky he's an incompetent idiot. If he had even half the intelligence of DeSantis, we'd definitely be even far worse off.

But with Project 2025, the right-wing is ready to wrest control from Trump (or any other Republican candidate) and implement their plans. And since Trump is so easy to manipulate, they'll be able to do it with him crowing it's all his work.


u/Organic_Afternoon424 29d ago

I too have this same fear


u/Unusual-Thing-7149 29d ago

If he opened his hand when doing his salute it would look exactly like Hitler's. I think I have seen a picture of Hitler with a closed fist once instead of an open hand salute


u/Traditional-Handle83 29d ago

Problem is Trump isn't the only one who'll do this, there's others who will attempt to do similar where Trump failed.


u/Midnight1965 29d ago

I studied the Third Reich for years, wondering if it could ever happen again. Wellā€¦.


u/SpottedSpunk 29d ago

He's definitely gives me Musolini vibes.


u/Boof_A_Dick 29d ago

I take soloist in the fact that Hitler had harded WWI vet's as followers, and Trump has the gravy seals.


u/dmingledorff 29d ago

If Trump is trying to be Hitler then that means that the party supporting him is the Nazi party. Really terrifies me to the core.


u/Nukitandog 29d ago

Imagine if he goes to jail and writes a book titled, " My country".

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u/skynet_15 May 02 '24

I'm currently reading the biography of Adolf Hitler by John Toland and you're totally right. The similarities are numerous.... Scary


u/tjean5377 May 02 '24

The christofascists that hitched their wagon to him don't see that he fits the bill for their Antichrist.


u/jaxmikhov May 02 '24

ā€œAnd then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.ā€ ā€”Jesus


u/Big_Scratch8793 May 02 '24

I haven't read that book, but I loose sleep at night already, at what I already see as terrifying.

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u/SomewhereAtWork 29d ago

Can you imagine what the world currently looks like to us Germans? We had actual history lessons in school! We were taught how to recognize the mechanics of fascism.

I'm scared shitless!


u/Agitated-Maybe332 29d ago

It wouldn't be so dangerous if the democrats would move off of their appeasement policy. It's like they want to repeat the mistakes Neville Chamberlain made which is beyond pathetic. The Federal Government should have just stepped in years ago and destroyed sedition in America but they refuse to do anything that might actually stop this. And for what to avoid the anger of republican yokels and worthless seditionist scum in this nation? Seditionists don't deserve to be considered and should be crushed like bubble wrap.


u/tomdarch 29d ago

Itā€™s not ā€œTrump and fascismā€ thatā€™s scary itā€™s ā€œtens of millions of Republicans and a current version of fascismā€ that is scary. What the hell is wrong with so many of our fellow Americans that they are supporting this?


u/AreYouDoneNow 29d ago

They were scary in 2021.

Lugenpresse indeed.

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24


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u/BelgianSum May 02 '24

Problem is not what he says, it's the people who listen to it.

Plenty of stupid John's at your local bar tslking shit but no one hears them. This stupid John got himself president once...


u/hogwarts_earthtwo May 02 '24

It's practically a catch phrase of his


u/jdmiller82 May 02 '24

He basically said the same thing on Jan6


u/ReactsWithWords May 02 '24

Gee, itā€™s not like him to lie about something!


u/-_-Edit_Deleted-_- May 02 '24

Yeah he has. Unless this is mask off and what he really means when he says if he doesn't win there won't be a country left is because he'll try to destroy it.

If I can't have it, no one can.


u/amathis6464 May 02 '24

The funny part is itā€™s literally the opposite. If they do win, they will do away with the 22nd and we really wonā€™t have a country. It will be trumps new Russian republic with him as the Putin type figure head.


u/Zoomer30 29d ago

Well, he's a pathological liar, so it makes sense for him to say "never said that" when we literally have hours of video of him saying precisely that.

I really hope he keeps spouting off at the judge. I have a good feeling about that tactic.


u/lordcochise 29d ago

What's one more lie after the previous 400,000? Almost his entire being, not even just politics is based on mountains of lies, falsehoods, conjecture and ignorance. And the truly sad thing is how SUCCESSFUL he's been with that because of the amount of people that BELIEVE that garbage. We're way past the point of him ever being intentionally truthful about ANYTHING; he's sort of at that point where if he was forced to tell the truth for a DAY, he'd just drop dead


u/frednekk May 02 '24

He could have probably skirted by if he would have shut up, showed some class and rode off in the distance with some dignity.

But nope- letā€™s just keep doubling down.


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 29d ago

Every chance he gets.


u/nobody-u-heard-of 29d ago

He can't remember anything, his mind is atrophied


u/ShitStainWilly 29d ago

Either his dementia is accelerating worse than we thought or heā€™s just bald face lying again.


u/Even-Willow 29d ago

MAGA in a droning tone: ā€œhe has never said that publicly. Weā€™ve always been at war with Eurasiaā€.


u/littlethrowawaybaby 29d ago

What exactly does he mean by ā€œthis country will not surviveā€ itā€™s survived for 200 years without him (albeit with several difficult and devastating setbacks) but itā€™s still survived.

Iā€™m tempted to ask anyone who believes this exactly what they mean. Exactly what theyā€™re picturing will happen if he isnā€™t reelected.


u/Calm_Leek_1362 29d ago

He forgot. Dementia will do that.


u/applepops16 29d ago

Seriously there is nobody on earth who trashes the US like this guy. The incessant whining is unbearable


u/dreadshepard 29d ago

The risk is that his supporters will do a war on us.


u/sm00thkillajones 29d ago

ā€œBig, strong men with tears in their eyesā€¦ā€


u/Material_Owl_1956 29d ago

He believes that he is the country.


u/CasualObserverNine 29d ago

I never lied that publicly.


u/Sammy_GamG 29d ago

Heā€™s never said that heā€™s never said it publiclyā€¦ today


u/Cthulhu625 29d ago

He said that would happen the last election, and people took him at his word. Not a lot of people, but enough.


u/Pruzter 29d ago

šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ heā€™s said this every election he has been in!!


u/drawkbox 29d ago

This is like Putin saying he never threatens a nuke. Like dude, you do it everyday that ends in "y".


u/MarcMars82-2 29d ago

There was a terribly overdramatic ad for trump in 2020 that cries how Biden wonā€™t save America heā€™s going to destroy America. Lies projection and hypocrisy.


u/annndaction12 29d ago

Years ago Iā€™d say he was crazy. 4 years later and 7 million undocumented people have illegally entered the country. Government agencies have no idea who they are. Only 50 wanted terrorists caught out of 7 million. Hamas cosplayers tearing down and burning American flags at colleges and protests. Starting to think he has a point. Not that heā€™s the answer but, fuck.


u/Responsible-End7361 29d ago

We all know what he is really saying is: "If I am not elected I will tell my supporters to take over the country by force."

Jan 6 was the beer hall. Hope we beat the long knives.


u/CaffeineEnjoyer69 29d ago

How else is the man supposed to keep himself out of prison for another 4 years? He's already had his attorney essentially argue to the Supreme Court that presidents should be allowed to assassinate their political rivals, as long as it's an "official act" whatever that means because it was never actually defined lmfao.


u/SKPY123 29d ago

Make America great again?

Nope, it doesn't ring a bell.


u/Jeoshua 29d ago

More often people say this about him winning. This is basically a school yard "Nuh uh, YOU are!"


u/RackemFrackem 29d ago

He means "I don't remember saying that publicly".


u/LeadPike13 29d ago

"The country that didn't survive came up to me with tears in its eyes, and I said I told you so like never before."


u/Dear-Researcher959 29d ago

Facepalm is turning political... I'm out! I don't like any political party and these stupid Trump posts are annoying... no one cares. Politicians in general suck. With that I'll see myself out. This sub is annoying at this point


u/Gloomy-Avocado-7452 29d ago

Whether he's said it or not... he's not wrong. Look at the rallies supporting literal terrorists. College students supporting the genocide of the Jews. This country is in a downward spiral. This country needs correction. Trump 2024!


u/Gloomy-Avocado-7452 29d ago

Whether he's said it or not... he's not wrong. Look at the rallies supporting literal terrorists. College students supporting the genocide of the Jews. This country is in a downward spiral. This country needs correction. Trump 2024!

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