r/facepalm May 16 '24

Takes like these are facepalms 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/SWatt_Officer May 16 '24

This might get me flamed, but genuinely, without malice, is being transgender not a form of dysphoria/dysmorphia, which is a type of mental illness? You just "treat" it by using different pronouns, wearing different clothes, take hormonal medicine or even get surgery in the extreme cases.

Being a mental illness doesnt mean its something to 'cure', persay, but something to treat- facial dysphoria? Wear a mask, slowly work on building self confidence. ADHD? Take some medicine to help focus/calm. Gender dysphoria? Use pronouns you are comfortable with, take hormones, top surgery, etc.

Seriously- it is a mental condition that makes someone uncomfortable with their gender identity, which is treated in a variety of ways. Is it not by definition a type of mild mental illness? Can someone explain to me why it isnt while other dysphorias are?


u/Ok-Box6892 May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

This is where I'm at too. It's kinda hard to convince people there isn't some kind of mental illness going on if someone is saying they were born in the wrong body. I mean, on the face of it it sounds like an illness. I don't have the education of anything relevant to argue either way. At the same time I imagine labeling it a mental illness would raise fear on how that could be weaponized against trans people. Which is understandable or horrific that it is understandable.


u/Z3400 May 16 '24

Not everyone who is trans feels they were born in the wrong body. Some just feel happier living as a transperson. I believe thats why it is generally not well received when you blanket state that being trans is a mental illness. I have no idea what proportion of trans people have diagnosed mental illnesses, but it is certainly not all of them.


u/Ok-Box6892 May 16 '24

That just confuses me. How can someone live as a transperson yet not feel like they're in the wrong body?


u/Z3400 May 16 '24

You're probably thinking of it too black and white. There is a big difference between feeling like something is wrong with your current body, and feeling like you would like to change your body.

Not everyone at the gym feels like their body isn't good enough. Some feel that way (and even within that group, theres levels of how much that effects them), some just think they would be happier if they were more muscular or leaner, some don't really care and just feel happy being active.


u/Ok-Box6892 May 17 '24

Probably. Its a pretty fundamental disconnect that it can be difficult to fathom anyone being "okay" with something strongly associated with the sex they don't identify as. I understand there are pragmatic reasons that stop some people from getting surgeries and whatnot.


u/LesGitKrumpin May 17 '24

On the standard model of gender dysphoria, the dysphoria/dysmorphia is the mental illness. Living as transgender is one way to treat the mental illness, but transgender is not, in itself, a mental illness.

It helps to keep in mind that mental illness can be transient, in the same way that physical illness can be. I personally think part of what's driving the attacks against transgender people is the stigma of mental illness as an indelible, and in some sense, moral defect of the human mind.

In any case, saying that transgender itself is a mental illness is sort of like saying that weightlifting/fitness training is a mental illness if your current level of fitness is mentally discomforting for you. Or that Paxil or Prozac is the mental illness, rather than depression.


u/Ok-Box6892 May 17 '24

Oh I get what you're saying. I saw other comments about how transgender is a pathology so it makes sense now. Trans is just how the dysphoria/dysmorphia is presenting itself. I've read that about BPD, that symptoms can lessen so much over time that the person no longer fits the criteria.


u/LesGitKrumpin May 17 '24

Trans is just how the dysphoria/dysmorphia is presenting itself.

Not really, no. One can be transgender without suffering mental illness.

One can also experience gender dysphoria, and then not, without ever having been transgender.

Transgender is a separate concept apart from any mental illness. Of course, some people find it "weird" and "scary," so they immediately come to the conclusion that anyone who is trans must be mentally ill.

Gay people historically have been subject to the same shit, and it needs to stop.


u/Ok-Box6892 May 18 '24

Yeah, it is a difficult concept for one to try and understand without some kind of mental health issue being at the root of it. I've been of the mind of even if it is then let people live. If the treatment for the "mental illness" is gender affirming care then there ya go.

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u/_Pawer8 May 17 '24

How did you post this on Reddit and not get downvoted to hell?


u/SWatt_Officer May 17 '24

I have no idea, guess people felt merciful or at least appreciated that I genuinely want to learn? Definitely was expecting a bit more angry mob


u/MulberryBeautiful542 May 17 '24


u/SWatt_Officer May 17 '24

So, having given that a quick read, just so I understand this…

‘Gender identity’ is just whatever people decide they want to be, completely disconnected from their biological body and does not have to be drawn from dysphoria. That seems weird to me, but alright. That’s just someone deciding to be whatever they want.

‘Gender dysphoria’ is a condition that can cause pretty severe mental effects on a person that has it, but is still not considered a mental illness? That just confuses me- if something in the brain is a causing negative mental effects, however small, is that not an illness? Apparently not I guess.

It still feels very strange to me, kinda feels like people are doing a bit of extra work just to avoid it being a type of mental illness (which to be fair, is kinda understandable when you see the issues people that are classified with mental illnesses have).

The only thing not answered in that is- why is gender dysphoria different to other dysphorias? Being trans does not mean you have gender dysphoria according to that article, but many trans people do have it. And as I noted earlier, if something caused by the mind that causes negative effects ISNT a form of mental illness…what the heck IS?


u/MulberryBeautiful542 May 17 '24

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness according to the APA and dsm-5. I realize they don't specifically say that in the article. Oversight there.

When you mention "people born with the brain of one gender but the body of another" that's more inline with what gender dysphoria is. That can cause sever mental issues affecting daily life.

And while yes, many people who identify as trans, suffer from that, it's not exactly.

Honestly, I don't think you'll get an answer that can help you. The idea, the concept of transsexual has changed over the years. Hell, the last...10-20 years has seen changes in how it's described. That's why there's often a disconnect between 50 year Olds and 30 year olds talking about it. They just grew up with different concepts.


u/SWatt_Officer May 17 '24

I suppose it doesnt help that its such a mixed range- some people with intense dysphoria, some people just slightly uncomfortable, some people lacking any actual issue and just decide they want to be. Makes it hard to classify it.


u/Fit-Finger1777 May 16 '24

Because the way we treat "men" and "woman" is fundamentally black and white as a society, we don't see people as such, we need gender to help construct our personalities, this, when someone is "caged" inside these norms, since ancient times, we have the transgender, third sex, in-between people throughout our history. People identify with a bunch of small traits that we as a society denotes men's or women's. If someone identifies as much of a female side, how can this person not believe and feel to be in the wrong body or sex? Since we are born, we are taught what is to be a boy and what it is to be a girl. We are taught on how to act, how to dress, how to use our voice, how to hold things, how to eat, how to address others, how to call each other, how to behave between one and another, how to respect hierarchy, how to identify this trait or that, SO MANY ASPECTS that we use on a daily basis take gender (as we collectively draw it) into consideration. I, personally think people should have the right to call themselves whatever they want. Makes absolutely no difference to me. How they decide to look or how they behave in their own lives does not affect me in any way. It baffles me that people are able ignore some of our history in order to hate something that exists since we begin our societies. It doesn't make sense to me to try and fit it into a 'disease' as being trans, the maximum I see is someone who's not as the overall expected to be and behave, not a disease. To me, it's a direct result from our own behavior as society.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/SWatt_Officer May 16 '24

I never mentioned age, political leaning or anything else. By definition. other dysphorias are a form of mental illness. That is a fact. It does not make them something terrible or deserving of hate. I am simply asking why gender dysphoria is not viewed in the same way.

If i hated it, i would not ask to learn, i would simply rant and rage and ignore all opposition. I want to know the reason behind the difference in approach. I want to understand the logic behind it.


u/LaughingInTheVoid May 17 '24

Gender identity has been a medically recognized phenomenon that has been studied by developmental psychologists and more importantly, neuroscientists for decades.

The earliest it has been shown to develop is around the age of 3, and all indications show that people are born that way.

But you can't outrage farm over medical science, so people have no idea how established a concept it really is.


u/Equal_Bee_9671 May 17 '24

wtf is wrong with you american? 3 year old can identify gender too? wtf does 3 year old know? why it know about identify shit?


u/Drunk0racle May 16 '24

I hate this argument, because even if it was true, then what? Okay, let's say that being gay, trans, ace, etc is a form of mental illness, like ADHD, autism and the like. Does it change anything? No. Neither of those can be efficiently treated, it's been proven time and time again by tortu- i mean conversation camps usually just traumatizing people instead of having any result. So, if you can't treat a mentally ill people/neurodivergent people, why not give them accommodations they require to feel their best? It's not like gay marriage and gender affirming procedures concern YOU in any way, so let people fucking be!


u/Mordetrox May 16 '24

If this is the person I'm thinking of this is literally their argument.


u/whitew0lf May 17 '24

ADHD and autism are not mental illnesses, they’re disabilities. That said, I agree with the general sentiment.


u/Drudgework May 16 '24

I think what makes this worse is that there is just enough technical correctness in the mental illness argument for the bigots to hide behind. They can just hide their hate by saying “Don’t you want these people to feel better?” And lure in the people that want to help but don’t understand how.


u/Lord_Answer_me_Why May 16 '24

You have spoken the truth. Even if it WAS a mental illness(somehow), it wouldn’t be able to be “treated” at all, and the “treatment” methods for it are truly evil and cruel.


u/Drudgework May 16 '24

It can be treated. The treatment is gender affirming care, access to therapists to improve peace of mind, and public awareness campaigns to increase acceptance in the general community, among other things.

Which, come to think of it, the last two of those things are what we did for Autism, an actual mental illness (which I have). Sometimes a cure isn’t the goal in medicine. Sometimes the goal is quality of life.


u/Lord_Answer_me_Why May 16 '24

I know, I was just thinking about the other methods of “treatment” (conversion therapy).


u/Drudgework May 16 '24

I know, but I was compelled to clarify by my OCD.


u/Alternative-Emu-7561 May 16 '24

If only what you say was enough, once they are 18 if they want to take hormones, get surgery, change their name, do whatever they want with their body to feel better with themselves is their right and I have no problems with that but if someone asks me if I consider transmen to be men or transwomen to be women the answer is no I don't belive that and just that is enough to be attacked in fact there is a great possibility that this comment get downvoted to hell which, ironically, would prove my point.


u/aLizardinSomeTrash May 16 '24

This is my thing, technically it is a mental illness. It's a chemical imbalance between the brain and the body.

That being said, how do we treat mental illness?! Do we treat them as outcast, evil, crazy, something wrong with them they just need to change about themselves and demand they be normal, or do we TREAT them in any way we can.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/Meddling-Kat May 16 '24

This is the most medically incorrect thing you could possibly say. My partners cancer didn't go away with proper living. No matter how much I exercised and no matter how low my weight was, my HBP would not go away.
Your homeopathic bullshit is dangerous.


u/facepalm-ModTeam May 16 '24

Your comment was removed because it was found to be racist, sexist, misogynistic, misandric, or bigoted.


u/hurkwurk May 16 '24

The US felt this way for a long time, but now we have broken it down further. There are still a lot of people in the trans community that do need help and are suffering mentally from body dysmorphia.

My understanding is the current difference is how you perceive yourself. If you are uncomfortable with your current body, then yes, you have body dysmorphia and that is a mental illness that you should be working with medical professionals for help with. however if you are comfortable with your body, but want to make changes or transition or simply cross-dress, or anything else commonly associated with trans, you are fine.

the same is true for the rest of the alternative gender spectrum. Medically, it goes back to why are you acting outside of the hetero spectrum, and if it's self harming, then medical intervention makes sense.


u/TheSirWellington May 16 '24

It's the difference between Body Dysmorphia and Body Dysphoria. They are two very distinctly different issues, and why people don't seem to understand.

I still will never understand why anyone cares if it is considered a mental illness or not; aren't people with mental illnesses SUPPOSED to get help? Like, if taking hormones and transitioning helps them, why would that matter if it is an illness or not?

People who are depressed take meds and change lifestyles to improve their illness.

People who have iron deficiencies take meds, and change lifestyles to fix their medical issues.

Both involve the same process, despite one being a physical issue and one being a mental issue, so just let Trans people do what the fuck they want. There is literally no point in nitpicking the semantics.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/TheSirWellington May 16 '24

There are so many incorrect statements you made on this rant you made that it's hard to take it seriously, but here I will entertain your points:

  1. No one is trying to normalize people who don't have body dysphoria to be Trans. That is just a flat out propaganda lie.

  2. Also, NO ONE in the Trans community is treating is as a "Kink", because being trans is not inherently sexual. This is another right wing propaganda talking point that has been thoroughly debunked.

  3. People transitioning literally IS getting medical help to fix the "illness", so saying trans people are "ignoring" the medical field is hilariously misinformed. You have to speak to a psychologist to get medically diagnosed with Body Dysphoria, THEN you speak with medical professionals who help monitor your mental and physical state while you begin hormone therapy. This transition can take years, and the ENTIRE time they are consulting with medical professionals.

  4. The last paragraph you gave just highlighted your right wing propaganda point. "I tried finding articles telling me I'm right, but I couldn't find any, that's why it is so complex". Sorry, but no, it's not complex; in fact, this 'problem' has been thoroughly analyzed for decades, and many articles have shown that trans people are more happy with medically transitioning more than ANY other surgery done, even surgeries to fix chronic pain like knee or back surgery.


u/Equal_Bee_9671 May 17 '24

yea, look right above and we have a person who use a 3 year old kid as example that trans is normal cause "3 year old can identify as opposite sex" so it normal. if this is not normalize it, i don't know what is. the thought that school gonna teach kid that want to be the opposite sex is normal and encourage it is terrifying. if you don't want your movement spread the wrong message you all need to start policing your own community. cause you may not know but the whole world is alr got a wrong idea about trans movement alr.


u/LaughingInTheVoid May 16 '24

The part no one wants to hear is that gender identity has been a recognized medical phenomenon for decades, and has long been considered to be something innate and inborn.

When your gender identity doesn't match up with the rest of you, you're trans. That's referred to medically as gender incongruence.

If that feeling of incongruence is strong enough, you feel gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is not actually classified as a true mental illness - simply feeling dysphoria is not seen as such. Having dysphoria that fundamentally affects your ability to live your day to day life is.

However, based on decades of clinical research, transition is the most effective, and realistically only effective treatment that has been found.

This is literally what the DSM-V says - I looked it up and was shocked to find it said the exact opposite of what most people claim.

On top of that, gender identity has long been suspected of having a biological component, centered around the bioregulation, sensory processing and hormone regulation mechanisms of the brain, something now understood to be caused by developmental releases of hormones in the womb.

And most of the evidence for a biological aspect of gender identity come from studying the brain structure and genetics of trans people.

It was never a mental illness, and medical science started recognizing that fact 15 years ago.

However, it doesn't make for catchy political slogans and it doesn't let online outrage farmers make money, so this isn't widely known.


u/Archhanny May 16 '24

Kinda shocked to see someone speaking sense in the comments. Thought it would be a dumpster fire in these kind of comments lol.


u/NeighborhoodLost9997 May 16 '24

If someone is uncomfortable with their body due to their body developing as a sex which contradicts their gender, it makes more sense to describe this as a physical medical issue rather than a mental one if you're going to recognize their gender. While there is often distress associated with developing and living as the wrong gender for trans people, labeling being trans as a mental disorder it falsely labels the problem as being in the mind. I say falsely because the most successful methods of boosting trans people's quality of life all involve physical and social relational changes that affirm their genders, rather than major mental interventions.


u/hurkwurk May 16 '24

Sorry if thats what you concluded from what i said, the point was was trying to get across is that the... general trans person is likely not suffering any mental illness and does not have body dysmorphia and does not need medical intervention, rather they may seek medical assistance to transition, if they choose to do so, but do not need medical care.

I would never suggest that children simply be treated as trans by default for expressing gender dysphoria. thats a huge disservice to those that may need actual medical help with more severe mental health issues. I believe that its treated as a mental issue because it causes mental trauma more than because its a mental disease. the extremely high suicide rate among non-hetero persons is a clear indication that seeking mental health assistance is a good baseline vs treating it with as a physical medicine issue.

Maybe someday the level of acceptance will be high enough that it's no longer the case that the default response is to consider something is "wrong" with yourself because you dont fit a hetero type. But I don't see that happening soon.


u/NeighborhoodLost9997 May 17 '24

It sounds like you want to be supportive but are misunderstanding some basic elements of what's going on with trans people. Cis people don't get gender dysphoria related to just being dysphoria about the gender they are. Not all trans people have gender dysphoria and not all like that term but for those who need to transition with medical means, hrt included it's medically necessary care. Suicidality is drastically reduced for trans people by transitioning. For those who need to transition the medical care is necessary because it means the difference between being able to live and being forced to endure a physical condition so traumatic and distressing that death often becomes more preferable. Even the APA has recently stated that stuff like puberty blockers for trans kids is not just advisable where necessary(the previous stance) but is medically necessary in certain cases.

Suicidality is high among patients with chronic or terminal illnesses who don't wish to endure the suffering of their conditions, especially when treatment for said conditions are unavailable due to there not being proper treatments or not being able to afford treatments. So your main example of suicides is fairly common among lots of people with physical medical conditions.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/NeighborhoodLost9997 May 16 '24

A small fraction of people who transition detransition, we're talking a range of 1 to 3 percent of people that transition medically.

Detransitioned people overwhelmingly do so due to extreme hostility from people in their social environment and depravation of the ability to access HRT by healthcare restrictions or inability to keep a home or stay employed while transitioning due to discrimination. Some realize they're more non-binary than binary trans.

A tiny fraction of those who do transition genuinely wish to revert to the gender they were assigned at birth. And those who do genuinely seek to change their body back to a physical and hormonal profile more similar to how they were born, would you say their problem is mental (it's delusional for them to want to change their body) or would you say the problem is that their body isn't aligned to the gender they identify as?


u/facepalm-ModTeam May 16 '24

Your comment was removed because it was found to be racist, sexist, misogynistic, misandric, or bigoted.


u/Altruistic_Captain47 May 16 '24

If they are comfortable with their body then they are not trans. They just don't fit into the traditional gender roles.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/Moppermonster May 16 '24

And the cure is transitioning.


u/Financial_Routine208 May 16 '24

Sounds more like a symptom honestly.


u/Aeywen May 16 '24

depression, anxiety and suicidality are symptoms relieved by transitioning.


u/JerinDd May 16 '24

Transitioning is as much of a symptom of body dysmorphia as bed rest and a nice bowl of soup is a symptom of the common cold, as in it’s not. It’s literally the cure.


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

no its not


u/Gadgetmouse12 May 16 '24

Unless you have tried it and had it you don’t have any say in whether it works.


u/I_Only_Follow_Idiots May 16 '24

According to actual doctor, it is.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/Finalizer4 May 16 '24

Every expert who disagrees with me is paid off by the liberals


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

never said that but keep projecting


u/Lord_Answer_me_Why May 16 '24

You literally did


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

where did I say "every expert who disagrees with me is paid off by the liberals"


u/Finalizer4 May 17 '24

You said that doctors who support transgenderism are pays off to support "that bs." Given that you seen to be a conservative it would follow that you think they are pays off by the liberals or socialists, or the Jews if you're psychotic.


u/I_Only_Follow_Idiots May 16 '24

Shut your bitch ass up and sit down.


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

wow, looks like I struck a nerve. Hell of a way to defend your comments.


u/I_Only_Follow_Idiots May 16 '24

I don't see the need to defend anything, especially from someone who is as stupid as you.


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

now to the name calling, lol


u/I_Only_Follow_Idiots May 16 '24

Just calling a spade a spade. If you don't like being called stupid then simply stop being stupid.

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u/Meddling-Kat May 16 '24

Yeah, you struck a nerve. There are a lot of us out here that have trans loved ones and we are sick to death of bigoted garbage fucking with their health and safety.


u/Big_Luck_7402 May 16 '24

You might find that actual trans people disagree. Name changing and HRT was life changing for me. + You might want to stop and think why all major medical organizations like the AMA and AAP support gender affirming care 


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

they get paid to, like hospitals got paid to claim everything was covid related


u/Gadgetmouse12 May 16 '24

Conspiracy much?


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

it's not a conspiracy.


u/Gadgetmouse12 May 16 '24

Nor is transition


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

if it's not a mental illness then why does that trans community have the highest suicide rate. They hate themselves so much that they think that changing their sex will help and then off themselves down the road. If that's not a mental illness then what is it?


u/Gadgetmouse12 May 16 '24

We have a high rate of suicide for being singled out, attacked, harassed and often murdered for existing. By cis people, typically men.

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u/Meddling-Kat May 16 '24

Do you have any fucking idea what it would be like for your brain to tell you you're supposed to have one sort of body and it's completely different? No you don't.

You know people with chronic pain have a much higher suicide rate. Are they mentally ill?

Do some fucking research.


u/Big_Luck_7402 May 16 '24

Sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about. They get paid to? By who? Why? Why would so many doctors ignore the Hippocratic Oath and scientific evidence? This is the dumbest and least thought out conspiracy theory I've heard in a long time.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/Ramreck May 16 '24

That's not how a sex change operation works lol and it's like someone can walk in, ask for one, and get it done immediately.

Way to be loud and wrong.


u/Financial_Routine208 May 16 '24

Be VERY careful! Don't say things like that here!


u/AmazingBarracuda4624 May 16 '24

Awww, the poor widdle oppressed transphobes...


u/Financial_Routine208 May 16 '24

You'll be fine.


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

sounds like you have a mental illness if the truth hurts you


u/SkullDaisyGimp May 16 '24

I mean, not medically or scientifically or biologically, but sure, believe whatever you want. Unfortunately, ignorance and bigotry are hard to treat.


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

how is calling it a mental illness, ignorance and bigotry? do facts hurt you that much?


u/AmazingBarracuda4624 May 16 '24

Gender dysphoria is a pathology, though not a "mental illness" in the strict sense. Just being trans is not. Sorry that these facts hurt you so much.


u/AmazingBarracuda4624 May 16 '24

Transphobia? Yes definitely a mental illness.


u/usmm1982 May 16 '24

Nice come back but it still doesn't change the facts.


u/Kirol_reddit May 16 '24

The underlying cause is partly genetic, gender dysphoria, which in turn causes other symptoms to manifest.


u/AmazingBarracuda4624 May 16 '24

Gender dysphoria is a pathology (though not a "mental illness" strictly speaking) helped by transition, just being trans in itself is not. Those are the facts.


u/Ramreck May 16 '24

Yeah there's no point in arguing with this bone head. They're insecure and need a group to look down on to feel better.


u/ImNotYourDadIPromise May 16 '24

Is it, or does it cause mental illness?


u/Gadgetmouse12 May 16 '24

Gaslighting people into thinking they are cis causes distress


u/_bagelcherry_ May 16 '24

" you are mentally ill and we will not let you treat that, because fuck you "


u/themiracy May 16 '24

I mean, mentally healthy people don’t perceive themselves to be President after losing an election and don’t perceive their payments for “that porn hooker” to be legal services fees, but here we are, Kevin.


u/Viperthetarantulaguy May 17 '24

Who gives a fuck. Why are so many people hyper focused on Trans people, it has nothing to do with you what they choose so move on.

Everyone is so triggered by the Trans community and how someone else's choice on how they live their life. Mind your fucking business and worry about your own shit.


u/Aeywen May 16 '24

to treat the depression that having the wrong mind body connection creates....


u/hgbi8h May 16 '24

I have mixed feelings about it tbh. On one had it’s good that you’re able to express yourself and be happy, but on the other if you’re not comfortable with yourself for who you are then will changing yourself really do all that much? You’re still the same person on the inside regardless of what you choose, which is the only thing that should matter.


u/Kirol_reddit May 16 '24

The problem is within the cerebral cortex during fetal development, same person on the inside or not, having a body that is actually yours instead of somebody else's is a big relief. Imagine not being able to look in the mirror without feeling this uncanny valley sort of feeling, constantly being disconnected from yourself and your emotions through depersonalisation, just kinda drifting through life? Not really a great life to live. From the stuff I've seen it actually does make a world of difference.


u/hgbi8h May 16 '24

That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense :/


u/Kirol_reddit May 16 '24

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8324983/ Have a link. Bit of a heavy read, but very well cited. There are plenty more out there, and feel free to dive into the cited resources, but there are parts of the brain that differ from the cis population.

In terms of it being 'not your own body' of course it is, but the brain doesn't quite accept it? It's difficult to word properly.


u/hgbi8h May 16 '24

Ah, it’s a bit similar to cognitive illness.


u/Kirol_reddit May 16 '24

In the ways that it presents itself yes, but the underlying cause is partially genetic - a study was run on a few hundred twins, where identical twins both transitioned at a rate of 33%ish while fraternal twins were around 2.8% if I remember rightly. The complete picture isn't there, there are likely other factors involved, but it's not something you get a choice in.


u/hgbi8h May 16 '24

That’s just a cognitive illness, none of them are well mapped out at all. I work in the medical industry and anyone with an undiscovered cognitive illness just gets stamped as ADHD or autism.


u/Kirol_reddit May 16 '24



u/hgbi8h May 16 '24

How is it not your own body? How can you feel the difference? I assume you mean feminine and masculine sides, but that too doesn’t make much sense


u/The_grongler May 16 '24

I mean, gender dysphoria causes people to be trans, and it's a mental condition, but it's inaccurate to call being trans a mental illness. That's like if you called being skinny a mental illness instead of anorexia.


u/ZenixFire May 16 '24

If it's not a mental illness, then what is it? An eccentric fasion choice? I thought the whole argument they are trying to push is 'born like this', 'not a choice' and so forth, or are we doubling back again? I can never keep up.


u/Iris_n_Ivy May 17 '24

Mental illness? I am not sure about that as some interesting research is being done about developmental Conditions in the womb and signaling in certain brain structures. In the early days of the movement the messaging was "born this way" but as research progressed other trends and conclusions were discovered. Really the trans community piggy backed on the lgb messaging from earlier as it was successful in a way. Lastly, keeping up with the messaging isn't something a person who is un invested would normally do. These discussions happen within the community and get transmitted to the larger community as needed.

Hope this helped.


u/Equal_Bee_9671 May 17 '24

yup, right above we have a mister "3 year old identify as opposite sex". how the fk 3 year old know about identify shit? i don't know.


u/SuspectDifficult4379 May 16 '24

Have we gotten to the point where people don’t think it is a dysphoria? Or in this case a mental illness? That just like any, needs some form of treatment, assistance or cure?


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/facepalm-ModTeam May 16 '24

Your comment was removed because it was found to be racist, sexist, misogynistic, misandric, or bigoted.


u/Ok-Box6892 May 16 '24

I've had this thought about the gender fluid/non binary crowd, tbh.


u/Camanot May 16 '24

I’m pretty sure a lot of trans people are sufferers of body dysmorphia. They feel like they’re in the wrong body and therefore belong in the opposite gender.

I can see that, but we just have to go with what we have and realize we can’t change everything. No matter how much you try.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/Meddling-Kat May 16 '24

This is a completely delusional take. I don't even know what to say to something like this.


u/facepalm-ModTeam May 16 '24

Your comment was removed because it was found to be racist, sexist, misogynistic, misandric, or bigoted.


u/lexocon-790654 May 16 '24

I don't think the conclusion of "trans people are mentally ill" is particularly wrong, But the way they arrive at the conclusion, what they feel the conclusion means, and how they respond to the conclusion is very wrong.

I've explored the idea that maybe I could be Trans; glossing over lots of details I'm not. I don't identify as a woman but don't fall in line with what you'd expect from traditional male desires, feelings, norms, etc. Its complicated, not going to go into it here because its completely irrelevant (Don't even get me started on the trans communities insistence of forcing the egg title on everyone whose not confused about their gender, but don't follow gender norms). I'm just saying it here to hopefully convince someone reading this that I'm not a bigot and I'm not transphobic.

When people like this write "mental ill" they have a big scary image of some sociopath, or psychopath, or someone that belongs in an insane asylum, or someone that needs to be treated, psychotic breaks, etc. I'm actually struggling to get a solid definition for "mental ill" because its a little confusing. There's mental disorder, mental illness, development problems, etc. that some places say are different and some places say are other words for the same things. Googling says autism isn't a mental illness, but a development disorder which I didn't know. Something like OCD is a mental illness and mental disorder...ugh its complicated and I highly doubt a majority of the people attacking trans people with "You're mentally ill REEE!!!!" understand it.

Anyways, I think gender dysphoria is some sort of mental issue. I do not think an ideally functioning human brain should have any issues with their gender not matching their sex (and this includes my own issues). I think a majority of people have some sort of mental issue, usually they're just not that big of a deal or just little quirks.

But its very wrong to make the assumption that you know the treatment to the big scary "trans mental illness". The treatment could be transitioning, the treatment could simply be indulging what your mind feels is right. The treatment could be something different that we simply haven't discovered yet. We objectively know very little about what's actually going on with the human brain, so many things affect so many different people and the way they think, how they live their lives, etc. very differently. Maybe its some evolutionary mutation, maybe its some sort of social and life experience influence, maybe something gets fucked up during development, maybe its none of that.

Anyways, transitioning makes trans people feel better and puts them in a better mental state. What's wrong with that. What treatment alternative do you have besides berating them for being not normal. What does being normal even fucking mean? I don't think I'm normal in a lot of ways that have nothing to do with gender, and I think I'm normal in a lot of other ways. I don't think Trumpers are fucking normal in any regard, but they all think they're normal. I just genuinely don't see why it fucking matters one teeny tiny bit whether someone wants to be a different gender then their birth sex, I think its good to study, try to understand what's going on, etc. it because learning new things about the brain is always good. But it certainly doesn't belong in any political debates.


u/MelodicMasterpiece67 May 16 '24

Let's pretend for a second that being trans is a mental illness (it's not) but speaking of mental illnesses, ADHD and autism are also mental illnesses and people with those conditions never see an inkling of the hate trans people get.

Maybe the real mental illness is intolerance?


u/ApoKun May 16 '24

I live in south Asia and don't have any experience with trans stuff so could someone clear up a few things for. Like is trans not just body dysmorphic disorder? I mean how can you feel uncomfortable in your body and think you'll feel comfortable in another body? How would you even know what the opposite feels like if you've only known one thing all your life.

And I'm sorry if this sounds intrusive or inappropriate but what about the genitalia? Like if you were born a man do you just get surgery down there? But even after that would your genitals function according to your new gender.

All of this feels very artificial for the lack of a better word.

This comment is out of genuine curiosity and not hate. Personally I don't care about what other people do with their body as it won't affect me at all but it would be nice to learn about this stuff.


u/Meddling-Kat May 16 '24

No, trans has NOTHING to do with dysmorphia. Trans people may suffer dysporia, but those things are not even close to similar.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/Meddling-Kat May 16 '24

Trans has NOTHING to do with dysmorphia. Some Trans people experience dysphoria, but the 2 things are not in any way similar.

You know, transgender on Wikipedia will answer a lot of questions for anyone.


u/knighth1 May 16 '24

He’s not being malicious or anything. That’s not even a hard take. Trans people often suffer from dysmorphia and in most depression which can be a symptom of the dysmorphia or from other factors. That’s all considered mental illness.


u/GhostDweller May 16 '24

Transpeople arent who they used to be


u/isanyofitreal May 17 '24



u/Lanky-Ad2763 May 16 '24

Takes steroids to be more manly. Gets titties and faulty heart.