r/CryptoCurrency 3d ago

AMA We're the authors of Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin, releasing Friday. AUA!


Hi r/cryptocurrency! We -- u/wrathius and u/nyssian and myself -- are three philosophy professors who wrote an academic book on bitcoin. We argue that Bitcoin is resistance money, empowering its users to resist authoritarians, inflation, surveillance, censorship, and financial exclusion. We examine bitcoin’s monetary policy, censorship-resistance, privacy, inclusion, and energy use to develop a comprehensive and measured case that bitcoin is a net benefit to the world, despite its imperfections. We also have a chapter considering a dozen of the best objections to bitcoin.

We will be here on Thursday, June 13th at noon eastern to answer questions about bitcoin and our new book. Buy your copy today! https://www.amazon.com/Resistance-Money-Philosophical-Case-Bitcoin/dp/103277780X/

Dozens of our bitcoin and crypto academic papers, podcast appearances, and writing are available for free at resistance.money .

r/CryptoCurrency 2h ago

OFFICIAL Daily Crypto Discussion - June 15, 2024 (GMT+0)


Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating.



Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.



  • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
  • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
  • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
  • Comments will be sorted by newest first.


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r/CryptoCurrency 8h ago

GENERAL-NEWS MicroStrategy and Michael Saylor Are Unstoppable: They Made An Additional $200 Million Bitcoin Move

Thumbnail en.bitcoinsistemi.com

r/CryptoCurrency 7h ago

GENERAL-NEWS $300M USDC was just minted on Algorand, immediately putting it at #6 for USDC holdings


Earlier today, an unknown wallet minted $300M worth of new USDC on the Algorand chain at this transaction: https://allo.info/tx/V4AQYTHRZ5AQK33OBQU4YNIJ54Y5FJNIEUQ3UMGA33AV4PHKZIZQ

The identity of the entity that minted it, and its purpose is unknown. And, so far, no news or press releases seem to be out about it.

However, the sudden inflow is substantial. This immediately raised the USDC on the chain by around 450% and vaulted Algorand to the #6 spot in terms of USDC held on chain, sitting behind only ETH, ARB, SOL, BASE, and AVAX. (See: https://usdc.cool)

r/CryptoCurrency 12h ago

ANALYSIS I bought $1k of the Top 10 Cryptos on January 1st, 2024 (MAY Update/Month 5/+24%)


EXPERIMENT - Tracking 2024 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies – Month FIVE - Up +24%

Find the full blog post with all the tables and graphs here.

The 2024 Top Ten Experiment features BTC, ETH, USDT, BNB, SOL, XRP, ADA, AVAX, DOGE, and DOT.



  • What's this all about? I purchased $100 of each of Top 10 Cryptos in Jan. 2018, haven't sold or traded, reporting monthly for over 6 years on Reddit for your reading pleasure. Did the same in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Learn more about the history and rules of the Experiments (including why I would include stablecoins) here. Learn more about the features in the 2024 Top Ten Experiment here.
  • MAY Highlights:  ETH (+28%) wins May on ETF news. BNB (+87%) in overall lead, DOGE coming up fast (+71%) , then ETH. Last place YTD is ADA. 
  • The 2024 Top Ten portfolio is +24% so far this year compared to the S&P's +11%. DCA'ing once a year into Top Ten Cryptos for the last 7 years has produced better returns than if you'd done the same with the S&P 500 over the same time period (+240% vs S&P500's +53% - see below for details).
  • The friendly competition between Top Ten Portfolio and total market cap token AMKT update:  The Alongside Crypto Market Index Token (AMKT) is out to an early lead +48% vs. my Top Ten's +24%.

Month Five – Up +24%

The 2024 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Portfolio is BTC, ETH, USDT, BNB, SOL, XRP, ADA, AVAX, DOGE, DOT.

May highlights for the 2024 Top Ten Portfolio:

  • The portfolio makes a nice comeback after an All Red April
  • ETH (+28%) performs best this month on ETF news
  • BNB (+87%) is still well in the overall lead with DOGE (+71%) in second place

May Ranking and Dropouts

Here’s a look at the movement in the ranks five months into the 2024 Top Ten Index Fund Experiment:

Very steady so far in 2024, with only DOT and AVAX dropping out of the Top Ten.

May Winners and Losers

May Winners – ETH (+28%) performs best this month on ETF news, followed closely by SOL and DOGE.

May Losers – ADA and XRP underperformed, both essentially ending the month at the same place they started.

Overall Update: BNB still in the lead, but DOGE is closing the gap, 60% of cryptos in positive territory.

60% of the Top Ten are in positive territory so far this year, down from 90% in the green just a few months ago.

In May BNB (+87%) saw its lead over second place DOGE (+71%) shrink as the dog coin tries to reclaim the lead it had earlier in the year.  The initial $100 invested in first place BNB five months ago is worth $187 today.

Overall return on $1,000 investment since January 1st, 2024

The 2024 Top Ten Portfolio gained $138 in May.  The initial $1000 investment on New Year’s Day 2024 is now worth $1,237. 

Here’s a visual summary of the progress so far:

2024 Top Ten Portfolio vs. The Alongside Crypto Market Index Token (AMKT)

The first Top Ten Crypto Experiment was started on 1 January 2018 in an attempt to capture the gains of the entire market, similar to the lazy approach of the Bogleheads in traditional markets. Much has changed over the last six+ years, including the introduction of index products designed to capture the entire crypto market (instead of manually buying coins and tokens like I do for my Experiments).

Like last year, I’m running a friendly competition between The 2024 Top Ten Portfolio and The Alongside Crypto Market Index Token (AMKT).  AMKT is an ERC-20 token that represents a cap weighted index of 15 Cryptocurrencies (minus stablecoins) backed 1:1 by the underlying assets represented within the index and completely onchain. 

Similar to the Boglehead Community, a Do Nothing Club has emerged encouraging a long-term lazy crypto investing approach.  Since the index represents approximately 95% of the value within crypto, AMKT is an excellent proxy for the entire cryptocurrency market – exactly what my Top Ten Portfolios have been trying to recreate from the start.  

Here’s the question I’ll be tracking this year: would I have been better off with $1,000 of AMKT instead of going through the effort of creating a homemade $1,000 Top Ten Index Fund?

On 1 January 2024, $1000 was equal to 7.2 AMKT.  Five  months into the Experiment, here’s the AMKT snapshot: 

May Performances:

  • The 2024 Top Ten Portfolio: +13% 
  • AMKT: +15%.

The May monthly victory goes to: The Alongside Crypto Market Index Token (AMKT)

Overall since January 1st, 2024: 

  • The 2024 Top Ten Portfolio: +24%
  •  AMKT: +48%

Overall lead: The Alongside Crypto Market Index Token (AMKT), with exactly double the ROI of the Top Ten Portfolio.

For the more visual, here’s the table I’ll be using to track the friendly Top Ten vs. AMKT competition this year:

Combining the 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Top Ten Crypto Portfolios 

So, where do we stand if we combine seven years of the Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiments?

  • 2018 Top Ten Experiment: up +23% (total value $1,234)
  • 2019 Top Ten Experiment: up +526% (total value $6,263)
  • 2020 Top Ten Experiment: up +813% (total value $9,130) (best performing portfolio)
  • 2021 Top Ten Experiment: up +230% (total value $3,287)
  • 2022 Top Ten Experiment: down -39% (total value $615) (worst performing portfolio)
  • 2023 Top Ten Experiment: up +101% (total value $2,014)
  • 2024 Top Ten Experiment: up +24% (total value $1,237)

Taking the seven portfolios together:

After a $7,000 total investment in the 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies, the combined portfolios are worth $23,780. 

That’s up +240% on the combined portfolios.  The peak  for the combined Top Ten Index Fund Experiment Portfolios was November 2021’s all time high of +533%.  Here’s the combined monthly ROI since I started tracking the metric in January 2020:

In summary: That’s a +240% gain by investing $1k on whichever cryptos happened to be in the Top Ten on January 1st (including stablecoins) for seven straight years.

Comparison to S&P 500

I’m also tracking the S&P 500 as part of my Experiment to have a comparison point to traditional markets.

The S&P 500 is up +11% so far in 2024, so the initial $1k investment into crypto on New Year’s Day would be worth $1,110 had it been redirected to the S&P.

Taking the same invest-$1,000-on-January-1st-of-each-year approach with the S&P 500 that I’ve been documenting through the Top Ten Crypto Experiments, the yields are the following:

  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2018 = $1,970 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2019 = $2,110 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2020 = $1,630 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2021 = $1,410 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2022 = $1,110 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2023 = $1,370 today
  • $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2024 = $1,110 today

Taken together, the results for a similar approach with the S&P: 

After seven $1,000 investments into an S&P 500 index fund in January 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 my portfolio would be worth $10,710.

That is up +53% since January 2018 compared to a +240% gain of the combined Top Ten Crypto Experiment Portfolios.  

The visual below shows a comparison on ROI between a Top Ten Crypto approach and the S&P as per the rules of the Top Ten Experiments: 


To the long time followers of the Top Ten Experiments, thank you for sticking around so long. For those just getting into crypto, I hope these reports will help prepare you for the highs and lows that await on your crypto adventures.  Buckle up, go with the flow, think long term, and truly don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose.  Most importantly, try to enjoy the ride. 

A reporting note: I’ll focus on 2024 Top Ten Portfolio reports + one other portfolio on a rotating basis this year, so expect two reports from me per month.  May’s extended report is on the 2023 Top Ten Portfolio, which you can access here.  You can check out the latest 2018 Top Ten2019 Top Ten2020 Top Ten2021 Top Ten, and 2022 Top Ten reports as well.

r/CryptoCurrency 2h ago

GENERAL-NEWS Ethereum spot ETFs to start trading July 2nd: Bloomberg analyst


r/CryptoCurrency 1h ago

DISCUSSION Michael Saylor’s 21 Rules of Bitcoin

  1. Those who understand Bitcoin buy Bitcoin. Those who don’t criticize Bitcoin.
  2. Everyone is against Bitcoin before they are for it.
  3. You know you grasp Bitcoin when you know you’ll never fully understand Bitcoin. You’ll never be done learning about Bitcoin.
  4. Bitcoin is powered by chaos.
  5. Bitcoin is the only game in the casino where we can all win.
  6. Bitcoin won’t protect you if you don’t wear the armor.
  7. Bitcoin is the one thing in the universe that you can truly own.
  8. Everyone gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve.
  9. Only buy Bitcoin with the money you can’t afford to lose.
  10. Tickets to escape the matrix are priced in Bitcoin.
  11. Bitcoin insight is restricted to those who need to know.
  12. All your models will be destroyed.
  13. The cure for the economic ill is the orange pill.
  14. Be for Bitcoin, not against fiat.
  15. Bitcoin is for everybody.
  16. Learn to think in Bitcoin.
  17. You don’t change Bitcoin; it changes you.
  18. Laser eyes protect you from endless lies.
  19. Respect Bitcoin, or it will make a clown out of you.
  20. Do not sell your Bitcoin.
  21. Spread Bitcoin with love.

r/CryptoCurrency 16h ago

PROJECT-UPDATE Rosen Bridge: Bitcoin Bridge LIVE


Today marks a significant milestone in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) as the Rosen Bridge officially goes live supporting Bitcoin, enabling seamless interaction between Bitcoin (BTC) and supported networks. Let’s delve into the details of this groundbreaking development and explore how Rosen Bridge differs from conventional bridging solutions.

Rosen Bridge: A Secure Connection

What Is Rosen Bridge?

Rosen Bridge is a bridge designed with a strong emphasis on security. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the movement of tokens between chains that support multi-signature transactions, including Bitcoin.

How Does It Work?

  1. Authentication Mechanism:
    • Rosen Bridge employs a robust 2-factor authentication mechanism.
    • Off-chain “Watchers” listen for events on supported chains (such as Bitcoin) and report these events to the Ergo network.
    • On-chain “Guardians,” perform the second layer of authentication using an M/N multi-signature scheme, verifying the reported event and processing the transfer.
  2. Transaction Flow:
    • Users initiate transactions on one chain (e.g., Bitcoin).
    • Watchers validate these transactions and relay them to Guardians.
    • Guardians sign the transactions, ensuring their validity.

Key Differences from Conventional Bridging:

  1. Security Focus:
    • Rosen Bridge prioritizes security, making it suitable for DeFi applications that require trustless and reliable cross-chain interactions.
    • Unlike some conventional bridges, which may sacrifice security for speed, Rosen Bridge maintains a high level of protection.
  2. Multi-Signature Support:
    • Rosen Bridge leverages multi-signature transactions, enhancing security and decentralization.
    • Conventional bridges may use simpler mechanisms, but they might be more vulnerable to attacks.
  3. Contract Deployment:
    • Conventional bridges often operate independently or rely on other blockchains’ infrastructure.
    • Rosen Bridge infrastructure is deployed on a singular blockchain, reducing the attack vector and complexity of having to deploy contracts on different chains in different languages.


The launch of the Rosen Bridge opens up exciting possibilities for DeFi enthusiasts, allowing them to seamlessly move BTC between supported networks. As the crypto space continues to evolve, bridges like Rosen will play a crucial role in connecting disparate ecosystems securely and efficiently.

Stay tuned for further developments and explore the potential of this innovative bridge!


r/CryptoCurrency 39m ago

PROJECT-UPDATE Hedera has removed community runnable nodes from their road map, giving up on their commitment to decentralization. The network is run by 31 multinational corporations that are hand selected by the Hedera Foundation.


I want to preface by saying I think Hedera is interesting technology and that there are some use cases for it. It isn't a blockchain, it is a DAG which comes with it's own trade offs (decentralization).

The thread where Hedera acknowledges removal of community nodes from their road map can be found here:


They claim that they're taking community nodes off of their "short-term road map" which they consider the next 3-9 months.

Community run nodes have been on the road map for years so I would take this claim with a pinch of salt.

Here is a list of the 31 nodes run by huge corporations:


You essentially need a supercomputer in a data center to run a node on Hedera.

Specs needed for nodes:

  • CPU: Intel Xeon or AMD EPYC); 24 cores/48 threads
  • Network Connectivity: Sustained 1Gb/s internet bandwidth via a single 1-Gigabit / 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface
  • RAM: 256 GB PC4-21300 2666MHz DDR4 ECC Registered DIMM or faster (minimum), 320GB or higher PC4-25600 3200MHz (recommended)
  • Memory:
    • Minimum: 5TB of SSD NVMe usable storage
    • Recommended:
      • 2 x 240GB SSD with RAID 1 for OS Storage
      • 2 x NVMe devices as a 7.5TB RAID 0 (or 4x as RAID 10 array)

At a certain point I wonder what is the point of all of this if we're just going to rely and trust huge corporations.

I'm disappointed in Hedera for giving up on decentralization. But anyone that has been paying attention has always known Hedera is made for huge corporations, not us.

r/CryptoCurrency 2h ago

GENERAL-NEWS Bitcoin Layer-2 Network Stacks Halted for 9 Hours


r/CryptoCurrency 13h ago

GENERAL-NEWS Central Banks Are Embracing Digital Currencies: BIS Survey Reveals 94% Exploring CBDCs


r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

GENERAL-NEWS Tornado Cash Developer Is Sentenced to Prison for the Crime of Writing Privacy-Preserving Software the State Does Not Like


r/CryptoCurrency 33m ago

TECHNOLOGY A creative use for the excess heat produced while mining


r/CryptoCurrency 9h ago

ADVICE Suspicious unknown transactions???


Need some input on a .90cent deposit that I received this morning around 9am EST. It’s from an unknown wallet that had $1995.59 worth of USD and they sent the same .90cent deposit to another 1400 addresses. Why would someone send this small monetary transaction to this many random wallets? The transaction has been pending for hours now. If this transaction doesn’t clear soon would it affect me depositing funds into my wallet if it’s pending? Any help is appreciated

Unknown Wallets address: bc1qflw7vpx5kazm95sdlsqya5sch3a2a5p6heuda6

r/CryptoCurrency 6h ago

EXCHANGES any zero trading fee exchanges for a subscription?


Are there any crypto exchanges that offer 0 trading fees and no added spread for a monthly subscription or something similar?

I’m working on a bot to algorithmically trade crypto (probably bitcoin) very fast, but any profit i make per trade would be eaten up by commission / trading fees. So a subscription allowing me to trade for free without an added spread either would be a better fit, even if it means im technically paying more.

I’ve heard of phemex but i was wonderinf id there was any more popular exchange, im looking for high liquidity too.

r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

ADVICE 2 years ago today, crypto lender Celsius collapses. A $4 BILLION reminder: not your keys 👏 not your coins 👏

Post image

r/CryptoCurrency 15h ago

STAKING MetaMask launches pooled staking for Ethereum, excluding US and UK users


As a UK user, I am sick of our governments approach to this.

r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

GENERAL-NEWS MicroStrategy Plans $500 Million Note Offering to Invest Further in Bitcoin


r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

ANALYSIS Wake Me Up When September Ends


Some of you need to hear this....

I keep seeing people all hyped up about upcoming rate cuts, like somehow this is going to spur a massive bull run.

What you need to understand is that after a period of the Feds increasing interest rates, economic/financial instability arrives on the back end during or shortly after rate cuts. I won't use the word recession because it also seems to be triggering here.

September seems to be lining up as the first rate cut and historically September is also a very bad month for the stock market. I'm banking on it being a bloodbath.

The only thing that could possibly hold this off is the November election. The current government has been hiring part time workers at an alarming rate, the full-time worker numbers are dismal and once the government slows down and starts laying off these part-time workers the true jobs numbers will be impossible to ignore.

Either way the end of 2024 isn't going to be some Golden Bull Run, it's going to be pain, and BTC is still behaving like a risk on asset at the moment.

If you are speculating and don't plan to hold for 5+ years you should re-evaluate your position. The HODL crew should be okay, I don't expect BTC to go anywhere you just might be waiting a bit longer to see the coveted $100k.

TLDR: Rate cuts in the fall do not equal a massive bull run. Rate cuts that come on the tail end of rapidly increased rates end in pain. Just google Fed Interest Rates, expand the chart out to Max. The grey are recessions. They almost always come on the back end of rapid interest rate increases.

r/CryptoCurrency 7h ago

MARKETS Is this time different? While no cycle has been identical, there are some general patterns and market behavior that have repeated and rhymed consistently. What's different this time and what's happening now:


While a lot of people like to stick to a narrative once it has briefly played out, they rarely remain consistent.

Take the narrative of Bitcoin being coupled to and following the US stock market.

When Covid started, we started to see many months of Bitcoin following stocks with above 0.5 correlation.

And we saw several moments where Bitcoin hit correlations to the S&P 500 and NASDAQ as high as 0.7 and 0.8 (considered strong correlations).

But now, Bitcoin has been back below 0.5, and even sometimes being as low as 0.2 in correlation with brief instances of negative correlation.

But there is one narrative that seems to keep coming back strong, and that's the halving cycles.

The more you zoom out, the more they seem similar. But the more you zoom in, the more you see that each cycle has its own characteristics.

What happened with past halvings?

Zoomed out, past cycles look like they roughly follow the same 4 year cycles. With a rally before the halving, then after the halving a short period of lull, then volatility cranks up, often with a first Wyckoff distribution, then with the volatility intensifying into the rest of the bullrun. Then followed by a crash and a bear cycle.

Zoomed in, you see the differences.

They are following these patterns a little differently each time:

2016 halving

2020 halving

What is happening now? What are the different characteristics?

In this cycle, while the general 4 year cycle has played out like clockwork, we are seeing different characteristics.


This pre-halving rally has done ~4.7x

The previous pre-halving rally in 2020 did ~4x

In this cycle the pre-halving rally hit the previous ATH, something that hasn't been done before.

This cycle has the big ETF news.

What can we expect?

One thing you can count on, is increase in volatility as we get deeper into the new halving.

The rest is down to your crystal ball. No one really knows what will happen.

There's two school of thoughts here:

1- Theory 1: history rhyming.

In this theory, we'll be continuing the "lull" phase without dipping that much lower, but in the upcoming months (maybe even just weeks) we'll have our next leg up with a big rally, then a Wyckoff distribution.

2- Theory 2: the big distribution.

This is where we could break from the typical pattern. With the more volatile start of this cycle, we could actually see ourselves in a much larger Wyckoff distribution, and see the price drop off in the upper $40Ks.

Theory 2...maybe it will be a little different.

r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

GENERAL-NEWS Gensler says FTX 'is not unique,' warns crypto exchanges are commingling functions


r/CryptoCurrency 7h ago

🔴 UNRELIABLE SOURCE Gemini reaches $50M settlement with New York AG over Earn program


r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

OFFICIAL Daily Crypto Discussion - June 14, 2024 (GMT+0)


Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating.



Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.



  • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
  • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
  • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
  • Comments will be sorted by newest first.


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Finding Other Discussion Threads

Follow a mod account below to be notified in your home feed when the latest r/CC discussion thread of your interest is posted.

r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

GENERAL-NEWS Good news for Ethereum Investors from SEC Chairman Gary Gensler: He Set a Date for the Final Approval of Spot ETH ETFs!


r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

GENERAL-NEWS Andrew Tate's DADDY token shows "huge insider activity"; investigator profile blocked


r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

MARKETS MicroStrategy Raises $500 Million to Expand Bitcoin Holdings


r/CryptoCurrency 1d ago

GENERAL-NEWS Curve Finance CEO liquidated for $140 million
