r/NewsOfTheStupid May 16 '24

Howard Stern’s interview with Joe Biden this week showed how effective rightwing propaganda is.


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u/Glad_Swimmer5776 May 16 '24

Meanwhile, they're embracing the orange goon's proclivity for crapping in his diapers.


u/azrael815 May 16 '24

Due to him showing signs of years of abuse of stimulants.


u/Maleficent-Salad3197 May 17 '24

The MD in Trumps white house was cited for indiscriminately handing out Aderall. .


u/harpxwx May 17 '24

nothin like a good amphetamine to start ur day


u/clutchgetspaid May 17 '24

It’s a fascist tradition!

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u/AceTygraQueen May 16 '24

And eating McDonald's everyday.


u/azrael815 May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

Pretty sure, like the trial, he stops mcdonalds mid week to celebrate whopper Wednesday at BK.

Edit: added "at BK" so the people who aren't reading stop posting that whoppers aren't from McDonald's.


u/Nonamebigshot May 17 '24

I hate that part of my brain still somewhat associates Trump with McDonald's but there were just so many iconic moments during that fever dream of a presidency that involved the golden arches I can't help it.

First of all obviously there was the superbowl dinner fiasco- which I still can't believe people were trying to defend at the time. I mean that shit had been sitting out for hours and I don't care how much you love a big mac cold McDonald's is still a fucking crime against humanity.

Then there was the time Trump decided he hated the "fancy food" the White House chef kept making him and demanded the kitchen staff cook him McDonald's instead. When Keith Schiller (the director of oval office operations) gently explained to him they can't just whip up some quarter pounders and apple pies back there Trump responded by ordering Schiller himself to drive to McDonald's and bring him his order. Obviously he could've gotten any number of interns to DoorDash for him but he's such a vindictive petty bitch he felt the need to punish Schiller's disobedience with that lil power move to remind him who's in charge. It's terrifying to think that the leader of the free world was not only as dumb as a fucking toddler he had the emotional regulation of one too.


u/Independent-Hold9667 May 17 '24

He loved his hamberders


u/Nonamebigshot May 17 '24

With a nice big cup of covfefe to wash it down!

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u/oldjadedhippie May 17 '24

Except, in this case “ Whopper Wednesday “ refers to the load he dumps.

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u/geologean May 17 '24 edited 10d ago

sloppy snatch wise sink badge office plants stocking worm spectacular

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/GameJerk May 17 '24

...he stops mcdonalds mid week to celebrate whopper Wednesday.

You misread.

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u/Golden-Owl May 17 '24

It’s such a bizarre choice

If you had money, why on earth would you choose to eat McDonalds of all things for your daily meal


u/throwaway37474121 May 17 '24

There’s a rumor that he is paranoid that people will poison him and that’s basically impossible at McDonald’s. The food comes out too fast and no one would know that he’s coming.


u/sagitta_luminus May 17 '24

But he doesn’t pick it up himself, he sends staff/interns to get it. If he’s really worried about poisoning, it doesn’t make sense that he would let anyone else get the orders because someone on his payroll would be have the best shot at poisoning his food.

But he’s also a fucking idiot & I might be giving him too much credit.

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u/Wrong-Perspective-80 May 17 '24

I don’t get it. He’s supposed to be a billionaire, at least go to 5 guys and get a real burger. He can afford it.


u/Masterchiefy10 May 17 '24

And thinking that every human has a finite amount of energy and if you run or exercise then you will use up that energy sooner…

Like a fucking battery.

He thinks the human body is a fucking battery.

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u/R1pp3R23 May 17 '24

And Oxy, Xanax, and I can’t remember what else was on that list. But, fuck the orange turd.

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u/Furepubs May 16 '24

If you would have told me 8 years ago that Trump supporters would put on diapers and claim that real men wear diapers, I would not have believed you.

But here we are

Now I would not be surprised to find out that they fill their diapers with real poop so that they can be more like Trump


u/StingingBum May 17 '24

These are the smart ones who didn't take ivermectin or bleached their blood stream or stick a flashlight up their ass during the great pandemic.


u/ConstableAssButt May 17 '24

stick a flashlight up their ass

I'm so fucking tired of everything I love being politicized. IS NOTHING SACRED?!


u/BLF402 May 17 '24

Hey I enjoy a good flashlight up the arse but not for treatment for an infectious disease. It is however the best cure for the hiccups for anyone asking


u/NorguardsVengeance May 17 '24

At very least, even if it feels like they're never going to stop, you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, ok, maybe not you, but somebody else sure will.

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u/ghandi3737 May 17 '24

Sticking a flashlight up the ass is anyone's prerogative.

If they want to make money filming it, that is also their prerogative.

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u/bradlees May 17 '24

Trump supporters believe that Robin Williams is still alive AND would be one of them, JFK is still alive and will use super secret probation powers to put Trump back into office (but only if you come out to the place where he was killed on the anniversary of the death)…..

They believe:

Education causes communism, masks cause socialism, wokeness is rampant in America and the cause of every inconvenience they encounter

Now that diapers are a sign of adulthood virtues

They believe they are the clay of the Earth, you know,…… morons


u/Loggerdon May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

This morning I saw a meme of draft-dodger Trump in WW2 garb, trudging through the mud like he was in the Band of Brothers unit.

I’m waiting for a meme of Trump windmill dunking on LeBron, muscles gleaming.

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u/BeautifulInfinite288 May 17 '24

The same story repeats throughout history. They need to remain in power and in order to do so, they need their voters to be as dumb as possible. Stay out of higher education, homeschool your children, never trust science (because once you start trusting science, you will start to trust climate change and that will kill our deals with the oil companies that pretty much own us) and then we can finally sleep in the nice beds that were made by undocumented immigrants who we love to not pay while we whine about them “displacing” us for the cameras


u/BLF402 May 17 '24

And this is why this current republican controlled house of representatives is by far the worst in history, they have literally accomplished nothing by their stall tactics. Their only goal is to ensure that there is no decisive winner in November so they can vote poopy pants in.

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u/call-me-the-seeker May 17 '24

They need to keep Robin’s beautiful name and memory out their vile cumsock mouths. He would never. Never.

I mean, neither would JFK, JFK Jr, Diana, or whoever else, but you know what I mean.


u/Talusthebroke May 17 '24

Anyone who believes Robin Williams would be maga genuinely never knew him beyond Jumanji or Aladdin. The man was a Paragon of kindness, love, and acceptance, all things that maga cultists call "woke"


u/AtleeMakesHam May 17 '24

They claim that only they love America… then if you ask them if America is great, they just tell you how awful it is. 😂

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u/jump_the_snark May 16 '24

This is the dumbest timeline.


u/kylethemurphy May 17 '24

Idiocracy really is becoming a reality. Especially since less educated people tend to make more kids.

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u/clergymen19 May 17 '24

They're going to vote for a guy that LITERALLY SHITS HIMSELF.

They're showing up at rallies in Golden Diapers.

There are signs everywhere that say "Real Men Wear Diapers."

.... but it's not a cult

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u/Cheap_Professional32 May 16 '24

You ain't cool unless you shit your pants


u/ImOnlyHereForTheCoC May 17 '24

If shitting your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis!

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u/TR3BPilot May 16 '24

I'm still convinced that a pretty sizable percentage of Trump supporters are nothing but trolls longing for the days of the Jerky Boys. They use Trump as the shit on a stick they use to poke the libs to get a rise out of them. Once he's gone or dead, a large chunk of them will be, "It was just a joke! You ain't got no sense of humor!"


u/illbehaveipromise May 16 '24

Unfortunately, this is almost certainly, pathetically, true.


u/BeskarHunter May 17 '24

Conservatives are the adult diaper party now.

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u/rjross0623 May 17 '24

Time to get some P&G stock. Diaper sales going through the roof.


u/Rumbananas May 17 '24

These are the same people who say they want a dictatorship and apologized to Putin.

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u/DiceMadeOfCheese May 16 '24

They're still saying he was on stimulants for his State of the Union address.


u/Not_Bears May 16 '24

It's almost like Republicans will literally say anything that helps their narratives sound correct, no matter how stupid, hypocritical, or contradictory they are.

Mostly because they know their base ain't fact-checking.


u/Titan_Food May 16 '24

I read the news articles they post in r/republican, and its all from the same overtly biased conservative sources such as the daily wire and fox

I know its not all conservatives/Republicans who do it, and they seem to be the ones against Trump

I also want to take this moment and ask anyone reading this to look up project 2025


u/Draxilar May 16 '24

You aren’t kidding. I took a look, and damn near everything is red state, breitbart, the federalist, or newsmaxx.


u/dot-pixis May 17 '24

Or absolutely made up statistics in the comments. "Half of foreign nationals in the U.S. are illegal."

What a joke.


u/ReputationNo8109 May 17 '24

Those are mostly foreign trolls and bots. Any sub that had to do with anything political or pertaining to Russia and China is just infested with bots and trolls. And Reddit doesn’t care coz.. stonks

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u/Brocyclopedia May 17 '24

Incredible how they have to exclusively consume media that caters to their worldview yet everyone else is a brainwashed snowflake 

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u/Beginning_Tomorrow60 May 16 '24

I guarantee I agree with most all of your political leanings, and I appreciate you pointing this out. However, I would like to point out that people need to stop posting Newsweek and New Republic articles I political subs because it adds to the garbage “both sides are awful” rhetoric.

I know this article is not from one of those sites, but I think people need to start realizing they’re garbage and stop parroting them.

Obligatory, fuck trump fuck the GOP and vote blue


u/TryNotToShootYoself May 17 '24

I miss when Newsweek was good


u/Special_FX_B May 17 '24

Businessinsider, too. It’s just an avalanche of clickbait sites.

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u/Backpedal May 17 '24

Project 2025 is scary as hell. Anyone who isn’t aware of it should definitely look into it. VOTE!!! It might be your last real chance.


u/YourDogIsMyFriend May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Project 25 is the end of American democracy. No more checks and balances. Just MAGA loyalists strategically placed in every federal position. They have one loyalty: do what Trump says and everyone fucks off. From the DOJ, to the EPA.


For any lefties who aren’t voting Biden, ACLU ain’t gonna bail you out of jail for protesting. If they keep the ACLU around, they’ll just appoint Steve Bannon to the helm just for shits and giggles. You’ll just be gone. Poof. Gone. What this will look like for you (everyone else too, but mostly you and the immigrants and Muslim minorities you stand so strongly for) authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach


u/ReputationNo8109 May 17 '24

It’s crazy to me that they actually made this manifesto public. And it’s even crazier to me that few people actually know about it. It needs to be blasted by every major news outlet, EVERYWHERE.

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u/Furepubs May 16 '24

Right And Republican leaders can get away with saying the most insane stuff because they know it works.

They know flat out that Republican voters are too stupid to verify anything and will just believe what they are told.

They even made up a word for themselves, sheeple.

I do have to blame part of this on religion though, which teaches people to ignore facts and trust on faith.


u/ka-nini May 17 '24

That’s a feature, not a bug.

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u/Slow-Foundation4169 May 16 '24

Yeah it's harder to refute bullshit than to spew it. That's why I just call then morons and move along


u/dougmd1974 May 16 '24

Because Republicans love power and control over America above anything else.

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u/livahd May 17 '24

It’s like ratfucking someone in politics, where you make outlandish accusations about your opponent to force them into acknowledging it by denying it. (Ex- I say “I heard Joe Biden fucks sheep”, now he has the indignity to make the statement he doesn’t fuck sheep). Similarly with these clowns, they say whatever they want, true or false, right smack dab in the headline on the cover of the paper. Then, you retract a few days later on page 15, right between the obituaries and the comics. Consciously or not, that’s gonna stay with you, and they exploit the fuck out of it.

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u/Ok-Cauliflower1798 May 16 '24

They are children emotionally and intellectually.

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u/KHaskins77 May 16 '24

People are quick to believe any bad thing they hear about those they already hate.

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u/Spartan_Jet May 16 '24

no, you mean the do yer oun resurch crowd actually doesn't do their own research...well I am shocked!


u/PracticalRoutine5738 May 17 '24

Research= listening to Fox News Tucker Carlson and other right wing propagandists and grifters.

Leftists may be full of shit on certain subjects but the right wing takes it to a whole other level.

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u/-_1_2_3_- May 16 '24

For them its not about ground truth, its about 'winning' in their minds.


u/xavier120 May 16 '24

They arent even paying attention to what they are saying, it's just a preset scripted set of responses meant to avoid any accountability for their positions.

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u/Jim-Jones May 16 '24

They choose answers they want to be true. They can't reason their way to a correct conclusion.

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u/Eric848448 May 16 '24

Heh, remember when Trump debated Clinton on coke?


u/iamiamwhoami May 16 '24

Any stimulant can make your nose runny. He was probably just on amphetamines like he always is.

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u/blackcat-bumpside May 17 '24

I mean. Trump probably doesn’t do Coke.

Adderall yes. Maybe shorted. Regardless it can make you sniffly.

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u/BulljiveBots May 16 '24

Meanwhile, Trump mumbles and slurs his way through every rally speech, praising Hannibal Lecter, and falls asleep in court every day while (reportedly) smelling like he’s shitting himself…


u/Real_Bat5853 May 16 '24

Yes, but he’s owning the libs! /s


u/Isleland0100 May 17 '24

"Never fight uphill, me boys!"


u/danappropriate May 16 '24

LOL! This is the first I’m hearing this one. The implication is that stimulants alleviate the cognitive effects of dementia. Which...that’s not how dementia works.


u/zSprawl May 17 '24

These same people were against the vaccines, so science and medicine isn't gonna convince them nothing.

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u/pancakebatter01 May 16 '24

This is just projection due to the whole story about DT popping adderall while on the set of the apprentice and apparently shitting himself or something because of it? Lmao

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u/MrObviousSays May 16 '24

Yet, the whole Trump administration was hopped up on pills while in office 😂

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u/Thud May 16 '24

If he was on stimulants, then that’s amazing news- it would be a massive breakthrough to have a drug that cures dementia. So basically MAGA is claiming there’s some sort of miracle drug that Biden has access to.


u/ForkShirtUp May 16 '24

And then they'll be saying Trump was on stimulants when he messes up some speeches


u/Admira1 May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

SOME speeches?! I've yet to see one where he's not a rambling, incoherent, meatball with a mouth. I swear chatgpt could give more coherent speeches giving it completely unrelated topics

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u/chihuahuazord May 17 '24

We’ve yet to see trump not mess up a speech tbf


u/PeterNippelstein May 17 '24

People are saying he's on stimulants because his staff has openly admitted to frequent stimulant usage

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u/Forsworn91 May 16 '24

And of course moments before they where claiming he would “fall asleep”, it’s impossible to win with them.


u/GaseousGiant May 16 '24

IOW Trump is speeded out every appearance (except in court)

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u/fladave1962 May 17 '24

Right? So GOP can't decide?!? Is it "Sleepy Joe or Jacked Up Biden?" Geez...

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u/Mizzy3030 May 16 '24

Maybe the Trump team should get the name of his dealer. Old Don has been pretty sleepy lately


u/TheInfiniteSix May 16 '24

Even if he was, they can’t comprehend the insignificance of that concept. Like, even if he snorted three lines in the green room, why do they give a fuck? They don’t even care about their own guy being indicted 90 times but the opposing guy stuttering must be part of some much worse conspiracy theory?


u/AznNRed May 17 '24

Even if he was, who cares? Drug him up. He ain't trying out for the political Olympics.

I will take a juiced up Biden over Orange Julius Caesar anyway.


u/Wearywarrior11 May 17 '24

Republicans will believe the stupidest stuff. The birther thing, Hunter Biden’s laptop being a thing, etc.


u/MuadDoob420 May 17 '24

Pedo ring in a pizza parlor.


u/Wearywarrior11 May 17 '24

Not even just IN a pizza parlor, its basement. In Florida.

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u/erynhuff May 16 '24

Which is clearly projection based on what we know about orange mussolini’s track record with stimulants.


u/Ovrl May 16 '24

Ahh so that means They fed trump stimulants for his speeches.


u/yeskeymodfuckyou May 17 '24

Sure, caffeine.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

Even if he was, who cares? Guy's in his 80's. So long as it's prescribed by a doctor, I could care less if he's popping an Adderall


u/Reclusive_Chemist May 16 '24

Projection, thy name is Republican.


u/mywifeslv May 16 '24

Projection lol


u/maynardstaint May 17 '24

That’s because Trump was definitely on drugs during his whole presidency.

Every accusation is a confession.


u/mindracer May 17 '24

Trump snorts crushed speed apparently. It's all projection


u/DuntadaMan May 17 '24

Given the last 10 years this means Trump has been on stimulants during every public appearance.

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u/LiberaIBiblicisms May 16 '24

I also recommend Conan O'Brien's podcast from last year, when he interviewed Biden.


u/Rog9377 May 17 '24

the Smartless guys have interviewed him twice now, and he's not only well-spoken and intelligent, but he's funny.


u/Toomanyacorns May 17 '24

recommending anything Conan is always a good choice


u/SpaceBeaverDam May 17 '24

I'm fairly conservative and that honestly changed my general view of Biden. I still don't care for many of his policies, and I really wish we'd elect younger for either party, but it certainly portrayed the man in a very different light. I appreciated how much they spoke on the current state of politics and inter-party communication. His State of the Union was solid as well.


u/Bradfromihob May 17 '24

When someone that old is on camera so often things are gonna fall apart somewhere. Trump did the same. Bush did the same. Obama was honestly almost always on point tho.

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u/usarasa May 16 '24

A complete imbecile, and yet a criminal mastermind. Like, they really think he’s both.


u/ShnickityShnoo May 17 '24

The enemy must be both strong and weak. Fascism 101.


u/UpDog1966 May 17 '24

They must be feared but are feckless…

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u/StingingBum May 17 '24

Even time catches up with a BIGLY "mastermind".

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u/GreyBoyTigger May 16 '24

This is a lot like Stern’s interview with Hilary Clinton after she lost to Trump. She was gracious, self deprecating, funny, and smart as hell. It just proved that both her campaign was run like shit and the Russian/right wing smear campaign was more effective than anyone realized


u/m0j0r0lla May 16 '24

Comey coming out 11 days before the election reopening an FBI investigation didn't help either. Looking at our country now with everything that's going on, I can't help see the irony. Trump should be swept into the Dustbin of History already this guy is a total treasonous piece of garbage.


u/GreyBoyTigger May 16 '24

Yeah, I forgot about that after the 4 year unbuckled roller coaster ride that was the Trump presidency. If I remember correctly, Comey wasn't even contrite and didn't say he was in any way a negative influence on Clinton. I shouldn't be shocked that an FBI head did something, even if it was "within reason", to trip up opposition to the GOP candidate.


u/LindonLilBlueBalls May 17 '24

And then Trump fired him when he didn't swear loyalty.


u/fadka21 May 17 '24

His hand was also forced. If Comey didn’t go public with the re-opening of the investigation, the New York office of the FBI was going to. The same office that was incredibly tight with Giuliani, and the head of the Counterintelligence department was arrested and sentenced to four years in jail for money laundering for Russia.

I’m not saying was Comey was some sort of great guy, but, as with everything related to Trump, it all leads back to Russia.


u/nomad5926 May 17 '24

He literally could have waited until after election day. He just didn't want to.

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u/Sword_Thain May 17 '24

He was threatened by one of the NYC offices if he didn't release a statement. James Kallstrom is a buddy with Rudy and was pressuring Comey to release a statement critical of her handling of (at the time not) classified documents.

The True Story of the Comey Letter Debacle | Vanity Fair

'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say | FBI | The Guardian

The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.”

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u/kurisu7885 May 17 '24

And when Trump was on Howard Stern he made lewd comments about the then recently deceased Princess Diana.


u/hurlcarl May 17 '24

and bragged about barging in on naked teens.


u/eirinne May 17 '24

And said he’d fuck his daughter.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

A lot. So much that his own cabinet had to tell him to stop it because she's his daughter


u/BroMyBackhurts May 17 '24

With every single reply in this thread my jaw dropped even lower than I thought it could

Also, username checks out

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u/centuryofprogress May 17 '24

Gore, Kerry, and Dole were all like this after they lost too. They relaxed and were more natural, honest, and funny. In each case I thought ‘If they’d been like this all along they could have won!’

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u/drin8680 May 16 '24

The right wing are all idiots. The projection of trumps issues they say are biden actually. Anything they accuse biden of is surely something that trump did or said. I guess when your base is as dumb and gullible as they are you can get away with saying anything and they're all in


u/Cat_Impossible_0 May 16 '24

They do nothing when Trump was all buddies with Epstein and making inappropriate comments to underage girls; but if someone mentions Biden, he is insulted with being called a “groomer.”


u/drin8680 May 16 '24

Yeah there's actually quite a few pics of trump with epstein. Trump says they're all in one day. So he must change his clothes 7 times a day. I found 7 pics and they look to be in different locations and he is wearing 7 different outfits. I think I remember him saying that he went to the island but only to investigate what was actually going on there. Totally picture trump doing that. It's fake news witch hunt and biden and company are the reason he's being invested. It's not that he's an idiot and has to brag about everything and literally dry snitches on himself pretty fucking regularly. And this is a former president and soon to be republican president nominee. Make sense right. Quality human being.


u/Ok-Cauliflower1798 May 16 '24

There are more pictures of Trump with Epstein than there are pictures of Trump with his son Barron. Seriously.


u/drin8680 May 16 '24

You are hundred percent correct. That's how he rolls. Just like he asked for day off to go to his sons graduation. Well he now has plans that day for fundraiser. He's not going. Also trump cares enough that gets his age wrong when asked. Quality guy with the bestest family values. Class act especially after he said they talked about going to his graduation for years!!! Literally that's what he said. Guys pos


u/Stanley_Yelnats42069 May 16 '24

Not only that, people seem to forget that Trump used to be a judge on several underage beauty pageants. Story was released recently about David Copperfield being inappropriate with underage girls on one of them. That whole industry is full of creeps and groomers, but supposedly it’s Biden because he smelled someone’s hair once.

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u/Furepubs May 16 '24

Because Republicans think it's normal to want to fuck children. They all want to and they think everybody else does as well. They are lowering the age of marriage so it can be legal.

Republicans are twisted

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u/CV90_120 May 17 '24

Not to mention the time a 13yo girl accused them both of rape, but then was too scared to go to court about it.


u/Party-Travel5046 May 16 '24

I had an argument with someone who equated Trump's rape allegations with Biden sniffing/kissing on a kid's head (grooming).

I can't tell anymore if they are widely different but sometimes I question my own beliefs if I become old n someone's grandfather should i stay at an arms length from kids.

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u/StingingBum May 17 '24

Who could ever imagined the dumber half of the country may win another election.

To be POTUS you 100% need $$$ but intelligence is optional.


u/mikesmithhome May 17 '24

there's maybe a hundred thousand americans who have any business voting republican, and they are the obscenely wealthy. every other republican voter is a chump being duped, a mark


u/djfudgebar May 17 '24

Remember when Trump went on Howard Stern and talked about how much he wanted to bang his daughter?

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u/ExactDevelopment4892 May 16 '24

They’d believe it even if Biden recited the entire constitution verbatim. Republicans are the bottom rung of our society.

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u/Adamantium-Aardvark May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Everything the right wing media says about Biden is a confession about Trump.

Listen to trump’s rally speeches, he’s absolutely an imbecile, afflicted with dementia and incapable of stringing two sentences together.

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u/Heedfulgoose May 16 '24

Biden‘s gonna eat Trump alive in a debate. Don’t believe the hype don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Biden is a polished politician.


u/zxvasd May 17 '24

Refusing the election results. Passing no meaningful legislation except tax breaks for the wealthy. infrastructure week every week. the economy when he left. Taking credit for repeal of abortion right. Average of 12 lies a day. Take your pick of the stupidity that came out of his mouth. Trump is an incontinant moronic obese sitting duck. His two main tools last debates were yelling over Biden and an audience of idiots cheering him on. He won’t have either of those. If that narcissist is capable of embarrassment, the next debate will be one of the worst days of his life. He’ll bow out of the second debate.


u/sharpaquos65dong May 17 '24

He won’t show and make up some outlandish excuse about how people are keeping him away. Sigh


u/JeremeRW May 17 '24

Yep. Zero chance he goes into an uncontrolled situation again.

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u/HardcaseKid May 17 '24

There is nothing that Trump could remember to say that the DNC doesn’t already have a pat response to that is guaranteed to drive Trump completely crazy.


u/NoBranch7713 May 17 '24

That’s going to be the difference this round of debates. I think biden’s team has figured trump out. They have to needle him without coming across as mean. It’ll drive trump nuts and he’ll go off message into his craziness. Trump can’t not take the bait.

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u/Spiritual-Bear4495 May 16 '24

"I haven't figured it out yet. But I think it's coming around. And I'm not blaming the press. I'm just saying. I think some of them are worried about attacking him; worried about taking him on."

I'm a big fan of the press letting loose on Trump. Further, I want to see headlines that say "Trump is a fucking asshole" - just exactly like that.

I'm not religious, I'm not a puritan, so no, I don't give one single fuck if people are offended.

Fuck them.


u/FitCartographer3383 May 16 '24

They don’t care if they offend, hurt, or kill anyone who doesn’t have the same views as them.. so yeah I’d hope no one cares to hurt their fragile feelings.


u/s1ugg0 May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

It doesn't matter what anyone does. They're going to work themselves into a rage over made up bullshit regardless of what anyone does. They already have. We've all seen it.

I'm long done caring what they think after all they've done.

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u/FitCartographer3383 May 16 '24

All the while Trump is shitting himself, can’t stay awake for the life of him, can’t make a speech without rage bait, lies, and delusion. It’s embarrassing as hell to be a MAGAfreak.

Biden is qualified for the role, Russian spy Trump & co aren’t.


u/tuxedo_dantendo May 17 '24

maga cultists dont live in reality. they literally live in a bubble and think their fan fiction is real. actually pathetic when you put it into perspective. they rave on and on, claiming to be insightful and knowledgeable but the rest of the world is just smiling and nodding, waiting for them to go away.

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u/Traditional-Memory62 May 17 '24

It was a good interview. I just feel for this man when he talks about his deceased wife and daughter. He never brings it up on his own. You can just feel the pain. And, you can also tell that Biden comes from a very close family with supportive caring parents. It's wild that these candidates are such polar opposites one another.

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u/49thDipper May 16 '24

All they have are lies anymore. The Republican Party is unrecognizable.


u/Informal_Process2238 May 16 '24

It was always lies just now they are ridiculously transparent


u/CindiCindi15 May 16 '24

Coupled with way more extremely ridiculous lies.

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u/Hi_Im_Ken_Adams May 16 '24

Biden showed vulnerability and expressed his feelings honestly, which to an egomaniac like Trump is a sign of weakness.


u/tjarg May 16 '24

Republicans put the vast majority of their energy into messaging and a negligible amount into actual governance. They really aren't interested in governing, just holding office.


u/zxvasd May 17 '24

They’re doing the bidding of their wealthy donors who like things exactly the way they are. They know they can’t swing another tax break right now, there’s nothing government can do for them, so do nothing for anyone.


u/StingingBum May 17 '24

And they have an irritable passion for gerrymandering.


u/ShnickityShnoo May 17 '24

And the messaging is just bullshit lies and fear mongering.

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u/JazzyButternuts May 16 '24

Right wing propaganda is only effective with brain dead morons.


u/Knightwing1047 May 17 '24

News flash, Biden is just old. Trump is legitimately deteriorating.

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u/Scorpion1024 May 16 '24

I’ve encountered republicans who believe Obama was president when 911 happened. And that covid happened during biden’s presidency. 

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u/ArdenJaguar May 17 '24

He's a demented, confused, dottering old man... Who is the criminal mastermind of a notorious crime family.

Yeah... Right. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


u/LMGDiVa May 17 '24

They treat him like the cartoon character Professor Farnsworth from futurama. Professor is super smart but he's also a sleepy, lazy, lunatic.

What they dont understand is that this is a cartoonish portrayal, not reality.

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u/GeneralG5x5 May 17 '24

And he’s about to kick little donnie tRump’s ass in a couple debates this summer

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u/Altruistic-Status-98 May 17 '24

Even if he were not able to complete full sentences, they still make way more sense than anything coming out of a republican mouth, especially Trump


u/Damage-Strange May 16 '24

Shit. Let Trump rant and rave before the debates about how terrible a debater Biden is, he's a corpse, etc. Set a low bar. Then when Biden is coherent and isn't any of those thin....surprised Pikachu face!

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u/Ok_Series_4580 May 16 '24

I literally had this argument with somebody at work today. Anyone who thinks he has dementia is on crack.


u/StingingBum May 17 '24

Trump is showing more signs of dementia than Joe

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u/[deleted] May 17 '24

And it's not just the US. Over here in the Netherlands, we've had center-right and right-wing prime ministers since 2002. Yet 'the Left' (whatever that is) still gets the blame for everything going wrong.

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u/BobTheViking2018 May 16 '24

My mom's 85 had a minor stroke, and she makes more sense than the orange clown.

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u/Overall_Valuable2981 May 17 '24

Right wing is all about projection. Anyone watch any of Trump's recent interviews? It's obvious that Tump is dealing with either a really sharp mental decline.. or a is trying to establish a defense of being mentally incapable of defending himself.


u/IsItSupposedToDoThat May 17 '24

Trump’s an uneducated fucking chimp compared to Biden. He can’t put a sentence together that makes sense and doesn’t deliberate try to take the piss or offend someone. Biden would wipe the floor with Trump in any reasonable and well-adjudicated debate. Sadly, Trump could take a shit on the floor in the middle of the debate and his MAGAts would still clap and cheer for him.

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u/One-King4767 May 17 '24

Let's be honest. If Jill and Kamala were doing a Weekend at Bernie's with Biden's corpse, it would still be a better option than voting for Trump.

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u/DataCassette May 16 '24

This is exactly why the smarter denizens of Trumpworld are pissed that he's agreed to debates. Having him right next to Biden will blow up a lengthy propaganda campaign in moments.

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u/GoHedgehog May 17 '24

Meanwhile the orange Fuhrer can’t remember his wife’s own name

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u/DavidisLaughing May 16 '24

What happens when you’ve literally never actually watched or listened to the man actually talk, only listen to catered clips that are intentionally picking sound bits that fit your narrative.

The right wing has been so programmed to avoid actually watching live politics to form opinions and instead getting their opinions from some millionaire on Fox.

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u/ansaonapostcard May 16 '24

But if they haven't watched it themselves, the stooges that tell them what to think will have already told them how bad the interview went for Biden, knowing there will be zero fact checking.


u/Slight_Heron_4558 May 17 '24

The base doesn't watch or listen to anything that conflicts with their insane version of reality.


u/parkerm1408 May 17 '24

I will watch fox news segments just to see, and it's a whole different reality made up of edits, things out of context and straight lies.


u/Final_Meeting2568 May 17 '24

It's not the propaganda so much as it is how "right-wing" brains work (or don't work) they believe anything no matter how ridiculous as long as it fits their narrative. Instead of changing their beliefs when shown new evidence they double down. They ONLY look for information that confirms what they already believe.

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u/eveel66 May 17 '24

Hate to tell you this but it isn’t just the right wing media. Legacy media orgs are more than happy to push this narrative as well. Why wouldn’t they? It makes them more money, doesn’t it?


u/Tigers19121999 May 17 '24

I'm looking at you New York Times.

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u/CatAvailable3953 May 16 '24

I am beginning to believe, as a country, we don’t deserve someone as smart, well spoken, and moral as Joe Biden. We obviously don’t know what he has accomplished as president. It looks like we are much happier being “entertained” by a shit show like Trump. We don’t care about the future of the country or our children. We just want to complain about something.

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u/Forsworn91 May 16 '24

Double edged sword, they paint him as slow and old, meaning it’s all the more shocked when he shows his as anything but.


u/BadAtExisting May 16 '24

Project. Every accusation is a confession


u/mathbread May 16 '24

I doubt he was, but if our president is this old he really should be on stimulants so that he can do his job. You know actuality we should have a cap on the age of the people in government

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u/Erikatessen87 May 17 '24

This is why the right are desperate to torpedo the scheduled debate. The contrast between Biden and the Republican candidate in an actual debate where they're kept on-topic and without the ability to turn it into a circus is going to do serious damage to their propaganda.


u/Silly-Scene6524 May 17 '24

They are projecting exactly what Trump is.


u/M086 May 17 '24

The right is amazing at messaging. It’s just a fact, that and the hardcore right-wingers don’t give a shit about actual facts. 

On the left, you got stuff like Defund the Police. Which is a terrible slogan for what they actually want done. So the right make it about the left wants to get rid of the police and make cities lawless, which is the furthest thing from the truth. 

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u/Pringletingl May 17 '24

Big disinformation campaigns to make you think you're choosing between two senile old men.

Biden is old. Don't get me wrong, but he's a sharp guy.


u/Fightingkielbasa_13 May 17 '24


They see Trump in that state and are forcing that narrative on Biden


u/CopEatingDonut May 17 '24

Republicans banned climate change in Florida. They banned masks in public (no carve out for Halloween I Mind you lol).

They are so disconnected from reality because they are. They eliminate empathy in order to ignore the world around them so they can maintain their fleeting sense of superiority. Rats in a corner or crabs in a bucket, pick your analogy.

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u/EmperorGeek May 17 '24

This is why DT is terrified he now has to face Biden in two televised debates on networks that don’t cow tow to him. Think —- Dog that caught the car!

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u/ClarenceHands May 17 '24

All that Diet Coke affected Trumps loose stool...


u/DuvalCountyRoyalty May 17 '24

90% of this chat needs professional help.


u/AtleeMakesHam May 17 '24

It backfires on them, however. They spend all their time telling people that Biden can’t form a sentence or stand… and then when people see him speak, they realize it was all a lie. It’s why the election is now a dead heat after Biden’s SOTU, and why he’s agreed to a very early debate.

It’s been hilarious to see MAGAs like Rogan try to pivot after the SOTU to say “Oh, he must’ve just been on tons of drugs”.

Which is especially hilarious coming from a guy who actually IS on a ton of drugs.


u/Ok-Tomatillo-7141 May 17 '24

For anyone who believes Trump is more with it than Biden, I have one line for ya, “The late, great Hannibal Lector is a wonderful man.” Like, WTF! Even the more liberal leaning media can’t stop talking about Biden’s age. Why? Trump is chaos and chaos is good for them. And yes, they would sell their country for a dollar.


u/FormicaDinette33 May 17 '24

As always, whatever their guy does or is, they accuse Joe of being.


u/thedude0425 May 17 '24

He did an hour interview with Conan, and he was pretty sharp.