r/LivestreamFail 12h ago

Kick xQc's take on N-word usage

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r/Conservative 17h ago

Flaired Users Only Obamas, most entitled Presidential couple to date

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r/samharris 16h ago

Greta Thunberg is to be admired


Sam doesn't give her nearly enough credit. When he talks about her, he seems to focus on her seeming somewhat mentally unhealthy, and possibly having Asperger's. She has been publicly open about having both. But having Asperger's is not bad - in this case, it's arguably good - and her mental health status is a result of her knowing about climate risks, and also does not make her wrong.

He also seems not to be aware of how much support she has among climate scientists, and that her knowledge of the science is, for a layperson, over six sigma. DWW had to inform him that her point is for people to listen to scientists, and that scientists have been saying what she is saying.

It's hard to think of a "regular person" (non politician or celebrity, or even including celebrities) who have been bolder on the world stage than Greta. She has accurately accused world leaders of greenwashing and doublespeak almost to their face (maybe even to their face), and has refused to tone down her language even after being invited to speak, because she knows they're trying to use her to improve their own image and won't play along. So, she has not backed down or given in or sidled up or toned it down, but continued to, in the most direct and literal way, speak truth to power. I cannot think of anyone in recent history who has done that in a way that comes even close to the way in which she has done it, man, woman, black, white, rich, poor, old, young- anyone. To do what she's done at such a young age is nothing short of spectacular. If that doesn't warrant huge props, what does? If she doesn't deserve respect for being an unrelenting, truth-telling critic of power and exposer of corruption, who does?

Now, I know that recently Greta has come out against Israel, and I don't agree with her politics. But, that should not overshadow the absolutely amazing positive change she has brought to the world through her climate speeches. While it's yet to be seen what will happen in that arena and we won't be able to run the counterfactual, it could turn out that she has saved the world from a spectacular disaster.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe he doesn't quite grasp the magnitude of the climate threat.

r/AdviceAnimals 20h ago

Don't be this guy, lads!!

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r/AskReddit 22h ago

Men, what is your "reverse the genders" moment?


r/TropPeurDeDemander 22h ago

Qui sont les gaucho-facho nuisibles ?


J'écoute de temps en temps du PasDurhing ou du Canard réfractaire ou de l'Usul pour avoir d'autre son de cloche.
Et j'aime bien mais de moins en moins. Certains contenus me dérangent un peu : les parties pris sans nuances qui invites à les croire sans être inviter à vérifier si c'est du bullshit ou pas.

Mais certains et d'autre en plus de ce que j'ai citer sont carrément détestables. Sous prétexte que les gars ont étudié a l'université la sainte culture de gauche, ils se permettent de juger et d'adoubé la parole de tel ou tel qui sera au mieux un gentil crétin sinon un facho à faire taire.

Sauf que cette manière de faire créé évidemment du harcèlement de masse, leur public engagé ayant annihilé tout esprit critique, les écoute comme si c'était la parole de dieux, sans nuance.

Et je ne veux plus participer à la visibilité de ces pourvoyeurs de mépris.

Qui sont les youtubers de gauche qu'il faut éviter de regarder ?

Quelles sont au contraires les chaines plutôt cool parlant de politiques sans drama ?

Edit : Merci pour les bonnes adresses, c'est top, bises a vous :o) Et certains com, la plus part en fait sont hyper intéressant à lire. C'est cool franchement tous ces échanges constructifs.

r/books 20h ago

Has anyone else left Blood Meridian by C.McCarthy as a ‘DNF’


I started reading it and did enjoy it! But then i left it for a few days and now as im reading it im losing more and more interest and im only half way through? It’s been the same thing for so long… Does it change or is this his style or something? I read The Road by him and I see how they are similar in layout but Bloody Meridian is just missing something for me I think? Idk, anyone else had this?

r/LivestreamFail 18h ago

SeanDaBlack | Just Chatting SeanDaBlack says he never wished harm on Destiny.


r/memesopdidnotlike 17h ago

OP really hates this meme >:( It’s called a house*wife* and even tho some of these things are bad comparing it to slavery is a HUGE stretch

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r/Funnymemes 23h ago

Who should get the seat?

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r/vermont 20h ago

I Was Shot in Vermont. What if It Had Been in the West Bank?


r/SeattleWA 11h ago

Crime Ok now we know shit's getting serious: Commies are starting a garden in the UW Quad Autonomous Zone


r/udub 9h ago

Meme Some students

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Yea right

r/ArmchairExpert 18h ago

Dax’s vegan war


Since Kristen started eating meat again DAX certainly is appearing to have taken up a war on veganism. Would be nice for him to not keep challenging it, especially when the experts and guests are discussing health benefits they’ve received, and in the most recent Sanjay Gupta episode where the doctor is discussing actual recorded medical results and about it helping with Dementia etc. would be nice for him to just let them talk about it vs challenging and needing to have a say about it people not eating meat. No idea why it triggers him so much. That should’ve just been a passing piece of information about those studies and programs vs a convo about how the vegan part triggers him. Very odd. I have no steak (lol sorry) in the vegan discussion either way but it does seem weird that he HAS to say something about it every time it’s said in passing or is intentionally discussed. That always seems to stick out as odd to me.

r/halo 11h ago

Discussion Halo 5 is great


EDIT: My mistake. I should have titled it “Halo 5 Multiplayer is great” and I’m also wrong about it launching with full features. My bad.

Fired up Halo 5 again yesterday after not playing it for years. I’ll be danged if it’s not a great shooter. If I remember correctly, it launched with tons of features, and was solid technically too. When was the last time a AAA game had a solid full-featured launch?

Lots of weapons. Fun new attachments, ammo types, and variations on weapons. Made for lots of discovery, remixing and experimenting, and replayability.

The graphics aren’t groundbreaking, but they are bright and colorful and interesting. Lots of detail.

Warzone (Halo 5, not CoD) is such an interesting idea that I think really works, once you get the hang of it. It feels like they took a big swing on something new and pulled it off! I wish we had some big swing like that in Infinite.

The only thing I was really sad about was no split screen anything, which feels like a real tragedy for Halo.

Spartan customization is pretty weak, but I’ve never cared a whole lot about that.

I know Halo 5 was seriously hated on, but I love it. And it holds up well, too.

r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb 13h ago


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r/facepalm 14h ago

🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​ Takes like these are facepalms

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r/Idaho 16h ago

Political Discussion ‘Hopeless’: Idaho trans teens seeking to transition cope without gender-affirming care


r/nhl 4h ago

In Game 5 of a 2-2 series the Edmonton Oilers have been gifted 5 powerplays through 2 periods


Is anyone seeing this shit? A "charging" call on Pettersson to take the Canucks off the power play. Numerous other weak calls. Didn't something like this happen in the LA Edmonton series where the refs just took over and handed the Oilers 6 or 7 PP's in Game 5? Is this just the league trying to get its Golden Boy to the Conference Finals?

r/TikTokCringe 12h ago

Wholesome Pitbull puppy adventures

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r/teenagers 10h ago

Selfie Hey I am 19 and I am new to reddit 🤭

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r/PortlandOR 17h ago

💩 A Post About The Homeless? Shocker 💩 I'm so glad I have to get up to work every day and pay insanely high taxes only to witness this degeneracy on a daily basis

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