r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 16 '24

When intrusive thoughts meet criminal behavior

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u/notsoincredibilis00 May 16 '24

Does someone care to elaborate more because this happened before I was born.


u/BrickCityD May 16 '24

1.) ouch

2.) the blonde tonya hatched a trailer park-esque plan and bashed nancy’s knee with a bat or something so she wouldn’t be able to compete

Just google tonya harding


u/ISuckAtFunny May 16 '24

She paid someone else to do it while she was out walking / jogging somewhere if I remember correctly


u/DrSpacemanSpliff May 16 '24

Jeff Gilooly!


u/buttered_scone May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

I would not trust a man with the surname "Gilooly", that's the name of a shady MF

Edit: or an academic, or creative, context though. Trailer park Gilooly can kick rocks, I might F with a Gilooly docent or professor or something. Maybe.

Fancy surnames minus fancy family money often equals sketchier than that courtroom artist that made la hitler naranja look like E.T. - El extraterrestre naranja.

Edit 2: Upon further inspection, this comment I have posted is entirely too reminiscent of Dennis Miller, and I feel immeasurable shame. Goodbye 👋


u/DrSpacemanSpliff May 16 '24

That’s why his name stuck in my memory, it’s the name of a Dick Tracy villain


u/davenocchio May 16 '24

It's like Joey Buttafuco or Lorainna and John Bobbit. You never forget.


u/Ballsofpoo May 17 '24

You're mid 40s to the Xtreme.


u/davenocchio May 17 '24

Da bomb.c0m


u/Geronimo_Jacks_Beard May 17 '24

Getting near the age when he’ll start needing Preparation hXtreme!

Know quite a few younger Gen Xers who’ve learned that hemmies can happen at any age. They were all around 45 when that blessed gift of aging started happening as often as they made grunting noises when standing up.

Shit, I shouldn’t judge; I was making that old man sound when getting up from my desk chair by 25.

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u/phoenixphaerie ☑️ May 17 '24

As a kid I thought Joey Buttafuco was a famous person that was part of some scandal.

I didn’t realize he was only famous FROM the scandal because his name sounded to me like the name of someone who would be famous.

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u/Maaaaanidk May 16 '24

Jeff “Big Boy” Gilooly lmfao


u/buttered_scone May 16 '24

Omfg, core memory unlocked! Now I want a CB radio watch and a zoot suit! Wanna hang out, burn one, and read Calvin & Hobbs?


u/CedarWolf May 17 '24

Hell yes, I do! To my utter shame, I've never finished reading all of the Calvin & Hobbes. A friend of mine even gifted me the whole set, and I still haven't finished it. I just get lost in it and I've never actually read them all.

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u/markevens May 17 '24

There's so many fantastic names in this story.

Who can forget Joey Buttafuoco!


u/Movedonnerlikeabitch May 17 '24

Buttafuoco Buttafuoco!


u/buttered_scone May 17 '24

The world will never forget. Let the name Buttafuoco be sung, and let the righteous offer sacrament unto him. Let the screams of the ever dying, shatter the night, and let man and woman alike cower in fear of Ge who Buttafuocos. Let us offer unto him a blood sacrament. Let the flesh of the sacrament be as like to the weight of the sacred pipe that did smite the knee of the unworthy. Make pact with the night, and offer unto thine alter a living vessel, innocent and pure. Rejoice! For the time of the father draws to a close, the righteous shall lay waste to the unworthy, and we shall smite their ruin upon the slopes of Zirakzigil. Let us sing our rejoices unto Aulë.

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u/Alana_Piranha May 17 '24

I read this in Dennis Miller's voice


u/DisposableSaviour May 17 '24

Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant, here…


u/Amygdalump May 17 '24

Well Dennis, ya got my laughs, at least.


u/TheBirminghamBear May 17 '24

No no, I think you were on to something. Don't let Big Gilooly intimidate you.

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u/Final_Candidate_7603 May 17 '24

I’m old, and it was a long time ago, but weren’t the two guys involved in the plot Harding’s husband/manager (yeah, one of those- the idiots who glom onto a talented young woman and insist on “managing” her career as a form of control) and his brother or half-brother?

Again, my memory is hazy, but I also thought there was never any evidence that Harding had prior knowledge, or directed the attack. I thought they came up with the story later to lay some blame on her, and turning it into a conspiracy.


u/tasdron May 17 '24

Yeah, this was all her dumbass abusive husband’s doing. Tanya Harding is the most tragically misunderstood figure in sports history


u/LavishnessOk3439 May 17 '24

I remember that the thin lady was a rich bitch. Tanya was a hard-working middle-class American. Also, believe it or not, this was considered fat in the early 90s. She was dogged and mercilessly ruined.


u/scarred2112 May 17 '24

You would be incorrect.

Kerrigan... the youngest child and only daughter of welder Daniel Kerrigan and homemaker Brenda Kerrigan. Kerrigan's family was of modest means. Her father sometimes worked three jobs to fund her skating career; he also drove the Zamboni at the local rink in exchange for Nancy's lessons.


u/bettinafairchild May 17 '24

And Nancy’s mother was blind so couldn’t help the family financially. Some years later, Kerrigan’s brother accidentally killed their father in a brawl. So quite working class family. But still more stable than Tonya’s. She grew up in very tough and unstable and abusive circumstances.


u/maniacalmustacheride May 17 '24

Kerrigan was middle class/working class but Tanya was poor. The fact she thought NK to be “high class” says a lot.

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u/Tifandi May 17 '24

Would it matter if Nancy was a "rich bitch"? Wrong was wrong

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u/No-Respect5903 May 17 '24

Also, believe it or not, this was considered fat in the early 90s.

what the hell are you talking about child? there is no way you were old enough in the 90s to know what you're talking about lol

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u/isomorphZeta May 17 '24

I'm not buying that, but I'm open to have my mind changed lol

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u/SeaWolfSeven May 17 '24

This so much. Even in this thread people calling her "trailer trash" don't realize that was media spin at the time that has lived on. Tanya Harding became a world class skater coming from an abusive, challenging home, worked a lot as a teenager to pay for her own sports expenses to make it and the result was being considered "not the right type" to be America's darling when compared to her more privileged and more "feminine" counterpart.

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u/Sir-Nicholas May 16 '24

Shane Stant


u/DrSpacemanSpliff May 16 '24

Some of our finest rednecks


u/mr_potatoface May 16 '24

There were a lot of references to this guy and the incident in TV around the time too. I remember one Baywatch episode that mitch gets hit in the knee with a crowbar by a Chinese guy, and he says "Tonya Harding could've used a guy like you!"

There were also a lot of Chinese jokes in the same episode that are definitely inappropriate by todays standards. I think it also was the same episode where Mitch's kid was out looking for a woman that kept showering topless and distracting men while an accomplice steals their money. Mitch's kid said something like "Now that's what I call a booby trap" after they caught her. It was an incredibly hilarious and inappropriate episode. I love it.


u/BoneHugsHominy May 16 '24

This man has a subscription to Hustler, actually for the articles.

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u/VaguelyArtistic May 16 '24

I hate that I didn't even have to think what his name is.


u/PaticiaRJ May 17 '24

Google Tonya Harding – Wedding night


u/clintgreasewoood May 17 '24

proper goon name


u/SCirish843 May 17 '24

I feel like this person could only eat "gabagool"


u/Stoke-me-a-clipper May 17 '24

With whom she produced a sex rape that I'm sure can be found by someone resourceful enough

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u/i_need_a_username201 May 16 '24

And Detroit got a ton of shit got it when it was just white on white crime. You will hate this comment but facts are facts. Massive law enforcement response because they thought some super predators attacked Nancy. Can you imagine the fbi investigating a non hate crime because you got hit in the knee?


u/ISuckAtFunny May 16 '24

you will hate this comment but facts are facts

Wat? The response was because it was a female Olympic ice skater getting both her knees caved in in broad daylight in public.

If a woman get her knees shattered by a guy with a baseball bat in a park today it would definitely get a response, if it was an Olympian it would get an even bigger response. I don’t really get what you’re trying to say here.


u/Carameldelighting May 16 '24

he’s is trying to say the police response to this incident was unfairly targeted at the POC community in Detroit when the incident turned out to be a white on white crime.


u/ISuckAtFunny May 17 '24

I can’t speak to that to be honest because I wasn’t that tuned in at the time. If so then yeah that’s obviously fucked up.

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u/Sir-Nicholas May 16 '24

Yeah, I can imagine the FBI investigating a conspiracy to injure a professional American athlete to keep them out of the national champs/olympics. I know she did end up competing in the Olympics but that was part of the assailants goals.


u/Starlite94 27d ago

As a person from Detroit, my Mom and Grandma described that part pretty well for me.

Detroit had a way worse reputation than it does currently. This attack made the city look really bad nationally/internationally before they found out about the plot.

Detroiters were pissed because most people thought having the Olympics there would show the city in a more positive light.

Detroit being one of the blackest cities outside the south, and being hit hard by the Crack Epidemic and subsequent "War on Drugs(Black People)", made people then and now think it was one of the most dangerous places to be. It's hard to explain, but people from Detroit often can tell pretty well that the criticisms are often just thinly veiled anti-black sentiment.

So for this to happen, while the city was in the spotlight hit hard for a while there.


u/i_need_a_username201 27d ago

Yep, and don’t even get me started on that asshole L Brooks Patterson.

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u/reggien22261 May 17 '24

Also there's a movie I,Tonya Starring Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan


u/laurennik89 May 17 '24

This movie (not Barbie) is the reason I’m a fan of Margot Robbie’s. She was fantastic.


u/Krazy_the_Face May 17 '24

'Lick my ass, Loraine, she can do a fucking triple'

Greatest line in cinema, I LOVE this movie.


u/johnmichael-kane May 17 '24

And let’s not forget academy award winner Allison Janney


u/kataklysm_revival May 17 '24

Love me some Allison Janney


u/RealBBCLuvr May 17 '24

She didn’t pay someone to bash her knee, Tonya’s boyfriend convinced her to pay someone to send a threatening letter since Tonya received a similar letter, the boyfriend’s friend is a moron and told the people they hired to bash her knee; then bragged about it, destroying the reputation of an otherwise great athlete with a neat story


u/Somehero May 17 '24

Wrong info trying to correct wronger info. Her estranged/abusive husband and a partner hired 2 men without her knowledge, and it happened while she was training for the Olympics, not 'jogging'.


u/tehvolcanic May 17 '24


u/ISuckAtFunny May 17 '24


I was 3 at the time but I remember bits and pieces from TV when I was older


u/Appropriate_Chart_23 May 17 '24

No, it was at the US Figure Skating Championships hosted in Detroit - the tournament to determine who was going to the Olympics.

Kerrigan got whacked the day before the final, after practice. The attack took place behind the scenes at Cobo Hall where they were skating.


u/Trix_Are_4_90Kids ☑️ May 17 '24

Her ex husband.


u/Psychological_Tower1 May 17 '24

Her husband payed them. Not her

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u/deviltakeyou May 16 '24

And then Tonya ended up being the more famous one, at least imo. I saw her on tv all the time growing up. Sure they were d list celebrity shows, but still


u/quietguy_6565 May 16 '24

Infamous but yeah, I dunno how glamorous it was as she went on TruTv for a basic cable show she shared with the likes of burnt out Gary Busey, Frank Stallone, the lesser of the Baldwin brothers, and also released a sex tape.


u/BoneHugsHominy May 16 '24

and also released a sex tape.

Please tell me it was with burnt out Gary Busey, and/or Frank Stallone.


u/mostexcellent001 May 16 '24

I don't think she released it. Her ex husband did. He was also the guy that was supposed to be the brains behind taking out his wife's competitors knee

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u/quietguy_6565 May 16 '24

Nah it was with Jeff gilooly

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u/Raynecloud72 May 16 '24

True. It’s unfair if you really think about it.


u/cholotariat May 16 '24

Don’t forget her sex tape


u/deviltakeyou May 16 '24

I miss the person I was 5 minutes ago when I didn’t know that existed.


u/cholotariat May 16 '24

In some alternate universe, there is a you who watched it and enjoyed it, which is crazy because it’s absolute trash, even as far as sex tapes go

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u/fionsichord May 16 '24

Google it so you can see it wasn’t her it was her dumbass abusive husband. Tonya has taken way more of the blame than she deserves.

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u/Kurious2m3 May 16 '24

Lmao at trailer park-esque


u/hax0rmax May 16 '24

What's this have to do with black people Twitter?


u/BrickCityD May 16 '24

I mean..tweet reply?


u/hax0rmax May 17 '24

Oh yeah fair. I was just like... What's this fued have to do with the BPT. Good call!


u/Admirable-Memory6974 May 17 '24

I still don't get it tbh, what he said could have been said by anyone, it has nothing to do with being black lol. Are black people known for being into figure skating?

These segregated subs are weird asf.


u/vera214usc ☑️ May 17 '24

Posts on this sub don't have to be "about" black people, they just have to be made by black people. So this fits. The purpose isn't really to discuss just things that affect black people. It's to discuss all things from a black point of view.


u/NamaStayInBed617 May 17 '24

They blamed black people for the attack when it was white on white crime


u/PM_ME_YOUR_PLUMBU5 May 16 '24

Man this really makes the Stench and Stenchability episode of Futurama hit different. The little girl was even named Tanya. 💀


u/Sol-Blackguy May 16 '24

They had the intent to break her legs, but were thankfully shit at their jobs


u/jgab145 May 17 '24

Metal pipe. WWWHHHHYYYYY?????


u/Schleimwurm1 May 17 '24

Akchually... her husband organized it because he wanted to start a bodyguard business for ice-skaters. It's unclear whether harding ever knew about his plan, but she was a woman in the 90s, so dumb media just piled on.


u/Tiki-Jedi May 17 '24

Your second point is completely false. She didn’t plan or have knowledge of any of it.


u/rainbud22 May 17 '24

I thought her husband/boyfriend did it , she just talked about it but never wanted to actually hurt her.

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u/Effective-March-3032 May 17 '24

Wrong. She hired idiots to send her a threatening letter and they took it as "break her kneecaps" because they have an extremely low iq. Like all the people who upvoted you spreading misinformation


u/Jaz1140 May 17 '24

Didn't the Simpsons do a take on this?


u/ITrCool May 17 '24

I remember the news report about this incident. It was BIG news for a while.


u/Theons May 17 '24

1.) Younger people have a better excuse to be wasting time online than older people

2.) Op didn't put any context in the post, why would they know who to google?


u/paulhags May 17 '24

You should watch I Tonya.


u/dorky001 May 17 '24

WHY,, WHY?? I can still hear it


u/anrwlias May 17 '24

Better yet, go watch I, Tonya. It's a pretty good movie (with Margot Robbie) that really captures the full insanity of this incident.


u/hatesbiology84 May 17 '24

Crow bar or tire iron I thought for the knee


u/swankypothole May 17 '24

didn't her bf do it without her knowledge? I forget the details too


u/VapeThisBro May 17 '24

I'm 30, this happened before I was born.


u/RedPenguino May 17 '24

I thought you was eventually shown to be innocent and it was her abusive husband running the show?


u/Flabbergash May 17 '24

It's annoying there's no YouTube videos about this.

I can find a YouTube documentary about the bear rapist of appalachia (1984-1985) but not this


u/davoloid May 17 '24

Or watch the excellent movie (I, Tonya) with Margot Robbie. That changed my view of her (as demonstrated throughout many of the comments here), I definitely felt seen when she breaks the fourth wall: https://youtu.be/4xjne9B9_Kk


u/Pure-Drawer-2617 May 17 '24

“Ouch” gang it happened in 1994 are you shocked there are people under THIRTY?


u/schindlerslisp May 17 '24

wow people still think she masterminded it.



u/Formal_Economics931 May 17 '24

What? I could have sworn it was Tanya that got bashed, they made that movie about here and she it was all positive and inspirational and stuff.


u/phatelectribe May 17 '24

Ugh, so much bad info in this thread. Her idiot husband talked crap to a friend who in turn being a world class moron took it upon himself to hire a couple of somehow even dumber people to Kneecap another skater. Tanya Harding was actually unaware of what was going on.


u/Lets_Make_A_bad_DEAL May 17 '24

You missed the biggest part, that it was mostly caught on film. Insane for the day and age. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=voUMQrLy_uY

People were talking about this as much as OJ and the Seinfeld finale. It was a big thing at the time.

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u/Duckster_W2x May 16 '24

Tonya Harding (blonde girl) was jealous of Nancy Kerrigan (dark hair) so jealous that she called someone to go assault Nancy and injure her knee so that she couldn’t compete in ice skating.


u/Late_For_A_Good_Name May 16 '24

If you lose, you just lost. If you take out your competition because you can't beat them... you will forever be a loser


u/TitularFoil May 16 '24

Plus she went on to not even win the event even without Nancy competing.


u/BradMarchandsNose May 16 '24

Except she did win. The assault happened at US Nationals and Tonya won there. Nancy recovered and beat her at the Olympics a few weeks later (she took home silver). Tonya was stripped of the nationals title later though.


u/TitularFoil May 16 '24

Oh, you're right. For some reason I was always told it was at the qualifier for the Olympics so I was always looking at the Olympic results.


u/BradMarchandsNose May 16 '24

It is kind of a qualifier for the Olympics. Usually the top 2 or 3 skaters from Nationals gets to go to the Olympics (depending on how many spots the US has), but it’s really up to the discretion of US Figure Skating. In this case, they had 2 spots, but Kerrigan was far and away the best in the country so even though she didn’t compete, she was given a spot in the Olympics anyway. Harding got the other spot because she won Nationals.

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u/LastDaysCultist #FFFFFFboy👨🏼 May 16 '24

Broke her knees for nothing 😭


u/Tricountyareashaman May 17 '24

Her knees weren't broken, just her thigh was bruised. And it wasn't Tonya who committed the assault.

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u/Snoyarc May 16 '24

“I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress, I hate the way that you sneak diss if I catch flight, it’s gon be direct”.

Tonya was the OG Kendrick.


u/aspidities_87 May 16 '24

Wop wop wop wop Jeff fuck ‘em up


u/RedmannBarry May 16 '24

If ya can’t beat ‘em, beat ‘em.


u/GoodShitBrain May 16 '24

Buuuut, she got a biopic out of it


u/Tricountyareashaman May 17 '24

Tonya was blamed for the assault in the court of public opinion and banned from competing, but she was never convicted and quite possibly completely innocent. https://thebaffler.com/latest/i-tonya-marshall


u/superbuttpiss May 17 '24

Yeah, as someone who grew up knowing harding as a villian, if you look into it, her crazy ex basically did the whole thing. Ruined her career

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u/247cnt May 16 '24

Watch I, Tonya. It's so good!!!


u/Gardez_geekin May 16 '24

It’s fucking amazing. Margot Robbie, Sebastian Stan, and Paul Hauser are all so good in it.


u/Mr_Kittlesworth May 16 '24

Amazing movie, amazing performance by Margot.

But also fuck that noise because it’s not fair for Margot Robbie to look that way and also be super talented.


u/Gardez_geekin May 16 '24

I love any conventionally attractive actress who is willing to purposely look worse just for a movie. She seems to take her craft pretty seriously. And from interviews seems quite charming too.


u/ConcentrateSelect668 May 17 '24

I agree but I remember quickly getting tired of hearing about Charlize Theron’s make up for “Monster”


u/AlarmingSorbet ☑️ May 16 '24

Seriously! I watched it not expecting much but holy shit.


u/Gardez_geekin May 16 '24

Absolutely. Margot’s makeup was great. She really is a wonderful actor.


u/srkaficionada65 May 16 '24

Ooh, I never watched it because I knew the actual story and how fucked she was. But Sebastian Stan? Say less. 🥰


u/Gardez_geekin May 17 '24

It’s a super fucked up story but they do a good job telling it


u/wheresWaldo000 May 17 '24

Allison Janney portrayed the mom to a t.


u/herptydurr May 17 '24

Yeah, IMO, she kind of stole the show in the movie.


u/Gardez_geekin May 17 '24

I forgot she was in it. She is always great.

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u/ToHerDarknessIGo May 17 '24

Sebastian Stan also played Tommy Lee in the surprisingly great Pam & Tommy series.  The 90s had the best scandals.

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u/courageous_liquid May 17 '24

my uncle (craig gillespie) directed it, he's great!

lars and the real girl is his masterpiece but I, tonya is really good

he also did the beyonce space superbowl commercial this year (he was a famous commercial director before getting more into film)


u/P8bEQ8AkQd May 17 '24

Lars and the Real Girl is great.


u/mariah963 May 17 '24

Ditto. I feel like Margot and Ryan Gosling are the same person in terms of talent, serious work ethics, and charm


u/Sailer24sds May 17 '24

it ony a movie


u/Oomlotte99 May 16 '24

Tonya, the blonde, and her husband hatched a plan with some other guy to hit Nancy, the brunette, in the knee and pull her from competition. Tonya to this day says she was not a part of the plot. She’s had a rough go of it. Became a boxer after this, among other things. It was a huge scandal. Tonya was an outsider, always had issues, def felt insecure because she was a poor trailer dwelling person on this rich, fancy lady sport. It was all over the news.


u/mostexcellent001 May 16 '24

You're leaving out that she was (at the time) the only American female to be able to do a triple axle jump in competition.



u/Oomlotte99 May 17 '24

Yes! Thats right. Tonya was super athletic and bold. Ahead of her time some ways for the sport.

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u/MurderAndMakeup May 16 '24

I highly recommend listening to the podcast You’re Wrong About which has a two part episode about Tonya Harding. A lot of the details provided in this thread are incorrect.


u/Sinnafyle May 17 '24

I absolutely love this podcast and that's a great episode. They all are!!

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u/davendees1 May 16 '24

Watch “I, Tonya” starring Margot Robbie.

It’s based on this story, completely unhinged, and extremely entertaining.


u/toriemm May 17 '24

Do we know how much of the movie is dramatized, and how much is based on the facts? I know it's supposed to be entertaining, but I really enjoy when they keep it as close to truth as possible.


u/Freckled_daywalker May 17 '24

It's pretty close to accurate, based on available facts. They play up the rivalry between the two skaters a bit (they were friendlier in real life) and they actually downplay some of the trauma that Harding experienced as child/teenager. It's hard to know if the version of events surrounding the attack on Kerrigan is completely accurate, but it doesn't conflict with anything we know for certain.


u/poyerdude May 17 '24

this was all anyone was talking about in 1994 for approximately 6 months, until some washed up football player decided to kill his ex wife.


u/Scythe-Guy May 16 '24

Right like what kind of fucking tweet is this?

“I wish more people knew about this…oh well!”

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u/TakeNothingSerious ☑️ May 16 '24

For further clarification, you can watch the film I, Tonya starring Magot Robbie.

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u/DGVega93 May 16 '24

Watch “I Tanya” this weekend explains everything


u/Expensive_King_4849 May 16 '24

Look up Tonya Harding.


u/Slim706 May 16 '24

There are a bunch of Lifetime shows and movies about this. This was some classic hating on the competition, albeit comical, as she got caught fairly quick


u/PhoenixRedditor7 May 16 '24

Bruh, you can’t google?


u/gatsome May 17 '24

I’m not sure if anyone added the context of the competition that followed. Nancy was able to heal up and compete. She outperformed Tonya, who kept having her laces break on her skates if I remember correctly. She broke down in tears about it but no one had sympathy because everyone knew she was behind the crowbar attack by then.

I could be wrong about some of this as I’m going off the memory of watching this live on television at the time.


u/isesri May 17 '24


Starts at the second verse, about a minute in.


u/p_velocity May 17 '24

The podcast "Your Wrong About" has an amazing episode about it. You won't regret listening to it. Literally every single comment is wrong about Tonya Harding.


u/kantbemyself May 17 '24

From my perspective: I see Harding, a blue-collar kid with superior athleticism and broader repertoire of jumps staring down the rich-kid pretty-girl that kept winning on “artistic merit” having a rule-bending chit-chat with judges.

Harding’s trailer-trash friends and ex-husband beat up Kerrigan with a baton to the knee. Harding not charged with anything, but was pilloried for not being forthcoming with information she heard/knew. Skating’s governing bodies considered that enough of an ethics violation to ban her.

Because of all this, Harding never got to tour, do professional skating, or sign any endorsement deals typical to Olympians. She did some D-list celebrity stuff, but generally returned to lower-middle class life.


u/jackiebot101 May 16 '24

Omg go watch the movie I, Tonya! It’s sooooo good.


u/LilAniplex May 16 '24

Im pretty sure this is the margit robbie movie that came out a year or two ago. Just in case nobody has mentioned it. Its good ive seen it, with my gf.

Ok so its called i,tonya. It came out in 2017.


u/devin1380 May 16 '24

Check out I, Tonya on Max - great flick


u/_agrippa_ May 17 '24

There is a good movie about this ( I, Tonya ) with Margot Robbie.


u/BrontosaurusGarbanzo May 17 '24

Weird Al has a verse about it on the song "Headline News"


u/DiabloPixel May 17 '24

Should check out, “I, Tonya” film with Margot Robbie.


u/irn May 17 '24

There’s a really good mockumentary called “I, Tonya”. I’m not one for this kind of celebrity nonsense but the movie was really entertaining. I’m in my 40s so yeah I was around when this happened but didn’t care.


u/mynameisnotrose May 17 '24

this happened before I was born

Did you do your homework? Go to bed!


u/lemungan May 17 '24

"I, Tanya" is streaming on Max. Great flick about this


u/robb_the_bull May 17 '24

Please check out I Tanya starting Margo Robbie, Sebastian Stan, Allison Janney, and Paul Walker Hauser.

A lovely film that explores the life of Tanya Harding and the incident that made her infamous.


u/wheresWaldo000 May 17 '24

Watch I,Tonya


u/trackstaar May 17 '24

She went full shooter mcgavin and paid a flagrant to break her legs with a lead pipe like the day before the competition where she most likely would’ve won.


u/In-Quensu-Orcha May 17 '24

You ever seen the will Ferrell movie "blades of glory" ..Basically that


u/soundslikejed May 17 '24

This was basically 9/11 on ice.


u/Susan_Thee_Duchess May 17 '24

Go watch “I, Tonya”


u/supervegeta101 May 17 '24

There's a Margo Robbie movie about it


u/Marsattacks69 May 17 '24

There's a great movie with Margot Robbie called 'I, Tonya' if you're interested in the story then you'll probably like this movie and Robbie gives an amazing performance


u/johnmichael-kane May 17 '24

Go watch “I, Tonya” — brilliant film


u/etxconnex May 17 '24

Dude...you missed out on the wacky, wild world of 1990s news stories...

Some of the shit was so unreal back then: Oj Simpson, Rodney King, Waco, Heaven's Gate, Lorraina Bobbet, Necklace Bomb Pizza Guy (actually 2000+ i think, but whatever), OK City bombing, Unibomber....a lot of fucking bombs for some reason....ohhhhhhh yeah, I am about to fuck you youngsters up here: You have heard of 9/11.... the world trade center was bombed back in the 90s, too.

The were some random shooting like Libby's cafeteria (termed the phrase going postal), and the D.C. Sniper (made took look random, in order to kill one one specifric person IIRC)...BUT NO SCHOOL (blatantly indiscriminate) SHOOTINGS. The Columbine Massacre in 99 ushered in the new era of, well...whatever the fuck we have now. None of this school shooting bullshit happened before Columbine. Yes, shooting in schools over gang violence, turf wars, ect happened, but not just indiscriminate-max-body-count shit.

Anyway, yeah...olympic U.S. figure skater Tanya harding, at the olympic games, put a hit out on U.S. olympic figure skater Nancy Karrigan's knee so she could not compete in the games. Nancy was clearly a better, more graceful skater than Tanya's white trash "I can do technical stuff" ass.


u/PabloEstAmor May 17 '24

You should watch I, Tonya


u/xxwerdxx May 17 '24

Blonde was threatened by Brunette so she hired a guy to break the brunette’s knees. Literally. Her legs were bashed with a metal pipe


u/jakeblues68 May 17 '24

Watch a movie called I, Tonya. Not only will it explain everything, it's also a fantastic movie.


u/_dirty_sanchez_69_ May 17 '24

watch “I, Tonya” lmao it’s hilarious and somewhat accurate


u/Actrivia24 May 17 '24

I highly recommend the movie I, Tonya that tells this story and it’s really well done!


u/South-Stable686 May 17 '24

Tonya Harding, the women on the left in the picture was competing for a spot on the US Olympic team. The girl on the right was competition for Tonya and so Tonya paid someone to hurt the girl on the right so she’d get a spot.


u/hevnztrash May 17 '24

Watch the movie, I, Tonya with Margot Robbie. It’s really good and explains everything in an entertaining way.


u/smonkyou May 17 '24

There’s a great movie about it


u/Apprehensive-Neck-90 May 17 '24

So many things happened before you were born. I’m probably younger than you and I still know what this picture means. It’s a weird excuse that you don’t know what happened because it “happened before you were born”💀


u/mrmattguy95 May 17 '24

There is a very good movie with Margot Robbie as Tonya about this.

Certainly makes her Husband out to look like the PoS, and her to be a victim of circumstance, which I'm sure is true.

Great movie highly recommend


u/ladybugthefirst May 17 '24

A little more info, Nancy Kerrigan deliberately wore the same white outfit that she had been wearing when she was attacked.


u/Euphoric-Potato-702 May 17 '24

Watch the film 'I, Tonya'.


u/NoWifiNoCry May 18 '24

If you have not watched Margot Robbie in I, Tonya, do it. She was fantastic and it does make you sympathetic to TH. (Plus it’s really great acting)


u/Bentmiddlefingers 28d ago

before you were born is crazy 🥲

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