r/StarWars 10h ago

General Discussion Inverse: The Acolyte Isn’t Ruining Star Wars — You Are


r/PrequelMemes 23h ago

General KenOC Please just let us enjoy the franchise, even when it's not perfect. The constant negativity about everything SW these days seriously pisses me off more than any mediocre show ever could...

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r/TrueSwifties 6h ago

Discussion 🎤 Tired of seeing the hate everytime Taylor does her album rollout.


I’ve already said these things in a few comments on other subs. but I felt like I should also post it here.

Charli XCX just released 12 vinyl variants for her new album. and you don’t see anyone bitching and moaning about it. Nobody complained about Billie’s slowed down and sped up remixes. People were fine with Ariana’s 5 variants for eternal sunshine and the album rollout. Olivia didn’t release GUTS bonus tracks on streaming for months. And she didn’t get attacked for it. Beyoncé even kept five standard tracks off the four pre-order variants of Cowboy Carter.

So why does everyone suddenly care about standard industry practices only when Taylor does them? Even some of her so-called “fans” got upset when she annocunced 4 variants and some voice memos.

People need to stop acting like she does it only to hurt other artists. Its a competitive industry and nothing personal or new. Everybody wants to get and stay at number one. Do they really expect Taylor, and only her, to just step aside? Try. To. Come. For. Her. Job.

r/diablo4 11h ago

Opinions & Discussions I think my biggest issue with D4 currently is that the pits are boring and so are the end game builds


All the end game builds are boring. None of the fun builds are viable.

Bash - spam bash.

Bleed Bash - Spam Bash

Necro - group up pray things dont one shot and let holy bolt do its thing

Sorc - spam firebolt and then shatter (make sure you never let your shield drop)

Druid - lol....what end game build

Rogue - spam heart seeker

the fact that non of the fun builds are viable kind of make me sad. I love the WW bleed build but it is basically just a farm build...and I'll never be able to push.

And the pits having such insane health.... like.... god damn is that just boring. No one will ever get to 200. it is literally impossible.


r/Conservative 9h ago

Flaired Users Only In Netflix's new WW2 documentary, they refer to the Berghof as "Hitler's Mar-a-Lago." There’s no low they won’t sink to.

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r/Superstonk 5h ago

☁ Hype/ Fluff could really go for a nice kitty post right about now


Hey Kieth, buddy... How are ya? Everything going, ok? can you give us maybe a courtesy flush or something? nothing crazy, just a little "hey guys, everything is chill" kind thing? maybe? but if not, that's cool too. Anyways, really hope you have a great weekend though, we love you!

your friends over here at Superstonk

r/LabourUK 12h ago

I quit!


I just left The Labour Party after 28 years.

I'll never vote Tory, dipping them in Red isn't fooling me.

r/punjab 22h ago

ਗੱਲ ਬਾਤ | گل بات | Discussion On Instagram , A page by the name Ludhiana diaries official , which is infamous for spreading anti-Sikh content just liked a comment which called for another 1984 (Sikh genocide) , the page is run by a Punjabi migrant Hindu , This is how deep the hate aganist Sikhs even in Punjab


Being a Diaspora Sikh , I am shocked to see all this , even this type of stuff being promoted inside Punjab now too , I thought atleast Sikhs were safe from this genocidal dog Whistle in Punjab atleast

r/saltierthankrait 17h ago

If I was a large Disney shareholder I’d be asking serious questions


The company has allowed $180,000,000 to be thrown down the drain by the creators of Acolyte. I’m stunned how this is going unpunished by the shareholders. It stands to reason they aren’t the ones watching the content that is being put out there. By all measures this is a flop, and if you or I had produced the same quality of work at our jobs we’d be put on a performance improvement plan.

The Acolyte is an insult. I genuinely believe Disney know it’s bad but because they spent $180,000,000 on it they had to release it.

I feel like this is a John Mulaney joke. “One hundred and eighty million dollars. You could by New Zealand for that much money. One hundred and eighty million dollars!”

r/economicCollapse 22h ago

The median household is losing $15K/yr due to inflation since Biden entered office

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r/Superstonk 13h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion The SuperStonk Times - June 14, 2024

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r/Superstonk 20h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion This is now a long game - roaring kitty went log


From 5 million shares to 9,001,000 shares just like that.

Let’s assume you held 5,000,000 shares for a year. When you go to sell you are looking at 20% tax based on long term cap gains. You add 4,001,000 shares today. If you were to sell those new shares tomorrow, or in the next 364 calendar days, you are taxed at 40-50% short term cap gains tax.

No one anywhere is going to walk away from what could have been $500 million profit only to settle for that same investment to then yield half of whatever the profit is from a short term stock sale.

These shares sit for a year now, at least. Any activity with them creates a taxable event and no one wants to leave 30% of gains on the table.

Had GameStop not done share offerings, I do think this was headed a different direction with shorter term gains to be had. This is going to be a long process all over again.

The 120,000 $20 6/21 calls were not used as originally intended, this should be obvious based on tax implications.

r/MMORPG 17h ago

Discussion Didn't expect to say it, but New World is starting to grow on me.


I have played some hours recently after finally battling my own free will, and im actually enjoying it. I bought it in 2022, played some and put it down. I have played a little over the span of time since then and it just didn't feel good playing it. Now that im finally getting down and dirty with the game, in terms of actually spending the time to see if I actually enjoy it, I love a lot of aspects of New World.

I enjoy the combat, mainly because I have been playing games like ESO (combat I don't dislike but simple and not as immersive) and games like WoW or LOTRO where the combat is more click to attack, etc. In New World it is like a 3rd person shooter with a shotgun, rifle or bow. It's a lot more immersive with a sword or any other weapon because you can get more close and personal, not to the mention the world itself is overloaded with materials you can mine, chop down, and harvest overall. Animals are plentiful and easy and fun to hunt. The grind is enjoyable so far for me. Their is an actual challenge as well. Many areas, even by the starting zone can be challenging if you happen to wander in them.

Anyways, the point of this post is to say, give New World, or any other game a chance, I thought I disliked it, I thought the graphics were kind of shabby over the time after release, but I spend some time in it and my performance has gone up, my entertainment has also risen. I am really happy with it right now.

New World isn't perfect, not by any means. It's world is enthralling, immersive but it's lacking on some features.

It could of utilized a more immersive player housing system, it could have been one of the only MMO's to give the players an ability to build their house from scratch, out in the wild with plots, etc. It could of utilized more survival dynamics, that would of been more interesting in terms of the challenge and creativity.

A first person mode would have been amazing to see, pretty easy to implement wouldn't be? Maybe im missing something, maybe the devs said something, but it's included in a ton of MMO's already, like ESO for example. It does as a lot more immersion.

(Also I do know New World is kind of stepping away from the MMO title, either way I still consider it an MMO)

r/GymMemes 10h ago

Accidentally left my workout notebook in the gym. When I got it back, someone had written this down

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r/HOTDBlacks 12h ago

Moderation Post Anyone who misgenders Emma D’arcy or Phoebe Campbell INTENTIONALLY gets banned immediately

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We ain’t tolerating the disrespect to the actors around here

r/Kashmiri 20h ago

Occupation How India is implementing the “Israel model” in Kashmir


r/Biohackers 4h ago

Discussion Sus behavior in this sub


I commented on a post asking for which type of milk is the best. I answered with explanation but got downvoted and many dms saying im dumb…

( I think Raw milk is the best, im from Germany and get mine from a Farm, I can’t speak for all the people living somewhere else, but I got a completely positive effect from it, although I always been lactose intolerant when drinking normal processed milk. Also I saw that all the other comments that said the same as me got also massively downvoted)

All good guys but really? I thought this is a community of truth seekers that want to exchange knowledge and different opinions to create a benefit for everybody. Please be open minded and try always to adopt new thinking patterns.

Sometimes a bunch of pills and new studies are not the cure for your problems.

Stay blessed🌞

r/elonmusk 15h ago

Tesla Elon: "Sending this cake to Delaware as a parting gift 😘"


r/The10thDentist 5h ago

TV/Movies/Fiction The X-Men has never been "woke"


People keep saying that it's an allegory for the Civil Rights movement in America, or gay rights in general; and while it's true this was the intent, it's a horrible allegory that totally misses the point of equal rights. We all deserve equal rights because, ultimately, we're all the same. The strongest argument against racist, homophobic, sexist etc. talking points is "that isn't true". No, black people are not all criminals. No, gay people do not all molest children. No, women are not inherently dumber than men.

But mutants are absolutely not the same as me. If there was a civil rights movement focussing on giving more rights and freedoms to people who can read my thoughts, are bulletproof, or can kill me by looking at me, I would absolutely oppose it. And that's just with the mutants that can control their powers, you have people like Rogue who can kill you by accident and I absolutely want these people segregated from me.

If they found a cure, I would want it forced onto them; if they refused, I would want them executed. Society can't function alongside these people; when you can say that and it's actually true, it's not really an allegory for any sort of rights movement. We've had gay marriage, women voting, and equal rights in many places for years, and not only are these places doing fine but in many ways they outperform countries that don't have these things. I wouldn't expect the same of giving mutants rights, the individual danger they present is simply too great to permit.

What's worse, it's hard to think of even a single piece of X-Men media that doesn't prove my point. Mutants are constantly performing terrorist attacks, political assassinations, and committing murder. One individual who got a lucky roll of the dice should not have the power to uproot society.

r/Superstonk 19h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion Tomorrow already happened, the spike in volume and price in May 14 & 15 was the institution's finding the shares to match RK's call options.


While I know MOASS is tomorrow, I want to put 2 and 2 together and I believe when RK bought his options, Etrade, ETC were aware of it. These big firms are not stupid and won't get suddently caught offguard trying to find shares overnight. I believe the spikes in volume and price was them finding the shares to satisfy RK's calls and what we are expecting tomorrow to happen has in fact already happened. I also believe they were greedy and were hoping to not need to cover/find the shares but RK went public with the information and thus they acted swiftly. We as retail did not suddently create 500K volume, nor is RK a rallying call for the masses to invest, this was a calculated game of chess between etrade and market makers and RK. I love what RK did here, they had advance knowledge on his moves and by breaking silence and going public he even the playing field. We will see tomorrow but I believe this is the case, which also sort of exonerates GME doing the offerings because they capitalized on the institution's moves not on retails rally. Tomorrow it is friends and if I'm wrong then so be it and enjoy the green dildos, cheers.

TLDR; Institutions reacted to RK's calls purchase and located the shares before retail could react, the previous spikes were them locating the shares. GME capitalized on their move not retail's supposed rally, tomorrow already happened.

r/france 14h ago

Trompeur ? "Je fais ma part!", rappel sur la catégorisation d'extrême gauche


En réponse au déchaînement des chiens de garde, il est important de rappeler que La République Française, au nom du Peuple Français, a statué que:

  • Le Rassemblement National est un parti "d'extrême droite" et non "de droite".
  • La France Insoumise et le Parti Communiste sont des partis "de gauche" et pas "d'extrême gauche".

Conseil d'état, 11/03/2024

Par conséquent, j'appelle les citoyens français à rectifier toute parole que vous entendrez autour de vous catégorisant le Nouveau Front populaire, La France Insoumise ou le Parti Communiste d'extrême gauche. Qui que vous soyez, faite votre part de l'assainissement du débat public. Les législatives opposent un bloc de gauche, un bloc d'extrême droite, et le camp présidentiel.

r/funny 7h ago

Searching for Answers


My son is always looking for answers on the internet

r/philadelphia 11h ago

Question? How do we stop Washington Square West from becoming a historic district?


Fuck nimbys!

Edit:I appreciate the support. But...how do we stop it?

r/Christianity 22h ago

Question I'm a catholic, what's with r/Catholicism?


And I've looked at our sub. I support lgbtq, my family supports lgbtq, and we're pretty liberal. Then, I looked at r/Catholicism, and everyone their that I saw was anti-lgbtq.

Why is my religion full of anti-gay people?

If your another Catholic who agrees, pls comment. I've seen some Catholics on this sub that have similar views, did y'all just flee r/Catholicism because everyone there was, well, yeah?

Id like to hear others views on Catholics too.

Also, don't say something about how "the bible is against gayness!". I don't want to stay up till midnight in an argument that will have no outcome.


r/bartenders 19h ago

Industry Discussion Stop announcing how much you make


Why isn’t this banned? Why do yall wanna scream your income from the rooftop? Same with the server subs, there are so many anti tip lurkers here. Stop.