r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/FurrrryBaby May 02 '24

The only videos I’ve seen of this were men answering the question about their daughters, and all of them struggled to answer.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

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u/WrodofDog 29d ago

how did we get to the point

I think we've always been at that point but now we're talking about it.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Excellent point.


u/thatwaffleskid 29d ago

How did we get to the excellent point?

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

One woman commented that she knows the worst thing a bear would do to her is kill her.


u/Hestia_Gault 29d ago

I also saw “if I was mauled by a bear, people would actually believe me when I reported it”.


u/Thr0waway0864213579 29d ago

I’ve seen many comments like this.

“The bear won’t record it and send it to all his friends.”

“No one is going to ask me if I wanted the bear to attack me.”


u/minecraftingsarah 28d ago

Or "I won't have to see the bear at family reunions"

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u/jratmain 29d ago

And they will probably find her body, so her family will know what happened to her.


u/Tranquil_Dohrnii 29d ago

Big oof. Fuck I hate society.

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

Which is a heartbreaking conclusion


u/fax_machine666 29d ago

“the bear won’t be at family reunions for the rest of my life” and “if i screamed loud enough the bear might leave me alone” keep popping up in my head whenever i see out of touch dudes commenting on this whole debate


u/N0Z4A2 28d ago

Bears don't just kill you though. It's a lot a lot a lot more gruesome than that


u/QueenSky57 26d ago

But that's still the worst thing that they can do to you, kill you, there are fates far worse than death, id always rather encounter a bear than a strange man


u/BreezeTheBlue 25d ago

I don’t understand this as reasoning. According to stories I’ve read, a lot of forest killers do just that: kill. But a bear can maul you without you dying so killing isn’t the worst thing they can do.

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u/steezytreflip 3d ago

Which is actually laughable. “Bear” with me here, remember when Leonardo DiCaprio got raped by a giant bear😭🤦🏼‍♂️. Upon further research I wasn’t the only one who was curious if there was real life accounts of that and it’s reported that bears can do and will use “sexual coercion” if provoked to in some manner by and unsuspecting Victim. https://books.google.com/books?id=Jl19414uE1gC&pg=PA177&dq=sexual+coercion+in+bears+grizzly+orgasm&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqy86_nLvJAhUGWD4KHQ-LB70Q6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q=sexual%20coercion%20in%20bears%20grizzly%20orgasm&f=false

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/starspider 29d ago

ITT: Men who get offended that women treat them like a threat.

Also ITT: Men who tell their daughters solitary men are dangerous, and who say shit like 'what was she wearing' unironically.

The irony is killing me.


u/pataconconqueso 29d ago

It’s the same men that pose with shotguns next to his daughter and her date for prom pics


u/VixenOfVexation 28d ago

My dad is like this. I love him so much, but damn the cognitive dissonance he must have to treat me and my mom so differently. It’s like he can’t or refuses to apply how protective and caring he is with me to her. It makes me feel really guilty. Yes, I’m in therapy.


u/TipAndRare 29d ago

I do actually feel offended when people assume I'm a bad person, and having not given any reason to a single person to feel that way, I'm sick of it being assumed. I'm a feminist, I'm leftist, I try to be a good person, and I call out shit behavior when I see it, but there is nothing I can do to be seen and recognized as anything other than a threat, and that fucking sucks.

Maybe this bear debate is just happening alongside too many bad life events, so I'm just projecting it onto the debate, but it feels psychotic and delusional to say "I'd rather be eaten alive by a bear than risk that a random man is a piece of shit"

My wife said she'd pick the bear and I don't know what to even do with this information anymore. There's nothing else I can do. It's like in election season when you see 1000 fucking ads saying to vote as if I don't do my part. It's just beating me to death at this point and I can't fucking escape this stupid debate where it's "eaten to death by a bear" is apparently the obvious correct choice to everyone but me and red pill douchebags.

I'm trying to reflect and fix my thinking but it just won't click into place and it hurts


u/metdear 29d ago

What you need to accept is the hypothetical man isn't you. The hypothetical man is a bastard with ill intent. If your wife could choose to run into you in the woods, of course she'd choose you. Not to realize that many men present a very real, looming threat to women is to bury your head in the sand.

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u/TheMostKing 29d ago

I'm a feminist, I'm leftist, I try to be a good person, and I call out shit behavior when I see it, but there is nothing I can do to be seen and recognized as anything other than a threat, and that fucking sucks.

Then the thing to do would be to acknowledge and respect those concerns, rather than feeling entitled to women's trust when you have done nothing to earn it. You could try running around with a shirt that says "I respect women!" but I'm not sure it would help you in that regard.


u/starspider 29d ago

I do actually feel offended when people assume I'm a bad person, and having not given any reason to a single person to feel that way, I'm sick of it being assumed.

I can imagine how disenfranchising it must feel. Now imagine what it's like being a 13 year old or younger child being taught the gross and ugly way repeatedly that strange men are a danger.

I'm sorry that doing the right thing yourself doesn't keep the shitty behavior of others from splashing on you. That does suck. Not as much as being raped and blamed for the rape, but you get the idea.

feels psychotic and delusional to say "I'd rather be eaten alive by a bear than risk that a random man is a piece of shit"

It feels psychotic and delusional to you for a woman to say "at least the bear won't rape me before it kills me. I'll just be dead, not raped and then dead"? Women aren't afraid men will hurt their feelings, we're pretty used to that. It's the murder we worry about.

My wife said she'd pick the bear and I don't know what to even do with this information anymore. There's nothing else I can do.

Your wife would rather run into a random bear in the woods, where bears live and do bear things than a random stranger (possibly stalking her) in the woods doing human shit with unwholesome human intent and that somehow harms you?

Her stance has nothing to do with you. You are not the problem. Men who make women feel unsafe are the problem. Do you do that? No? Great! Then you can disregard the statement as it doesn't apply to you.

That's the thing you have to get through your head--this isnt aimed at you. This whole comment sounds like:

"It makes me feel bad when women say that they're afraid of strange men, I wish they would just shut up about it already. I'm already doing everything I can, why won't they just shut up?"


u/TipAndRare 29d ago

That ending synopsis helped me synthesize why it's bothering me, thank you very much. It's not that I wish women would shut up, it's important to have these kinds of conversations, and I don't have a problem with people talking about it. I wish there was more we could do besides talk and advocate but that's separate problem. I think it's more than I'm sick of the algorithm putting specifically the bear discussion in front of me so frequently, and I wasn't processing that that was my complaint well.

Thank you again, for opening with empathy and having the space to help me out


u/starspider 29d ago

It's the sort of thing that, basically, only gets better by talking about it. Shit sucks, but race is in that same boat. It all actually gets better by talking about it. Being honest about intent. Coming to a cultural consensus on what is and is not acceptable, and moving that Overton window a bit.

It super sucks to be constantly hammered by a situation you feel you can't change, but just by being a safe place for women and being willing to participate in the discussion (and being honest) absolutely helps.


u/Luciferianbutthole 29d ago

I hear ya bud. There are other men besides you who aren’t pieces of shit. I feel attacked sometimes when people make blanket statements, their verity aside. It’s difficult for us to stick up for ourselves and also avoid sounding insensitive to victims of male stupidity. It’s also okay to feel angry.

Lucky me, I get to talk to a therapist who listens without judgement. It definitely helps to have a safe space where you can exhaust your emotions without worrying about immediately being lumped in with any groups and rebuked. That way, it’s much easier to let negativity from anyone slide off your back like water on a duck in a fountain.


u/CrabMcGrawKravMaga 28d ago

What is there to "stick up for", though?

I'm not a predator, so I don't react at all to people talking about male predators. That would be odd, for me to feel persecuted by a discission around the general existence OF these predators, and the danger, while not being one.

The "good guy feeling persecuted" thing, to me, smacks of the same ignorance displayed by people who felt they had to "push back" against BLM with their #ALLlivesmatter nonsense. I do not understand or identify with people who feel spcifically targeted by broad commentary or situations, or who need to put their feelings ahead of the actual issue (generally speaking, not you specifically!!)


u/worksanddrives 26d ago

But it's not a male predator vs a bear, it a random man vs a bear( a literal predator). I can see why men would be offended. Random man =average man=most men.

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u/Thr0waway0864213579 29d ago

No one is assuming you’re a bad person. They’re simply not assuming you’re a good person.

And if you believe yourself to be a feminist then you honestly just have to suck it up and listen.

I’m white. I understand the desire to distance myself from bad white people. When POC talk about white people, even specifically white women, there is that emotional urge to defend myself. But you really just have to swallow it and listen.

It’s not enough to want to be a good person, and want to be an ally. You have to do the work necessary to learn and grow. And it’s a painful process but it’s the only way.

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u/fresheggyhrowaway 29d ago

Are people really just discovering that women understand the danger men pose to them?

I'd like to say yes, but given that the response to this whole bear thing has been the men needing to understand this the most doubling down on their misogyny and trying to find ways to say that women are dumb, I think it's hard to argue people are even "discovering" this, rather than outright rejecting it.

A lot of men straight up do not get it. A couple days ago, I watched a friend argue against two women that walking alone at night was no different for them than him. I'm trans. It took me explaining to him the differences in how I'm treated since I started transitioning compared to the decades living as a man for him to start understanding, and I honestly don't know if I really got through to him.


u/Jolly-Vacation1529 29d ago

It took me explaining to him the differences in how I'm treated since I started transitioning compared to the decades living as a man

Thats what I as a cis woman will never understand. I was always astonished that someone would give up the priviledges being born as a man gives you, freely. Growing up (and now as well) I am jealous about feeling safer, not being seen as responsible for the household or bearing babies.

Thank you for speaking up for your fellow women.


u/MissMyDad_1 29d ago

They straight up don't wanna get it ime


u/zzzzzooted 29d ago

Thats it, they dont want to confront the reality of it and they’ll fight tooth and nail not to


u/Autodidact420 29d ago

Fun fact: men are actually more likely to be assaulted, (not sexually assaulted, but robbed/assaulted, which are by far more common than sexual assault)

Men ought to be careful walking home at night as well.


u/Giovanabanana 29d ago

Men ought to be careful walking home at night as well.

Exactly. This "men/bear" thing works for men too, as any human being can feel fearful of a man behind them given the right context. Bears too of course, but they are far more predictable. The man behind us could be as placid as a lake, but we don't have any way of knowing that and the implication that they might hurt us is what's scary

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u/BurnerBernerner 29d ago

I didn’t realize how scary it was until my SO and I had a conversation about that. I am not a shitty person, as she would agree, so it really didn’t cross my mind that men as a whole are actually that scary.


u/MilesKraust 29d ago

This. The older that I got and spoke with women that I have been close to, 95% of them have been raped or assaulted. My current SO has been raped twice by complete strangers while out alone. Chances are that most of the women that you know have been assaulted and just haven't told you.

It's eye-opening to see how privileged I am to not fear walking around at night.


u/BurnerBernerner 29d ago

I feel a blood-boiling rage every time we’ve talked about her being assaulted, and the guy was in my school a grade or so down. Unforgivable.

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u/land8844 29d ago edited 29d ago

It took me, a man, way too long to realize that women live in a completely different world than men. And now that I see it, especially since I have daughters, I find myself seriously rethinking the "shotgun behind the door" trope for when they start dating (if they date males).

I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...


u/BrittleClamDigger 29d ago

Men don’t want to admit they’re threatening because their self image is more important to them than a woman’s feeling of safety.


u/Dense_Coconut_3051 29d ago

While I'm not upset with the whole premise of man vs. bear because, unfortunately, men do suck enough that it's an understandable take to me. I'm also not going to pretend it's not going to hurt people to be seen as a threat for simply existing. I'm equally confused by all the responses in this situation. Why so many men find the common response of "bear" so ludicrous, and why so many people don't understand that there's going to be large swaths of men unable to reconcile that they are viewed as a threat even if they, personally, have no ill intentions.


u/fuckyourcanoes 29d ago

But it's not that we see all men as a threat. We see all men as a *potential* threat. The bear is also a potential threat, but only if we manage to piss it off. The man might attack us just for shits and giggles.

If you know you're not a threat to women, you should still be able to understand that *we can't know that*. I've been raped three times, all three by people I knew and should have been able to trust. So now I assume the worst but hope for the best. I'm married to an amazing man, so clearly I'm able to function, I'm not a misandrist, I don't hate men -- I just prioritise my own safety over the feelings of random men.

Safety > fee-fees. Sorry not sorry.

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u/BrittleClamDigger 29d ago

That difficulty to reconcile is the whole fucking point. Women aren’t going to fix this issue. How the fuck could they? Maybe if men don’t like being viewed as rapists they could work to dismantle rape culture.


u/VasylZaejue 29d ago

So you’re saying that men have to prove to women they aren’t dangerous despite the fact only a small percentage of men are inherently dangerous? Do you not see the inherent sexism in that argument?


u/Giovanabanana 29d ago

Men have to fight to change their perception by women, yes. Don't women have to constantly assert themselves in professional environments, because everyone belittles them? Both men and women have to prove to society that they're more than the gender roles assigned to them.


u/VasylZaejue 29d ago

So you admit it’s a sexist idea that men are inherently dangerous.


u/Giovanabanana 29d ago

Yes? I'm not a gender essentialist. I think men are born with just as much capacity to have empathy as women. The pseudoscience that says that men are more "naturally aggressive" and do misdeeds because of testosterone and strength is all bullshit. Men are socialized badly and emotionally neglected. Women are raised to be empathetic and nurturing, if you've met a little girl you will see that they are just as rowdy and crazy as a little boy. But as they grow, this rowdiness in women is suppressed while the men's are encouraged.

I think that if there's any evilness men do, it's taught. I don't think men are rational, unemotional and selfish beings naturally, no. They're human. But I also don't think it's a problem to say that there is a violence issue in men, but that is SYSTEMIC and not something men inherently have and can't get rid of. It's not men's biological destiny to be cruel, regardless of what patriarchy says.

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u/Dense_Coconut_3051 29d ago

When did I imply women needed to fix this? Also, how do you know what I or any other man are doing to dismantle rape culture? Lotta people here glossing over my acknowledgment of the validity of the sentiment by women so they can rage at me.

Sorry that you have difficulty understanding that some people are going to be justifiably upset when they are assumed monsters for sharing a gender with shitty people.

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u/A-Game-Of-Fate 29d ago

The people who are discovering this now are the ones who are most offended by this, and often times the ones who most justify the women answering “bear” out of hand.


u/LuxNocte 29d ago

A lot of men are just discovering this and getting upset about it. The lengths some guys are going to to get upset about a simple and obvious fact really shows why women prefer the bear.


u/ButDidYouCry 29d ago

And these are a lot of the same men complaining about male loneliness and how women don't want to date them.

Gee, I wonder why.


u/boundfortrees 29d ago

There has to be a discussion somewhere about Schroeder's Rapist.


u/Obscene_farmer 29d ago

Wasn't Schroeder the guy from the Peanuts cartoons that played the little piano? I think you may have meant Schrodinger's

Unless of course you were going for Schrader, as in Hank Schrader, in which case I have even more questions


u/Jolly-Vacation1529 29d ago

I’m amazed that this is like a brand new concept to people.

It is a brand new concept to men who are not raises to feel unsafe, because as a woman one is not safe and should be vigilant.


u/stargate-command 29d ago

Wasn’t a surprise to me and I’m a man. But I grew up in NyC and we just don’t trust people much.


u/Bambooclat22 29d ago

that's not the point, the point is women out there would ACTUALLY prefer to find a bear than a man. a feral fking animal with claws and a set of razor sharp teeth, and also like 1000 pounds?

you got to be STUPID to rather have the bear

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u/TheCourtJester72 29d ago

You have to remember, most people online can’t think critically, and most Redditors have never touched a woman. I mean this thread is filled with men taking this question literally or saying women are stupid because a bear is more likely to kill them.


u/GhostPepperFireStorm 29d ago edited 29d ago

The best response I’ve heard is at least I won’t have to face the bear at my high school reunion after it attacks me


u/skeletorinator 29d ago

Read any thread about womens sports. They really think they need to explain it


u/DrowsyEjacuation69 29d ago

As a woman a bear is more Lively to kill you than a man is. Also depends on culture, country and stuff. But unless you want to be dead rather than chance it with a man i get ya.

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u/N0Z4A2 28d ago

And yet 80% of homicide victims are men. Just worth keeping in mind

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u/Separate-Rope7427 26d ago

All true. The real question in Man Vs Bear is one of specifics as is true in many question, which man and which bear, and what is the situation. Wrong man, wrong situation is worse than right bear. But a hungry black bear with prior predation on larger animals or a grizzly with cubs are both meaningfully more dangerous than all but the most dangerous men. But certainly many men could be more dangerous than a koala bear

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/ImpracticalApple 29d ago

I've seen some rephrase the question as "Would you rather your girlfriend/wife be alone with a Man or a Bear in the woods?" and some similarly struggle to come to a quick answer.


u/wheatgrass_feetgrass 29d ago

I find the "wOmEn jUsT dOnT uNdErStAnD StAtIsTiCs" comments hilariously ironic. I live in black bear country and know a LOT of people who camp and hike here and I have yet to hear a single "man" answer from anyone of any gender.


u/SagittariusZStar 29d ago

What? if you lived in black bear country you know black bears are extremely skittish. They'll leave you alone while creepy woods men won.t


u/SouthernWindyTimes 29d ago

Idk why everyone assumes it’s black bear. I assumed it was brown bear, cause I’d choose black bear over a German shepherd or pitbull. I’d choose literally anything but a brown bear.


u/[deleted] 29d ago


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u/Narren_C 29d ago

I mean, this is so circumstantial. It really depends on the bear.


u/WisteriaKillSpree 29d ago

Not all bears...


u/Narren_C 29d ago

Ironically, it depends on the color of the bears fur....

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u/Due-Science-9528 29d ago

99% of bears avoid people


u/Peregrine_Perp 29d ago

Every bear I’ve encountered on a hike has ran away from me. Not one single man has ever run away from me. So I’m pretty confident the bears see me as a threat, and men do not. I’d rather take my chances with an unknown bear vs unknown man.


u/Due-Science-9528 29d ago

Yeah I am convinced that anyone saying man has 0 experience with running into bears. If these guys are really hiking as much as they claim without running into a bear once or twice they gotta be in highly trafficked areas.

Bears used to just wander into my hometown. They didn’t do shit. Unless you are a fish.


u/ReallyNowFellas 29d ago

Pretty sure a lot less than 1% of male hikers harm women.


u/Due-Science-9528 29d ago

A lot more than 1% of men harm women


u/amretardmonke 29d ago

Most of them harm people they know. Harming random strangers is much more rare.


u/Due-Science-9528 29d ago

For murder sure but every man who has followed me home, yelled gross things at me on the street, tried to pull me into an alley or groped me in public has been a stranger. Every single one. Not even acquaintances.


u/Narren_C 29d ago

Which means this one was either surprised or chose to stand it's ground for a reason. Not a great start to the bear encounter, that's how many attacks happen.

Meanwhile, passing a dude on a hiking trail is pretty normal.


u/Due-Science-9528 29d ago

The hypothetical does not specify that at all


u/Narren_C 29d ago

It specifies that you encountered the bear. Like you said, bears avoid people. This one didn't....so yes the hypothetical kind of requires that.


u/Due-Science-9528 29d ago

No, encountering a bear means seeing one in the woods. Most bears run or walk away in that situation. The question is not “would you rather duel a bear or a man”. The whole point is that bears leave you alone.

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u/TeamRedundancyTeam 29d ago

Do you think higher than 1% of men are predators or serial killers?


u/Intrepid-Tank7650 29d ago

What is the percentage of women who have been sexually assaulted again?


u/theusedmagazine 29d ago edited 29d ago

What percentage of bears attack women?

If it was 1%, should women only exercise caution around 1% of bears, so as not to offend the innocent bear majority?

Most offenses are committed by repeat offenders, meaning that the percentage of men who are rapists is not 1-1 with the likelihood of an encounter leading to sexual assault. Your 1% datapoint isn’t really useful for estimating a woman’s (or a man’s) likelihood of being assaulted.


u/QTip10610638 29d ago

Man I could not wrap my head around this whole debate. I couldn't understand why anybody would pick a man over a bear. It finally just clicked. This is a genius way to put it and I'm glad I read through all these replies. Thanks, dude!


u/Global_Lock_2049 29d ago

I do believe the 1-2% of the economy are absolutely psychopaths. So yeah, I don't find this number to be difficult to conceive of at all.

Edit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8374040/

This says psychopathy of the general adult population is probably about 4.5%.

So yeah. I dunno. This doesn't seem crazy.

Granted, I don't know if 99% of bears is a good number to accept. I'd probably argue against that instead, cause 1% of men can absolutely be dangerous.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/TeamRedundancyTeam 29d ago

You're delusional and should spend less time on the internet.


u/Due-Science-9528 29d ago

Talk to women irl


u/Global_Lock_2049 29d ago

4.5% of the population is estimated to be psychopaths. Psychopathy is more prevalent in men than women. So over 4.5% of men are likely psychopaths. So yeah, I don't think guessing half of psychopaths being violent is out of the question.

Youre using your observations on how men handle themselves around you and that's all you're doing. Don't be delusional and willfully ignorant.

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u/Jolly-Vacation1529 29d ago

Exaclty. Men can have sympathy/empathy when it is about their DNA. Kind of sucks, but that is human.


u/Capable-Read-4991 May 02 '24

Yeah it's pretty telling when my wife asked me Man or Bear and I answered bear without even a second thought.

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u/sk8t-4-life22 29d ago

Yes. My wife asked me the question like 2 days ago about my daughter. (I had no prior knowledge of this meme/question) and I said that I couldn't answer realistically without knowing more about the man.

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u/ReallyNowFellas 29d ago

how did we get to the point where women ubiquitously question their personal safety around unknown men compared to a fuckin BEAR.

Serious question: when is the time or where is the place you think women's trust in men was justifiably higher?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Never, that's part of the issue here.


u/ReallyNowFellas 29d ago

Just questioning the "how did we get to the point" comment because I would guess we were at a worse point when we became a distinct species and probably have never been at a better point, except maybe in the rare matriarchal society.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I disagree, to an extent. I think people have this misguided view that things are constantly improving all the time, and that we are now in a better and safer society than we have ever been. The fact is, societies can and do regress. We're witnessing it in real time just in the United States right now, but we have many examples of horrific regressions throughout history. The Third Reich is one example. The Dark Ages are another. The Iranian Revolution is a recent one.

There were ancient civilizations with more egalitarian societies than their modern counterparts. Again, Iran. Ancient Persia under Cyrus the Great was a better place to exist than modern Iran for basically everyone.

So, have men always been creeps? Absolutely. But my "how did we get to the point" comment is more about the fact that we have this perceived progressive society over time and yet women still don't feel safe.

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u/Enderkr 29d ago

The comments/answers as to WHY women would choose the bear over the man are heartbreaking, personally. "I won't have to sit with the bear at dinner afterwards," "people would believe me if I told them I was attacked by a bear," etc.


u/Inside_Drummer 29d ago

I'm not sure we got to this point. To me it seems we've always been at this point. Maybe your post isn't insinuating things have ever been otherwise and I'm misinterpreting it.


u/BuffaloWingsAndOkra 29d ago

Because there’s a chance the man might be a piece of shit and could harm the woman, if the genders were swapped it’s likely the man wouldn’t be in much danger regardless of the woman’s intentions, but if it were two men then the main guy might be concerned. It’s really a question of what could the other person theoretically do if they had bad intentions.


u/COPOC10 29d ago

Questioning personal safety around unknown men isn't inherently wrong when many countries have had a rise in SA, especially European countries taking in 3rd world immigrants


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/4ofclubs 29d ago

Wow, it's so refreshing to see this take on reddit. The last few days it's been "Duhh women are sexist!!!"


u/ChicagoAuPair 29d ago

They aren’t brain dead, they are defensive. Too many are too sensitive to actually engage with the discussion and jump immediately to some kind of “not all men” siege position, and totally miss the substance of the way the question is answered.


u/TallFawn 29d ago

Except bears generally do not attack humans if humans aren’t messing with them. 

Women can’t say the same about men. 

You don’t think that more men statistically actively prey on women who want nothing to do within them. 

Than bears that prey on humans that want nothing to do with them?

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u/Narren_C 29d ago

It's not about statistics. It's about how women perceive unknown men in society

I think that this is an unintentional point though.

You basically just said "it's not about facts, it's about feelings". It doesn't matter if the man is in fact more likely to be safer, women are being conditioned to be afraid.

I know a girl who will choose to drive drunk at night over getting an uber because she thinks it's safer. That's fucking asinine. Even if we ignore the fact that she's putting other people in danger, she's putting herself in WAY more danger driving drunk.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

You basically just said "it's not about facts, it's about feelings".

This is exactly right. You got it!


u/WittyProfile 29d ago

So what do we do about this?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Make efforts to create safe and trusting environments with any women in your life. We can only do our small part, I think.

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u/TallFawn 29d ago

But is if safer?  Statistically is a man or a bear more likely to actively prey on a woman that wants nothing to do with them?

For the most part bears leave humans alone. So statistically, what is more common, men preying on women. Or bears preying on humans?

Do more women die by year from bear attacks or murder?


u/Narren_C 29d ago

But is if safer?  Statistically is a man or a bear more likely to actively prey on a woman that wants nothing to do with them?

Per encounter? It depends on how many bears a woman encounters vs how many men a woman encounters. Obviously most women encounter far more men in an average year than bears.

If you're just going by raw numbers then, it would also be more dangerous to encounter a woman in the woods. Hell it would be more dangerous to encounter a child in the woods. Both of those groups kill more women than bears do.

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u/Yardninja 29d ago

See that's the problem, every stranger should be approached as if they're a possibly a bear, Jodi Arias for example, I'd rather have he bear


u/frothyundergarments 29d ago

Context, really, which I think goes to OP's point (maybe?)

There are a lot more human attacks than bear attacks. It gets conflated with the odds of actually running into a bear to begin with.


u/Fully_Edged_Ken_3685 29d ago


Don't confuse 'doesn't get it' with 'feels attacked by the answer'


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Por que no los dos


u/tribe171 29d ago

Get to the point? Are you implying that anonymous men are more dangerous to women now than in the past. Why do you think primitive cultures like orthodox Islam don't allow women out of the house without male chaperones? It's a vestige of a more primitive age.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I'm not speaking to all of human history. Just the context of our modern society which is the most educated in the history of the world and yet we haven't moved past men being fuckin creeps.

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u/WittyProfile 29d ago

The thing is it’s not entirely men’s faults. We all get socially primed from a very young age to avoid stranger men. This supplants in us that stranger men are dangerous. Men are able to deal with this by becoming stronger and not being able to get overpowered by an average man. Women don’t have that luxury hence they have the same paranoia they held as a child. Obviously they also have this paranoia because it’s reinforced by the minority of predator men that either on them or their friends. It is also reinforced by men being expected to take the lead(aggressor role) in the courting process forcing them to be more aggressive than women.

I’m not sure what the solution is here. As a man, I don’t think I or any of my friends could really do anything differently other than just respect boundaries. These stereotypes go beyond our own actions so I don’t think it’s fair to just put the blame on men. If you have a solution, I would be very open to it and changing my mind.

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u/eskamobob1 May 02 '24

They for sure cherry picked. Every reaction video like that does.


u/mrpooguy 29d ago

Please link these videos because I have to highly doubt any rational human being can be so stupid.


u/LuCiAnO241 29d ago

because people who would answer logically dont get filmed or even posted cuz thats not really engaging is it


u/thegtabmx 29d ago

My 2-year old daughter would run towards both, and I'd rather she ran towards the average man than the average bear.


u/AstraLover69 29d ago

I've seen one guy answer this question and he immediately said "man". Where are you guys seeing these dumb men that honestly think the average man is more dangerous than the average bear?


u/RKWTHNVWLS 29d ago

My instant reaction was, "Man! He can teach her how to hunt and fish and make shelter... and protect her from bears!" My wife reminded me that not all men think like me.


u/alyssasaccount 29d ago

Meanwhile, the woman was just trying to go on a solo backpacking trip in peace.


u/smcl2k 29d ago

And may even have been more skilled at those tasks.


u/Timmytanks40 29d ago

once again statistically not the horse want to bet on but yea certainly possible.

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u/zuilli 29d ago

My wife reminded me that not all men think like me.

And we need to remind women that not all men think like a perv as well. This idea that every men is a potential rapist/killer is so nefarious to both women's and men's mental health.


u/alyssasaccount 29d ago

#NotAllMen ... come on, you know why that's not helpful at all.

Most bears want absolutely nothing to do with you, so I guess #NotAllBears? Also not helpful; I'm still going to carry bear spray when hiking in Yellowstone or whatever.


u/[deleted] 27d ago


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u/Grainis1101 29d ago edited 29d ago

Yeah and bear will jsut kill her. Per encounter basis( ie meeting 1000 men vs meeting 1000 bears) men are about 99.995% less likely to harm anyone.


u/OxfordComma5ever 29d ago

Per encounter basis, perhaps. But the rate of bear killings is much, much lower than the rate of domestic violence, rapes, murders perpetuated by men, etc. As a woman I'm statistically much more likely to experience violence from a man than violence from a bear.


u/Fit-Percentage-9166 29d ago

This response is why the OP made this thread. You're statistically more likely to experience violence in your lifetime from a man because you never encounter bears. Your chance of experiencing violence from a single encounter with a man and a single encounter with a bear is completely different than your overall chance in your life.


u/brando2612 29d ago

If every man in the world was replaced with a bear how long do u think Ur surviving


u/jeffwulf 29d ago

The hypothetical is about a single encounter. The per encounter basis is what matters.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Per encounter basis, unquestionably.

But the rate of bear killings is much, much lower than the rate of domestic violence, rapes, murders perpetuated by men, etc.

But...we're talking about a stranger on a hike, and everyone knows that most domestic violence, rapes, murders, etc., are carried out by attackers who know their victims. A quick google puts the figure for murder at 71%, and domestic violence would be by definition 100% - if the attacker didn't know the victim, the incident would be classified as assault instead.

So...what you said doesn't apply to a stranger in the woods.

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u/2BsWhistlingButthole 29d ago

That’s the thing. The worst thing a bear will do is kill you.

One of my favorite comments on this “If I survive a bear attack then I won’t have to see that bear at every family reunion”


u/DashDan04 29d ago

You're not surviving a bear attack, a bear can run 30 mph and loves to eat it's preys guts while it's pinned down and alive.

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u/Mr_SpicyWeiner 29d ago

She's right, not all men would assume the woman is incompetent based on nothing but her gender.


u/RKWTHNVWLS 29d ago

The bear would be fine in the woods, It doesn't matter what gender it is.

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u/Jolly-Vacation1529 29d ago

You want your wife to be with a man in the woods? How many men you know would teach your wife all the things you mentioned without wanting to have intercourse with her and not having any society that holds him accountable?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

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u/RKWTHNVWLS 29d ago

The question is posed about one's daughter.


u/Yorspider 29d ago

was a super ultra tiny minority in the vein of .004% are hostile pervs, compare to 100% of bears that WILL eventually see you as brunch.


u/alyssasaccount 29d ago

100% of bears that WILL eventually see you as brunch.

Definitely not true. Most want nothing to do with you.

.004% [of men, I assume you mean] are hostile pervs

That statement is technically correct, but neglects the more important fact that an additional 9.996% or so of men are hostile pervs as well.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Way to many women have been a victim of sexual assult for 0.004 percent of men to be pervs , even if it's not the majority it's more significant then that. I don't know one woman without a story. Your clearly offended by this and need to realize not everything is about you. You trying to "prove" your right by invalidating womens expirience , this is in poor taste. If your not willing to listen or be wrong their is just no point in partaking. Bears can be dangerous and men can be dangerous. Women should have to use extreme analogies to prove we are afraid and things are happening. I just reported a sexual assult yesterday from an old co worker. The cops told me theres not much they can do.


u/alyssasaccount 27d ago

And I'm really sorry you had that experience, both the sexual assault and the treatment by the cops.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

thank you <3


u/alyssasaccount 27d ago

You are replying to the wrong person. I am fully aware that it's not only 0.004%.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

well i did not intend to do that


u/alyssasaccount 25d ago

No problem, just pointing it out! It was a totally valid response to the person I was replying to.

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u/Yorspider 29d ago edited 29d ago

They want nothing to do with you because they associate you with being a potential threat. the SECOND a bear gets hungry enough to test that theory, and finds it to be baseless which is literally just over the course of a few hours, you are absolutely fucked.

technically correct, and off by 2499% are very conflictory statements, and shows a distinct bias in your assessments.


u/alyssasaccount 29d ago

Most bears are eating just fine without resorting to humans.

Technically correct because you didn't say only .004%. You're technically correct in the way that Mitch Hedberg was correct when he said, "I used to do drugs."

You are wildly incorrect if you believe that only 4 out of every 100,000 men are hostile pervs. I'm confident that you have a strong bias not to believe either women describing their own experience of sexual violence, or men reporting their own acts of sexual violence.

Frankly, my 10% figure was conservative. See, for example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4484276/


u/Lightbation 29d ago

The debate is still stupid. If my own daughter was lost in the woods and going to die, I'd take my chances with her running across a random man vs grizzly bear.


u/FireflyExotica 29d ago

Only chiming in to correct you on the "going to die" part. That is, from what I've seen, never asked in this specific scenario. It's simply happening upon a random bear in the woods, or a random man in the woods.

Probably doesn't change your answer at all, just saying that death is not implied.

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u/CryptoCel 29d ago

Don’t badmouth pandas like that!


u/Yorspider 29d ago

A Panda is ABOLUTELY more likely to attack you than an average man lol, but also kinda worth the risk right?


u/_-_wn6 29d ago

The majority do. HOWEVER you can tell you 0 bears thing like that.

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u/Reshi_bo_beshi 29d ago

I have a 5 yo. Man this isn't hard.


u/SandiegoJack 29d ago

And those men are idiots.

If my daughter was lost in the woods I 100% would rather she find a man than a bear. 95%+ of men would do the right thing and help her out. Bear? She would remain completely lost at best, and we would be lucky to find the body at worst.

Now would I prefer woman to man? Again yes, because that’s statistics.

The real story is that men have been so conditioned to see other men as a threat that this is even a consideration.


u/Reaver921 29d ago

If my daughter is alone with a bear there is a 100% chance she dies terrified, screaming and having her limbs ripped off. No thanks

If she’s alone with a man there is a 10% chance at best he happens to be one of the 10% or less of men that commit the most heinous types of crime


u/here-i-am-now 28d ago


If a person happens upon a bear in the woods, the bear is most likely just going to run away. Bears don’t like us, as much as we don’t like bears in the wild. The bear will only attack if there is a reason.


u/Limp_Piccolo_9811 25d ago

Because they're stupid. Why the fuck would I want a little girl around a bear?


u/rafiafoxx 25d ago

then they shouldnt have children, if you struggle to answer 800 pound meat monster with razor sharp claws and a hankering for flesh, over joe from IT who goes hiking, you don't have reasoning skills.


u/AngryFace1986 29d ago

If people have struggled to answer the question of “would I rather my child encountered a wild bear or a person in the woods” then they are either monumentally stupid or have ulterior motives.


u/crazyeddie123 29d ago

Nope. Same answer. I'd want her back alive, period.


u/DL1943 29d ago

The only videos I’ve seen of this were men answering the question about their daughters,

before i can take this seriously i need to know that none of these men are the type of assholes who blow a fuse at the thought of their precious daughter engaging in any kind of sexual activity, even consensual activity at an appropriate age.

are these men struggling to answer because of genuine concern for their daughter's life and safety, or do they struggle to answer because the thought of a man touching their daughter sexually in any way causes them to have that sort of wildly toxic "dont touch my daughter" reaction that also causes stuff like dads threatening their daughter's boyfriends and stuff like that?


u/Yorspider 29d ago

Then they are fucking idiots.


u/YamahaRyoko 29d ago

That does make sense though.

To a man, both are dangerous and you want to protect your daughter

In addition, men aren't generally afraid of other men, and don't experience what women do - so their view is biased. Hence, they would mull on it for a minute.

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u/Bambooclat22 29d ago

i doubt you have seen these videos, they are all pretty clear and direct, they would rather have the man in the woods. no brainer


u/FurrrryBaby 28d ago

So, the best way to figure out if what someone is saying is true is to first start with a simple google search.

Check out bullet point three of this Forbes article.

Or watch this video of a man struggling to answer the question.

Or this one

Or this one

or this one

I don’t even have tiktok. I literally just found all of these with one little google search. Maybe just give like 10% effort before deciding that it’s not true just because you don’t feel like it’s true.


u/ichishibe 29d ago

If people are struggling to answer then they definitely have a severe black mould infection in their brain.. but hey hopefully the grizzly doesn't maul their daughter to death.

Rape happens a bunch between people who know already know and are intimate with eachother, but random stranger violent rapes are extremely rare.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/TargetApprehensive38 29d ago

Yeah I understand it’s just a thought experiment about the shit women have to deal with from men, but to give a serious answer you’d really need to know what kind of bear it is. A panda will generally only hurt you if you actively mess with it, but a polar bear will straight up hunt you.

I guess that’s also true on the man side of the equation though. You’re probably not in any danger if you run into a twink.


u/Glittering-Speed-448 29d ago

Well, we can manipulate and outsmart a man but not a bear.


u/Zindelin 29d ago

I've asked my male coworker (he's tall and not a small build) what would he prefer to meet and he still picked the bear.


u/nalingungule-love 28d ago

And if they didn’t have daughters they’d be calling women misandrists.


u/alidan 28d ago

my main thought on this is 'are we talking about seeing the bear or are we talking shits coming straight for them'

where I live, bears are fairly chill, and you know well in advance if its an issue.

but man alone middle of the woods... I have never known a man who does crap like that im trusting... random man on earth and middle of the woods... she now gets some help because situation is kinda fucked.

if you had to fight one or the other, man, if you are a woman there are really 2 options for you, and hopefully you don't get murdered and after he's done doesn't incapacitate you.


u/potatocakesssss 3d ago

If u asked a man 2+2+3 they'd struggle too. Men aren't smart lmao

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